-# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Alberto Gomez-Casado
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Alberto Gomez-Kasai
# Massimo Sandal <devicerandom@gmail.com>
# W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
# License along with Hooke. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-"""Library for interpreting Picoforce force spectroscopy files.
+"""Library for interpreting Veeco PicoForce force spectroscopy files.
+import pprint
import re
-import struct
-from scipy import arange
-#from .. import libhooke as lh
-from .. import curve as lhc
-class DataChunk(list):
- #Dummy class to provide ext and ret methods to the data list.
- def ext(self):
- halflen=(len(self)/2)
- return self[0:halflen]
- def ret(self):
- halflen=(len(self)/2)
- return self[halflen:]
-class picoforceDriver(lhc.Driver):
- #Construction and other special methods
- def __init__(self,filename):
- '''
- constructor method
- '''
- filename = lh.get_file_path(filename)
- self.textfile=file(filename)
- self.binfile=file(filename,'rb')
- #The 0,1,2 data chunks are:
- #0: D (vs T)
- #1: Z (vs T)
- #2: D (vs Z)
- self.filepath=filename
- self.debug=False
- self.filetype='picoforce'
- self.experiment='smfs'
- #Hidden methods. These are meant to be used only by API functions. If needed, however,
- #they can be called just like API methods.
- def _get_samples_line(self):
- '''
- Gets the samples per line parameters in the file, to understand trigger behaviour.
- '''
- self.textfile.seek(0)
- samps_expr=re.compile(".*Samps")
- samps_values=[]
- for line in self.textfile.readlines():
- if samps_expr.match(line):
- try:
- samps=int(line.split()[2]) #the third word splitted is the offset (in bytes)
- samps_values.append(samps)
- except:
- pass
- #We raise a flag for the fact we meet an offset, otherwise we would take spurious data length arguments.
- return int(samps_values[0])
- def _get_chunk_coordinates(self):
- '''
- This method gets the coordinates (offset and length) of a data chunk in our
- Picoforce file.
- It returns a list containing two tuples:
- the first element of each tuple is the data_offset, the second is the corresponding
- data size.
- In near future probably each chunk will get its own data structure, with
- offset, size, type, etc.
- '''
- self.textfile.seek(0)
- offset_expr=re.compile(".*Data offset")
- length_expr=re.compile(".*Data length")
- data_offsets=[]
- data_sizes=[]
- flag_offset=0
- for line in self.textfile.readlines():
- if offset_expr.match(line):
- offset=int(line.split()[2]) #the third word splitted is the offset (in bytes)
- data_offsets.append(offset)
- #We raise a flag for the fact we meet an offset, otherwise we would take spurious data length arguments.
- flag_offset=1
- #same for the data length
- if length_expr.match(line) and flag_offset:
- size=int(line.split()[2])
- data_sizes.append(size)
- #Put down the offset flag until the next offset is met.
- flag_offset=0
- return zip(data_offsets,data_sizes)
- def _get_data_chunk(self,whichchunk):
- '''
- reads a data chunk and converts it in 16bit signed int.
- '''
- offset,size=self._get_chunk_coordinates()[whichchunk]
- self.binfile.seek(offset)
- raw_chunk=self.binfile.read(size)
- my_chunk=[]
- for data_position in range(0,len(raw_chunk),2):
- data_unit_bytes=raw_chunk[data_position:data_position+2]
- #The unpack function converts 2-bytes in a signed int ('h').
- #we use output[0] because unpack returns a 1-value tuple, and we want the number only
- data_unit=struct.unpack('h',data_unit_bytes)[0]
- my_chunk.append(data_unit)
- return DataChunk(my_chunk)
- def _get_Zscan_info(self,index):
- '''
- gets the Z scan informations needed to interpret the data chunk.
- These info come from the general section, BEFORE individual chunk headers.
- By itself, the function will parse for three parameters.
