@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic);
* Beige theme for reveal.js.
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
body {
- background: white;
+ background: #f7f2d3;
background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, white 0%, #f7f2d3 100%);
background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0px, center center, 100%, color-stop(0%, white), color-stop(100%, #f7f2d3));
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, white 0%, #f7f2d3 100%);
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic);
* Default theme for reveal.js.
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
body {
- background: #555a5f;
+ background: #1c1e20;
background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #555a5f 0%, #1c1e20 100%);
background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0px, center center, 100%, color-stop(0%, #555a5f), color-stop(100%, #1c1e20));
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #555a5f 0%, #1c1e20 100%);
* A simple theme for reveal.js presentations, similar
* to the default theme. The accent color is darkblue.
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=News+Cycle:400,700);
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic);
* A simple theme for reveal.js presentations, similar
* to the default theme. The accent color is darkblue.
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Quicksand:400,700,400italic,700italic);
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400italic,700italic,400,700);
* Sky theme for reveal.js.
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
body {
- background: #f7fbfc;
+ background: #add9e4;
background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #f7fbfc 0%, #add9e4 100%);
background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0px, center center, 100%, color-stop(0%, #f7fbfc), color-stop(100%, #add9e4));
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #f7fbfc 0%, #add9e4 100%);
@mixin radial-gradient( $outer, $inner, $type: circle ) {
- background: $inner;
+ background: $outer;
background: -moz-radial-gradient( center, $type cover, $inner 0%, $outer 100% );
background: -webkit-gradient( radial, center center, 0px, center center, 100%, color-stop(0%,$inner), color-stop(100%,$outer) );
background: -webkit-radial-gradient( center, $type cover, $inner 0%, $outer 100% );