theory in the context of thermally activated barrier crossings, which
is how we use it here.
-\subsection{Who's who}
-The field of mechanical protein unfolding is developing along three main branches.
-Some groups are predominantly theoretical,
- \item Evans, University of British Columbia (Emeritus) \\
- \url{}
- \item Thirumalai, University of Maryland \\
- \url{}
- \item Onuchic, University of California, San Diego \\
- \url{}
- \item Hyeon, Chung-Ang University (Onuchic postdoc, Thirumalai postdoc?) \\
- \url{} \\
- \item Dietz (Rief grad) \\
- \url{}
- \item Hummer and Szabo, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases \\
- \url{}
- \url{}
-and the experimentalists are usually either AFM based
- \item Rief, Technischen Universität München \\
- \url{}
- \item Fernandez, Columbia University \\
- \url{}
- \item Oberhauser, University of Texas Medical Branch (Fernandez postdoc) \\
- \url{}
- \item Marszalek, Duke University (Fernandez postdoc) \\
- \url{}
- \item Guoliang Yang, Drexel University \\
- \url{}
- \item Wojcikiewicz, University of Miami \\
- \url{}
-or laser-tweezers based
- \item Bustamante, University of California, Berkley \\
- \url{}
- \item Forde, Simon Fraser University \\
- \url{}
\subsection{Evolution of unfolding modeling}
Evans introduced the saddle-point Kramers' approximation in a protein unfolding context 1997 (\citet{evans97} Eqn.~3).