- (index) that tells the function what to return when called by
- exposed API methods.
- index=0 : returns Zscan_V_LSB
- index=1 : returns Zscan_V_start
- index=2 : returns Zscan_V_size
- '''
- self.textfile.seek(0)
- ciaoforcelist_expr=re.compile(".*Ciao force")
- zscanstart_expr=re.compile(".*@Z scan start")
- zscansize_expr=re.compile(".*@Z scan size")
- ciaoforce_flag=0
- theline=0
- for line in self.textfile.readlines():
- if ciaoforcelist_expr.match(line):
- ciaoforce_flag=1 #raise a flag: zscanstart and zscansize params to read are later
- if ciaoforce_flag and zscanstart_expr.match(line):
- raw_Zscanstart_line=line.split()
- if ciaoforce_flag and zscansize_expr.match(line):
- raw_Zscansize_line=line.split()
- Zscanstart_line=[]
- Zscansize_line=[]
- for itemscanstart,itemscansize in zip(raw_Zscanstart_line,raw_Zscansize_line):
- Zscanstart_line.append(itemscanstart.strip('[]()'))
- Zscansize_line.append(itemscansize.strip('[]()'))
- Zscan_V_LSB=float(Zscanstart_line[6])
- Zscan_V_start=float(Zscanstart_line[8])
- Zscan_V_size=float(Zscansize_line[8])
- return (Zscan_V_LSB,Zscan_V_start,Zscan_V_size)[index]
- def _get_Z_magnify_scale(self,whichchunk):
- '''
- gets Z scale and Z magnify
- Here we get Z scale/magnify from the 'whichchunk' only.
- whichchunk=1,2,3
- TODO: make it coherent with data_chunks syntaxis (0,1,2)
- In future, should we divide the *file* itself into chunk descriptions and gain
- true chunk data structures?
- '''
- self.textfile.seek(0)
- z_scale_expr=re.compile(".*@4:Z scale")
- z_magnify_expr=re.compile(".*@Z magnify")
- ramp_size_expr=re.compile(".*@4:Ramp size")
- ramp_offset_expr=re.compile(".*@4:Ramp offset")
- occurrences=0
- found_right=0
- for line in self.textfile.readlines():
- if z_magnify_expr.match(line):
- occurrences+=1
- if occurrences==whichchunk:
- found_right=1
- raw_z_magnify_expression=line.split()
- else:
- found_right=0
- if found_right and z_scale_expr.match(line):
- raw_z_scale_expression=line.split()
- if found_right and ramp_size_expr.match(line):
- raw_ramp_size_expression=line.split()
- if found_right and ramp_offset_expr.match(line):
- raw_ramp_offset_expression=line.split()
- return float(raw_z_magnify_expression[5]),float(raw_z_scale_expression[7]), float(raw_ramp_size_expression[7]), float(raw_ramp_offset_expression[7]), float(raw_z_scale_expression[5][1:])
- #Exposed APIs.
- #These are the methods that are meant to be called from external apps.
- def LSB_to_volt(self,chunknum,voltrange=20):
- '''
- Converts the LSB data of a given chunk (chunknum=0,1,2) in volts.
- First step to get the deflection and the force.
- item.LSB_to_volt(chunknum, [voltrange])
- The voltrange is by default set to 20 V.
- '''
- return DataChunk([((float(lsb)/65535)*voltrange) for lsb in self.data_chunks[chunknum]])
- def LSB_to_deflection(self,chunknum,deflsensitivity=None,voltrange=20):
- '''
- Converts the LSB data in deflection (meters).
- item.LSB_to_deflection(chunknum, [deflection sensitivity], [voltrange])
- chunknum is the chunk you want to parse (0,1,2)
- The deflection sensitivity by default is the one parsed from the file.
- The voltrange is by default set to 20 V.
