for k in range(n) :
Xa.append(sum([x*exp(-j*2*pi*k*m/n) for x,m in zip(xs,range(n))]))
if k < len(Xs):
- assert (Xs[k]-Xa[k])/abs(Xa[k]) < 1e-6, \
- "rfft mismatch on element %d: %g != %g, relative error %g" \
- % (k, Xs[k], Xa[k], (Xs[k]-Xa[k])/abs(Xa[k]))
+ if (Xs[k]-Xa[k])/abs(Xa[k]) >= 1e-6:
+ raise ValueError(
+ ('rfft mismatch on element {}: {} != {}, relative error {}'
+ ).format(k, Xs[k], Xa[k], (Xs[k]-Xa[k])/abs(Xa[k])))
# Which should satisfy the discrete form of Parseval's theorem
# n-1 n-1
- # SUM |x_m|^2 = 1/n SUM |X_k|^2.
+ # SUM |x_m|^2 = 1/n SUM |X_k|^2.
# m=0 k=0
timeSum = sum([abs(x)**2 for x in xs])
freqSum = sum([abs(X)**2 for X in Xa])
- assert abs(freqSum/float(n) - timeSum)/timeSum < 1e-6, \
- "Mismatch on Parseval's, %g != 1/%d * %g" % (timeSum, n, freqSum)
+ if abs(freqSum/float(n) - timeSum)/timeSum >= 1e-6:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Mismatch on Parseval's, {} != 1/{} * {}".format(
+ timeSum, n, freqSum))
def _test_rfft_suite() :
- print "Test numpy rfft definition"
+ print('Test numpy rfft definition')
xs = [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1]
_test_rfft(xs, rfft(xs))
def unitary_rfft(data, freq=1.0) :
- """
- Compute the Fourier transform of real data.
+ """Compute the Fourier transform of real data.
Unitary (preserves power [Parseval's theorem]).
If the units on your data are Volts,
and your sampling frequency is in Hz,
then freq_axis will be in Hz,
nsamps = floor_pow_of_two(len(data))
# Which should satisfy the discrete form of Parseval's theorem
# n-1 n-1
- # SUM |x_m|^2 = 1/n SUM |X_k|^2.
+ # SUM |x_m|^2 = 1/n SUM |X_k|^2.
# m=0 k=0
# However, we want our FFT to satisfy the continuous Parseval eqn
# int_{-infty}^{infty} |x(t)|^2 dt = int_{-infty}^{infty} |X(f)|^2 df
# m=0 k=0
dt = 1.0/freq
df = freqs[1]-freqs[0]
- assert (df - 1/(len(xs)*dt))/df < 1e-6, \
- "Mismatch in spacing, %g != 1/(%d*%g)" % (df, len(xs), dt)
+ if df - 1/(len(xs)*dt)/df >= 1e-6:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Mismatch in spacing, {} != 1/({}*{})'.format(df, len(xs), dt))
Xa = list(Xs)
for k in range(len(Xs)-1,1,-1) :
- assert len(xs) == len(Xa), "Length mismatch %d != %d" % (len(xs), len(Xa))
+ if len(xs) != len(Xa):
+ raise ValueError('Length mismatch {} != {}'.format(len(xs), len(Xa)))
lhs = sum([abs(x)**2 for x in xs]) * dt
rhs = sum([abs(X)**2 for X in Xa]) * df
- assert abs(lhs - rhs)/lhs < 1e-4, "Mismatch on Parseval's, %g != %g" \
- % (lhs, rhs)
+ if abs(lhs - rhs)/lhs >= 1e-4:
+ raise ValueError("Mismatch on Parseval's, {} != {}".format(lhs, rhs))
def _test_unitary_rfft_parsevals_suite():
- print "Test unitary rfft on Parseval's theorem"
+ print("Test unitary rfft on Parseval's theorem")
xs = [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1]
dt = pi
freqs,Xs = unitary_rfft(xs, 1.0/dt)
expected = zeros((len(freq_axis),), dtype=float)
# normalized sinc(x) = sin(pi x)/(pi x)
# so sinc(0.5) = sin(pi/2)/(pi/2) = 2/pi
- assert sinc(0.5) == 2.0/pi, "abnormal sinc()"
+ if sinc(0.5) != 2.0/pi:
+ raise ValueError('abnormal sinc()')
for i in range(len(freq_axis)) :
f = freq_axis[i]
expected[i] = 1.0/abs(a) * sinc(f/a)
pylab.title('freq series')
def _test_unitary_rfft_rect_suite() :
- print "Test unitary FFTs on variously shaped rectangular functions"
+ print('Test unitary FFTs on variously shaped rectangular functions')
_test_unitary_rfft_rect(a=0.7, samp_freq=50, samples=512)
pylab.title('freq series')
def _test_unitary_rfft_gaussian_suite() :
- print "Test unitary FFTs on variously shaped gaussian functions"
+ print("Test unitary FFTs on variously shaped gaussian functions")
_test_unitary_rfft_gaussian(a=0.7, samp_freq=50, samples=512)
def power_spectrum(data, freq=1.0) :
- """
- Compute the power spectrum of DATA taken with a sampling frequency FREQ.
