b - toggle folding of message bodies
c - toggle folding of citations
h - toggle folding of extra header lines
+ i - toggle folding of signatures
m - compose a new message
r - reply to the message
- s - toggle folding of signatures
+ s - enter search criteria
q - return to search display
? - reveal the message and thread IDs of what's under cursor
^] - search using word under cursor
\ '<C-N>': ':call <SID>NM_show_next(1, 0)<CR>',
\ '<C-]>': ':call <SID>NM_search_expand(''<cword>'')<CR>',
\ 'q': ':call <SID>NM_kill_this_buffer()<CR>',
+ \ 's': ':call <SID>NM_search_prompt()<CR>',
\ 'b': ':call <SID>NM_show_fold_toggle(''b'', ''bdy'', !g:notmuch_show_fold_bodies)<CR>',
\ 'c': ':call <SID>NM_show_fold_toggle(''c'', ''cit'', !g:notmuch_show_fold_citations)<CR>',
\ 'h': ':call <SID>NM_show_fold_toggle(''h'', ''hdr'', !g:notmuch_show_fold_headers)<CR>',
- \ 's': ':call <SID>NM_show_fold_toggle(''s'', ''sig'', !g:notmuch_show_fold_signatures)<CR>',
+ \ 'i': ':call <SID>NM_show_fold_toggle(''s'', ''sig'', !g:notmuch_show_fold_signatures)<CR>',
\ 'a': ':call <SID>NM_show_archive_thread()<CR>',
\ 'A': ':call <SID>NM_show_mark_read_then_archive_thread()<CR>',