- '''
- if deflsensitivity is None:
- deflsensitivity=self.get_deflection_sensitivity()
- lsbvolt=self.LSB_to_volt(chunknum)
- return DataChunk([volt*deflsensitivity for volt in lsbvolt])
- def deflection(self):
- '''
- Get the actual force curve deflection.
- '''
- deflchunk= self.LSB_to_deflection(2)
- return deflchunk.ext(),deflchunk.ret()
- def LSB_to_force(self,chunknum=2,Kspring=None,voltrange=20):
- '''
- Converts the LSB data (of deflection) in force (newtons).
- item.LSB_to_force([chunknum], [spring constant], [voltrange])
- chunknum is the chunk you want to parse (0,1,2). The chunk used is by default 2.
- The spring constant by default is the one parsed from the file.
- The voltrange is by default set to 20 V.
- '''
- if Kspring is None:
- Kspring=self.get_spring_constant()
- lsbdefl=self.LSB_to_deflection(chunknum)
- return DataChunk([(meter*Kspring) for meter in lsbdefl])
- def get_Zscan_V_start(self):
- return self._get_Zscan_info(1)
- def get_Zscan_V_size(self):
- return self._get_Zscan_info(2)
- def get_Z_scan_sensitivity(self):
- '''
- gets Z sensitivity
- '''
- self.textfile.seek(0)
- z_sensitivity_expr=re.compile(".*@Sens. Zsens")
- for line in self.textfile.readlines():
- if z_sensitivity_expr.match(line):
- z_sensitivity=float(line.split()[3])
- #return it in SI units (that is: m/V, not nm/V)
- return z_sensitivity*(10**(-9))
- def get_Z_magnify(self,whichchunk):
- '''
- Gets the Z magnify factor. Normally it is 1, unknown exact use as of 2006-01-13
- '''
- return self._get_Z_magnify_scale(whichchunk)[0]
- def get_Z_scale(self,whichchunk):
- '''
- Gets the Z scale.
- '''
- return self._get_Z_magnify_scale(whichchunk)[1]
- def get_ramp_size(self,whichchunk):
- '''
- Gets the -user defined- ramp size
- '''
- return self._get_Z_magnify_scale(whichchunk)[2]
- def get_ramp_offset(self,whichchunk):
- '''
- Gets the ramp offset
- '''
- return self._get_Z_magnify_scale(whichchunk)[3]
- def get_Z_scale_LSB(self,whichchunk):
- '''
- Gets the LSB-to-volt conversion factor of the Z data.
- (so called hard-scale in the Nanoscope documentation)
- '''
- return self._get_Z_magnify_scale(whichchunk)[4]
- def get_deflection_sensitivity(self):
- '''
- gets deflection sensitivity
- '''
- self.textfile.seek(0)
- def_sensitivity_expr=re.compile(".*@Sens. DeflSens")
- for line in self.textfile.readlines():
- if def_sensitivity_expr.match(line):
- def_sensitivity=float(line.split()[3])
- break
- #return it in SI units (that is: m/V, not nm/V)
- return def_sensitivity*(10**(-9))
- def get_spring_constant(self):
- '''
- gets spring constant.
- We actually find *three* spring constant values, one for each data chunk (F/t, Z/t, F/z).
- They are normally all equal, but we retain all three for future...
- '''
- self.textfile.seek(0)
- springconstant_expr=re.compile(".*Spring Constant")
- constants=[]
- for line in self.textfile.readlines():
- if springconstant_expr.match(line):
- constants.append(float(line.split()[2]))
- return constants[0]
- def get_Zsensorsens(self):
- '''
- gets Zsensorsens for Z data.
- This is the sensitivity needed to convert the LSB data in nanometers for the Z-vs-T data chunk.
