--- /dev/null
+auths/spa: fix for CVE-2020-12783
+This is a combined patch of git commits:
+leaving out whitespace noise for a smaller patch
+and made it apply to the 4.93 release
+modified paths because Exim dists differ in layout from the git repo
+Fix SPA authenticator, checking client-supplied data before using it. Bug 2571
+Rework SPA fix to avoid overflows. Bug 2571
+--- a/src/auths/auth-spa.c
++++ b/src/auths/auth-spa.c
+@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ int
+ /* base 64 to raw bytes in quasi-big-endian order, returning count of bytes */
+ {
+ int len = 0;
+- register uschar digit1, digit2, digit3, digit4;
++ uschar digit1, digit2, digit3, digit4;
+ if (in[0] == '+' && in[1] == ' ')
+ in += 2;
+--- a/src/auths/spa.c
++++ b/src/auths/spa.c
+@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ SPAAuthChallenge challenge;
+ SPAAuthResponse response;
+ SPAAuthResponse *responseptr = &response;
+ uschar msgbuf[2048];
+-uschar *clearpass;
++uschar *clearpass, *s;
++unsigned off;
+ /* send a 334, MS Exchange style, and grab the client's request,
+ unless we already have it via an initial response. */
+@@ -194,9 +195,19 @@ that causes failure if the size of msgbuf is exceeded. ****/
+ {
+ int i;
+- char *p = ((char*)responseptr) + IVAL(&responseptr->uUser.offset,0);
++ char * p;
+ int len = SVAL(&responseptr->uUser.len,0)/2;
++ if ( (off = IVAL(&responseptr->uUser.offset,0)) >= sizeof(SPAAuthResponse)
++ || len >= sizeof(responseptr->buffer)/2
++ || (p = (CS responseptr) + off) + len*2 >= CS (responseptr+1)
++ )
++ {
++ DEBUG(D_auth)
++ debug_printf("auth_spa_server(): bad uUser spec in response\n");
++ return FAIL;
++ }
+ if (len + 1 >= sizeof(msgbuf)) return FAIL;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ {
+@@ -245,12 +256,16 @@ spa_smb_nt_encrypt(clearpass, challenge.challengeData, ntRespData);
+ /* compare NT hash (LM may not be available) */
+-if (memcmp(ntRespData,
+- ((unsigned char*)responseptr)+IVAL(&responseptr->ntResponse.offset,0),
+- 24) == 0)
+- /* success. we have a winner. */
+- {
++off = IVAL(&responseptr->ntResponse.offset,0);
++if (off >= sizeof(SPAAuthResponse) - 24)
++ {
++ DEBUG(D_auth)
++ debug_printf("auth_spa_server(): bad ntRespData spec in response\n");
++ return FAIL;
++ }
++s = (US responseptr) + off;
++if (memcmp(ntRespData, s, 24) == 0)
+ return auth_check_serv_cond(ablock);
+- }
+ /* Expand server_condition as an authorization check (PH) */