+ """Compute the power spectrum of DATA taken with a sampling frequency FREQ.
DATA must be real (not complex).
Returns a tuple of two arrays, (freq_axis, power), suitable for plotting.
If the number of samples in data is not an integer power of two,
the FFT ignores some of the later points.
nsamps = floor_pow_of_two(len(data))
freq_axis = linspace(0, freq/2, nsamps/2+1)
# nsamps/2+1 b/c zero-freq and nyqist-freq are both fully real.
# >>> help(numpy.fft.fftpack.rfft) for Numpy's explaination.
# On top of this, the FFT assumes a sampling freq of 1 per second,
# and we want to preserve area under our curves.
# If our total time T = len(data)/freq is smaller than 1,
- # our df_real = freq/len(data) is bigger that the FFT expects (dt_fft = 1/len(data)),
+ # our df_real = freq/len(data) is bigger that the FFT expects (dt_fft = 1/len(data)),
# and we need to scale the powers down to conserve area.
# df_fft * F_fft(f) = df_real *F_real(f)
# F_real = F_fft(f) * (1/len)/(freq/len) = F_fft(f)*freq
expected = zeros((len(freq_axis),), dtype=float)
df = samp_freq/float(samples) # df = 1/T, where T = total_time
i = int(sin_freq/df)
- # average power per unit time is
+ # average power per unit time is
# P = <x(t)**2>
# average value of sin(t)**2 = 0.5 (b/c sin**2+cos**2 == 1)
# so average value of (int sin(t)**2 dt) per unit time is 0.5
# P(f) = 2 |X(f)|**2 / T
# = 2 * |0.5 delta(f-f0)|**2 / T
# = 0.5 * |delta(f-f0)|**2 / T
- # but we're discrete and want the integral of the 'delta' to be 1,
+ # but we're discrete and want the integral of the 'delta' to be 1,
# so 'delta'*df = 1 --> 'delta' = 1/df, and
# P(f) = 0.5 / (df**2 * T)
# = 0.5 / df (T = 1/df)
expected[i] = 0.5 / df
- print "The power should be a peak at %g Hz of %g (%g, %g)" % \
- (sin_freq, expected[i], freq_axis[imax], power[imax])
+ print('The power should be a peak at {} Hz of {} ({}, {})'.format(
+ sin_freq, expected[i], freq_axis[imax], power[imax]))
Pexp = 0
P = 0
for i in range(len(freq_axis)) :
Pexp += expected[i] *df
P += power[i] * df
- print " The total power should be %g (%g)" % (Pexp, P)
+ print('The total power should be {} ({})'.format(Pexp, P))
pylab.plot(freq_axis, power, 'r.')
pylab.plot(freq_axis, expected, 'b-')
- pylab.title('%g samples of sin at %g Hz' % (samples, sin_freq))
+ pylab.title('{} samples of sin at {} Hz'.format(samples, sin_freq))
def _test_unitary_power_spectrum_sin_suite() :
- print "Test unitary power spectrums on variously shaped sin functions"
+ print('Test unitary power spectrums on variously shaped sin functions')
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=5, samp_freq=512, samples=1024)
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=5, samp_freq=512, samples=2048)
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=5, samp_freq=512, samples=4098)
expected_amp = 2.0 * amp**2 / (samp_freq * samples)
expected = ones((len(freq_axis),), dtype=float) * expected_amp
- print "The power should be flat at y = %g (%g)" % (expected_amp, power[0])
+ print('The power should be flat at y = {} ({})'.format(
+ expected_amp, power[0]))
pylab.plot(freq_axis, power, 'r.')
pylab.plot(freq_axis, expected, 'b-')
- pylab.title('%g samples of delta amp %g' % (samples, amp))
+ pylab.title('{} samples of delta amp {}'.format(samples, amp))
def _test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta_suite() :
- print "Test unitary power spectrums on various delta functions"
+ print('Test unitary power spectrums on various delta functions')
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta(amp=1, samp_freq=1.0, samples=1024)
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta(amp=1, samp_freq=1.0, samples=2048)
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta(amp=1, samp_freq=0.5, samples=2048)# expected = 2*computed
def _gaussian2(area, mean, std, t) :
"Integral over all time = area (i.e. normalized for area=1)"
return area/(std*sqrt(2.0*pi)) * exp(-0.5*((t-mean)/std)**2)
def _test_unitary_power_spectrum_gaussian(area=2.5, mean=5, std=1, samp_freq=10.24 ,samples=512) : #1024
x = zeros((samples,), dtype=float)
mean = float(mean)
f = i*df
gaus = _gaussian2(area, mean, std, f)
expected[i] = 2.0 * gaus**2 * samp_freq/samples
- print "The power should be a half-gaussian, ",
- print "with a peak at 0 Hz with amplitude %g (%g)" % (expected[0], power[0])
+ print(('The power should be a half-gaussian, '
+ 'with a peak at 0 Hz with amplitude {} ({})').format(
+ expected[0], power[0]))
pylab.title('freq series')
def _test_unitary_power_spectrum_gaussian_suite() :
- print "Test unitary power spectrums on various gaussian functions"
+ print('Test unitary power spectrums on various gaussian functions')
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_gaussian(area=1, std=1, samp_freq=10.0, samples=1024)
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_gaussian(area=1, std=2, samp_freq=10.0, samples=1024)
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_gaussian(area=1, std=1, samp_freq=10.0, samples=2048)
def avg_power_spectrum(data, freq=1.0, chunk_size=2048,
overlap=True, window=window_hann) :
- """
- Compute the avg power spectrum of DATA taken with a sampling frequency FREQ.