- '''
- self.textfile.seek(0)
- zsensorsens_expr=re.compile(".*Sens. ZSensorSens")
- for line in self.textfile.readlines():
- if zsensorsens_expr.match(line):
- zsensorsens_raw_expression=line.split()
- #we must take only first occurrence, so we exit from the cycle immediately
- break
- return (float(zsensorsens_raw_expression[3]))*(10**(-9))
- def Z_data(self):
- '''
- returns converted ext and ret Z curves.
- They're on the second chunk (Z vs t).
- '''
- #Zmagnify_zt=self.get_Z_magnify(2)
- #Zscale_zt=self.get_Z_scale(2)
- Zlsb_zt=self.get_Z_scale_LSB(2)
- #rampsize_zt=self.get_ramp_size(2)
- #rampoffset_zt=self.get_ramp_offset(2)
- zsensorsens=self.get_Zsensorsens()
- '''
- The magic formula that converts the Z data is:
- meters = LSB * V_lsb_conversion_factor * ZSensorSens
- '''
- #z_curves=[item*Zlsb_zt*zsensorsens for item in self.data_chunks[1].pair['ext']],[item*Zlsb_zt*zsensorsens for item in self.data_chunks[1].pair['ret']]
- z_curves=[item*Zlsb_zt*zsensorsens for item in self.data_chunks[1].ext()],[item*Zlsb_zt*zsensorsens for item in self.data_chunks[1].ret()]
- z_curves=[DataChunk(item) for item in z_curves]
- return z_curves
- def Z_extremes(self):
- '''
- returns the extremes of the Z values
- '''
- zcurves=self.Z_data()
- z_extremes={}
- z_extremes['ext']=zcurves[0][0],zcurves[0][-1]
- z_extremes['ret']=zcurves[1][0],zcurves[1][-1]
- return z_extremes
- def Z_step(self):
- '''
- returns the calculated step between the Z values
- '''
- zrange={}
- zpoints={}
- z_extremes=self.Z_extremes()
- zrange['ext']=abs(z_extremes['ext'][0]-z_extremes['ext'][1])
- zrange['ret']=abs(z_extremes['ret'][0]-z_extremes['ret'][1])
- #We must take 1 from the calculated zpoints, or when I use the arange function gives me a point more
- #with the step. That is, if I have 1000 points, and I use arange(start,stop,step), I have 1001 points...
- #For cleanness, solution should really be when using arange, but oh well...
- zpoints['ext']=len(self.Z_data()[0])-1
- zpoints['ret']=len(self.Z_data()[1])-1
- #this syntax must become coherent!!
- return (zrange['ext']/zpoints['ext']),(zrange['ret']/zpoints['ret'])
- def Z_domains(self):
- '''
- returns the Z domains on which to plot the force data.
- The Z domains are returned as a single long DataChunk() extended list. The extension and retraction part
- can be extracted using ext() and ret() methods.
- '''
- x1step=self.Z_step()[0]
- x2step=self.Z_step()[1]
- try:
- xext=arange(self.Z_extremes()['ext'][0],self.Z_extremes()['ext'][1],-x1step)
- xret=arange(self.Z_extremes()['ret'][0],self.Z_extremes()['ret'][1],-x2step)
- except:
- xext=arange(0,1)
- xret=arange(0,1)
- print 'picoforce.py: Warning. xext, xret domains cannot be extracted.'
- if not (len(xext)==len(xret)):
- if self.debug:
- #print warning
- print "picoforce.py: Warning. Extension and retraction domains have different sizes."
- print "length extension: ", len(xext)
- print "length retraction: ", len(xret)
- print "You cannot trust the resulting curve."
- print "Until a solution is found, I substitute the ext domain with the ret domain. Sorry."
- xext=xret
- return DataChunk(xext.tolist()+xret.tolist())
- def Z_scan_size(self):
- return self.get_Zscan_V_size()*self.get_Z_scan_sensitivity()
- def Z_start(self):
- return self.get_Zscan_V_start()*self.get_Z_scan_sensitivity()
- def ramp_size(self,whichchunk):
- '''
- to be implemented if needed
- '''
- raise "Not implemented yet."
