## 1. Shell Basics:
-| Symbol | Definition |
+| Command | Definition |
| `.` | a single period refers to the current directory |
| `..` | a double period refers to the directory immediately above the current directory |
## 2. Creating Things:
### a) How to create new files and directories..
-`mkdir ./dirname` | makes a new directory called dirname below the current directory. _Note:_ Windows users will need to use `\` instead of `/` for the path separator
-`nano filename` | if `filename` does not exist, `nano` creates it and opens the `nano` text editor. If the file exists, `nano` opens it. _Note:_ _(i)_ You can use a different text editor if you like. In gnome Linux, `gedit` works really well too. _(ii)_ `nano` (or `gedit`) create text files. It doesn't matter what the file extension is (or if there is one)
+| Command | Definition |
+| `mkdir ./dirname` | makes a new directory called dirname below the current directory. _Note:_ Windows users will need to use `\` instead of `/` for the path separator |
+| `nano filename` | if `filename` does not exist, `nano` creates it and opens the `nano` text editor. If the file exists, `nano` opens it. _Note:_ _(i)_ You can use a different text editor if you like. In gnome Linux, `gedit` works really well too. _(ii)_ `nano` (or `gedit`) create text files. It doesn't matter what the file extension is (or if there is one) |
### b) How to delete files and directories...
#### _Remember that deleting is forever. There is NO going back_