-DIST skey-1.1.5-patches-2.tar.xz 32836 SHA256 e55ea1250b2608b8f145f6de5bc62aee7ad1d98634a9a72ef8614e286d9f802c SHA512 666e44206864a195d78870365c1ce1854326b47bddbcfdb9cafc776d283a3d40cd5cb60a353f90ffb06466e473c36a4aadfbcc8fc250d8e4a2ec36daef72ee21 WHIRLPOOL 3d938ef3144316ffb793265d51ce3e1af12616c7e81536745318207d43bcef83f36c69ede37a30274cf1fb04abfcf31f0e6098fd761c84bf5ee032f5b5512540
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DIST skey-1.1.5.tar.bz2 61911 SHA256 e21bcb7c618c0bc87a72d8f0f097d7517fffa4e881a0f295ee1ce2a7dccf4aef SHA512 4cbddc7e31134d5e23801a9b07de0d05c8357aaa8dddfb8426fceead3f54e539f77204f78a08b2a93890ef2f4f807a2208080f58f80818afa1b8cd4884b1fb37 WHIRLPOOL abf141fd679deeaee3f3883cd3076620c84e8775ecacc8f87d561c1812beae55299989f37ec331633bac29e25b4b8d145dc590ef119c73a137d8790815bb13f2
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit flag-o-matic eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Linux Port of OpenBSD Single-key Password System"
- mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-2.tar.xz"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ia64 m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86"
- app-arch/xz-utils"
- sys-libs/cracklib"
-src_prepare() {
- EPATCH_SUFFIX=patch epatch
-src_configure() {
- tc-export CC
- econf --sysconfdir=/etc/skey
-src_install() {
- into /
- dolib.so libskey.so{.${PV},.${PV%.*},.${PV%%.*},}
- into /usr
- dobin skey skeyinit skeyinfo
- newbin skeyaudit.sh skeyaudit
- newsbin skeyprune.pl skeyprune
- dosym skey /usr/bin/otp-md4
- dosym skey /usr/bin/otp-md5
- dosym skey /usr/bin/otp-sha1
- if use static-libs; then
- dolib.a libskey.a
- gen_usr_ldscript libskey.so
- fi
- doman skey.1 skeyaudit.1 skeyinfo.1 skeyinit.1 skey.3 skeyprune.8
- insinto /usr/include
- doins skey.h
- keepdir /etc/skey
- # only root needs to have access to these files.
- fperms go-rx /etc/skey
- # skeyinit and skeyinfo must be suid root so users
- # can generate their passwords.
- fperms u+s,go-r /usr/bin/skeyinit /usr/bin/skeyinfo
-pkg_postinst() {
- # do not include /etc/skey/skeykeys in the package, as quickpkg
- # may package sensitive information.
- # This also fixes the etc-update issue with #64974.
- # skeyinit will not function if this file is not present.
- touch /etc/skey/skeykeys
- # these permissions are applied by the skey system if missing.
- chmod 0600 /etc/skey/skeykeys
- elog "For an introduction into using s/key authentication, take"
- elog "a look at the EXAMPLES section from the skey(1) manpage."