- def ramp_offset(self,whichchunk):
- '''
- to be implemented if needed
- '''
- raise "Not implemented yet."
- def detriggerize(self, forcext):
- '''
- Cuts away the trigger-induced s**t on the extension curve.
- cutindex=2
- startvalue=forcext[0]
- for index in range(len(forcext)-1,2,-2):
- if forcext[index]>startvalue:
- cutindex=index
- else:
+import time
+import numpy
+from .. import curve as curve # this module defines data containers.
+from .. import experiment as experiment # this module defines expt. types
+from ..config import Setting # configurable setting class
+from . import Driver as Driver # this is the Driver base class
+class PicoForceDriver (Driver):
+ """Handle Veeco Picoforce force spectroscopy files.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(PicoForceDriver, self).__init__(name='picoforce')
+ def is_me(self, path):
+ f = file(path, 'r')
+ header = f.read(30)
+ f.close()
+ return header[2:17] == 'Force file list'
+ def read(self, path):
+ info = self._read_header_path(path)
+ self._check_version(info)
+ data = self._read_data_path(path, info)
+ info['filetype'] = self.name
+ info['experiment'] = experiment.VelocityClamp
+ return (data, info)
+ def _read_header_path(self, path):
+ """Read curve information from the PicoForce file at `path`.
+ See :meth:`._read_header_file`.
+ """
+ return self._read_header_file(file(path, 'rb'))
+ def _read_header_file(self, file):
+ r"""Read curve information from a PicoForce file.
+ Return a dict of dicts representing the information. If a
+ field is repeated multiple times, it's value is replaced by a
+ list of the values for each occurence.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> import pprint
+ >>> import StringIO
+ >>> f = StringIO.StringIO('\r\n'.join([
+ ... '\*Force file list',
+ ... '\Version: 0x06120002',
+ ... '\Date: 04:42:34 PM Tue Sep 11 2007',
+ ... '\Start context: FOL2',
+ ... '\Data length: 40960',
+ ... '\Text: ',
+ ... '\*Equipment list',
+ ... '\Description: Extended PicoForce',
+ ... '\Controller: IIIA',
+ ... '\*Ciao force image list',
+ ... '\Data offset: 40960',
+ ... '\Data length: 8192',
+ ... '\*Ciao force image list',
+ ... '\Data offset: 49152',
+ ... '\Data length: 8192',
+ ... '\*Ciao force image list',
+ ... '\Data offset: 57344',
+ ... '\Data length: 8192',
+ ... ]))
+ >>> p = PicoForceDriver()
+ >>> d = p._read_header_file(f)
+ >>> pprint.pprint(d, width=60)
+ {'Ciao force image list': [{'Data length': '8192',
+ 'Data offset': '40960'},
+ {'Data length': '8192',
+ 'Data offset': '49152'},
+ {'Data length': '8192',
+ 'Data offset': '57344'}],
+ 'Equipment list': {'Controller': 'IIIA',
+ 'Description': 'Extended PicoForce'},
+ 'Force file list': {'Data length': '40960',
+ 'Date': '04:42:34 PM Tue Sep 11 2007',
+ 'Start context': 'FOL2',
+ 'Text:': None,
+ 'Version': '0x06120002'}}
+ """
+ info = {}
+ header_field = None
+ for line in file:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith('\*File list end'):
+ if line.startswith(r'\*'):
+ header_field = line[len(r'\*'):]
+ if header_field in info:
+ if isinstance(info[header_field], list):
+ info[header_field].append({}) # >=3rd appearance
+ else: # Second appearance
+ info[header_field] = [info[header_field], {}]
+ else: # First appearance
+ info[header_field] = {}
+ else:
+ assert line.startswith('\\'), line
+ fields = line[len('\\'):].split(': ', 1)
+ key = fields[0]
+ if len(fields) == 1: # fields = [key]
+ value = None
+ else: # fields = [key, value]
+ value = fields[1]
+ if isinstance(info[header_field], list): # >=2nd header_field
+ target_dict = info[header_field][-1]
+ else: # first appearance of header_field
+ target_dict = info[header_field]
+ if key in target_dict and target_dict[key] != value:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'Overwriting %s: %s -> %s'
+ % (key, target_dict[key], value))
+ target_dict[key] = value
+ return (info)
+ def _check_version(self, info):
+ """Ensure the input file is a version we understand.