+ """Compute the avgerage power spectrum of DATA.
+ Taken with a sampling frequency FREQ.
DATA must be real (not complex) by breaking DATA into chunks.
The chunks may or may not be overlapping (by setting OVERLAP).
The chunks are windowed by dotting with WINDOW(CHUNK_SIZE), FFTed,
and the resulting spectra are averaged together.
See NR 13.4 for rational.
Returns a tuple of two arrays, (freq_axis, power), suitable for plotting.
CHUNK_SIZE should really be a power of 2.
If the number of samples in DATA is not an integer power of CHUNK_SIZE,
the FFT ignores some of the later points.
- assert chunk_size == floor_pow_of_two(chunk_size), \
- "chunk_size %d should be a power of 2" % chunk_size
+ if chunk_size != floor_pow_of_two(chunk_size):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'chunk_size {} should be a power of 2'.format(chunk_size))
nchunks = len(data)/chunk_size # integer division = implicit floor
if overlap :
chunk_step = chunk_size/2
else :
chunk_step = chunk_size
win = window(chunk_size) # generate a window of the appropriate size
freq_axis = linspace(0, freq/2, chunk_size/2+1)
# nsamps/2+1 b/c zero-freq and nyqist-freq are both fully real.
def unitary_avg_power_spectrum(data, freq=1.0, chunk_size=2048,
overlap=True, window=window_hann) :
+ """Compute the average power spectrum, preserving normalization
- compute the average power spectrum, preserving normalization
- """
- freq_axis,power = avg_power_spectrum(data, freq, chunk_size,
- overlap, window)
+ freq_axis,power = avg_power_spectrum(
+ data, freq, chunk_size, overlap, window)
# 2.0 / (freq * chunk_size) |rfft()|**2 --> unitary_power_spectrum
- power *= 2.0 / (freq*float(chunk_size)) * 8/3 # see unitary_power_spectrum()
+ power *= 2.0 / (freq*float(chunk_size)) * 8/3 # see unitary_power_spectrum()
# * 8/3 to remove power from windowing
# <[x(t)*w(t)]**2> = <x(t)**2 * w(t)**2> ~= <x(t)**2> * <w(t)**2>
# where the ~= is because the frequency of x(t) >> the frequency of w(t).
samp_freq = float(samp_freq)
for i in range(samples) :
x[i] = sin(2.0 * pi * (i/samp_freq) * sin_freq)
- freq_axis, power = unitary_avg_power_spectrum(x, samp_freq, chunk_size,
- overlap, window)
+ freq_axis, power = unitary_avg_power_spectrum(
+ x, samp_freq, chunk_size, overlap, window)
imax = argmax(power)
expected = zeros((len(freq_axis),), dtype=float)
i = int(sin_freq/df)
expected[i] = 0.5 / df # see _test_unitary_power_spectrum_sin()
- print "The power should be a peak at %g Hz of %g (%g, %g)" % \
- (sin_freq, expected[i], freq_axis[imax], power[imax])
+ print('The power should peak at {} Hz of {} ({}, {})'.format(
+ sin_freq, expected[i], freq_axis[imax], power[imax]))
Pexp = 0
P = 0
for i in range(len(freq_axis)) :
Pexp += expected[i] * df
P += power[i] * df
- print " The total power should be %g (%g)" % (Pexp, P)
+ print('The total power should be {} ({})'.format(Pexp, P))
pylab.plot(freq_axis, power, 'r.')
pylab.plot(freq_axis, expected, 'b-')
- pylab.title('%g samples of sin at %g Hz' % (samples, sin_freq))
+ pylab.title('{} samples of sin at {} Hz'.format(samples, sin_freq))
def _test_unitary_avg_power_spectrum_sin_suite() :
- print "Test unitary avg power spectrums on variously shaped sin functions"
+ print('Test unitary avg power spectrums on variously shaped sin functions')
_test_unitary_avg_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=5, samp_freq=512, samples=1024)
_test_unitary_avg_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=5, samp_freq=512, samples=2048)
_test_unitary_avg_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=5, samp_freq=512, samples=4098)
-if __name__ == "__main__" :
+if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
p = OptionParser('%prog [options]', epilog='Run FFT-tools unit tests.')
- p.add_option('-p', '--plot', dest='plot', action='store_true',
+ p.add_option('-p', '--plot', dest='plot', action='store_true',
help='Display time- and freq-space plots of test transforms.')
options,args = p.parse_args()