If you're developing catalyst, you'll want to test your altered
version. An easy way to run it without reinstalling is to setup a
-local configuration file and run:
+local configuration file. The checkout also includes a testpath file
+which when sourced adds it's bin/ to PATH and it's checkout dir to
+PYTHONPATH. That terminal will then use the checkout bin/catalyst and
+the checkout's python modules.
- # ./catalyst -c catalyst.conf -f path/to/your.spec
+cd into the checkout directory and run:
+ # source ./testpath
+ # catalyst -c catalyst.conf -f path/to/your.spec
The local configuration file can use all the defaults except for
`sharedir`, which you should change to point to your development
# catalyst -c ./test.conf -p -f stage1.spec
-export PATH="/home/brian/Dev/git/catalyst/bin:${PATH}"
+export PATH="$(dirname $BASH_SOURCE[0])/bin:${PATH}"
-export PYTHONPATH="/home/brian/Dev/git/catalyst/:${PYTHONPATH}"
+export PYTHONPATH="$(dirname $BASH_SOURCE[0]):${PYTHONPATH}"