if os.path.isdir(PROFILE_PATH):
profiledir = PROFILE_PATH
- if "PORTAGE_CALLER" in os.environ and os.environ["PORTAGE_CALLER"] == "emerge" and os.access(DEPRECATED_PROFILE_FILE, os.R_OK):
- deprecatedfile = open(DEPRECATED_PROFILE_FILE, "r")
- dcontent = deprecatedfile.readlines()
- deprecatedfile.close()
- newprofile = dcontent[0]
- writemsg(red("\n!!! Your current profile is deprecated and not supported anymore.\n"))
- writemsg(red("!!! Please upgrade to the following profile if possible:\n"))
- writemsg(8*" "+green(newprofile)+"\n")
- if len(dcontent) > 1:
- writemsg("To upgrade do the following steps:\n")
- for myline in dcontent[1:]:
- writemsg(myline)
- writemsg("\n\n")
+def deprecated_profile_check():
+ if not os.access(DEPRECATED_PROFILE_FILE, os.R_OK):
+ return False
+ deprecatedfile = open(DEPRECATED_PROFILE_FILE, "r")
+ dcontent = deprecatedfile.readlines()
+ deprecatedfile.close()
+ newprofile = dcontent[0]
+ writemsg(red("\n!!! Your current profile is deprecated and not supported anymore.\n"))
+ writemsg(red("!!! Please upgrade to the following profile if possible:\n"))
+ writemsg(8*" "+green(newprofile)+"\n")
+ if len(dcontent) > 1:
+ writemsg("To upgrade do the following steps:\n")
+ for myline in dcontent[1:]:
+ writemsg(myline)
+ writemsg("\n\n")
+ return True
if os.path.exists(USER_VIRTUALS_FILE):
writemsg(red("\n!!! /etc/portage/virtuals is deprecated in favor of\n"))