+ Otherwise, raise `ValueError`.
+ """
+ version = info['Force file list'].get('Version', None)
+ if version not in ['0x06120002']:
+ raise ValueError(
+ '%s file version %s not supported (yet!)\n%s'
+ % (self.name, version,
+ pprint.pformat(info['Force file list'])))
+ def _read_data_path(self, path, info):
+ """Read curve data from the PicoForce file at `path`.
+ See :meth:`._read_data_file`.
+ """
+ f = file(path, 'rb')
+ data = self._read_data_file(f, info)
+ f.close()
+ return data
+ def _read_data_file(self, file, info):
+ file.seek(0)
+ traces = self._extract_traces(buffer(file.read()), info)
+ deflection,z_piezo,deflection_B = traces
+ self._validate_traces(z_piezo, deflection, deflection_B)
+ L = len(deflection)
+ approach = self._extract_block(
+ info, z_piezo, deflection, 0, L/2, 'approach')
+ retract = self._extract_block(
+ info, z_piezo, deflection, L/2, L, 'retract')
+ data = [approach, retract]
+ return data
+ def _extract_traces(self, buffer, info):
+ """Extract each of the three vector blocks in a PicoForce file.
+ The blocks are:
+ * Deflection input
+ * Z piezo sensor input
+ * Deflection again?
+ And their headers are marked with 'Ciao force image list'.
+ """
+ traces = []
+ for image in info['Ciao force image list']:
+ offset = int(image['Data offset'])
+ length = int(image['Data length'])
+ sample_size = int(image['Bytes/pixel'])
+ rows = length / sample_size
+ if sample_size != 2:
+ raise NotImplementedError('Size: %s' % sample_size)
+ d = curve.Data(
+ shape=(rows),
+ dtype=numpy.int16,
+ buffer=buffer,
+ offset=offset,
+ info=image,
+ )
+ traces.append(d)
+ return traces
+ def _validate_traces(self, z_piezo, deflection, deflection_B):
+ key = 'Spring Constant'
+ spring_constant = z_piezo.info[key]
+ for trace in [deflection, deflection_B]:
+ if trace.info[key] != spring_constant:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'spring constant missmatch: %s != %s'
+ % (spring_constant, trace.info[key]))
+ if max(abs(deflection_B[:-1]-deflection[:-1])) != 0:
+ raise NotImplementedError('trace 0 != trace 2')
+ if len(z_piezo) != len(deflection):
+ raise ValueError('Trace length missmatch: %d != %d'
+ % (len(z_piezo), len(deflection)))
+ def _extract_block(self, info, z_piezo, deflection, start, stop, name):
+ block = curve.Data(
+ shape=(stop-start, 2),
+ dtype=numpy.float)
+ block[:,0] = z_piezo[start:stop]
+ block[:,1] = deflection[start:stop]
+ block.info = self._translate_block_info(
+ info, z_piezo.info, deflection.info, name)
+ block = self._scale_block(block)
+ return block
+ def _translate_block_info(self, info, z_piezo_info, deflection_info, name):
+ ret = {
+ 'name':name,
+ 'raw info':info,
+ 'raw z piezo info': z_piezo_info,
+ 'raw deflection info': deflection_info,
+ 'spring constant (N/m)':float(z_piezo_info['Spring Constant'])
+ }
+ t = info['Force file list']['Date'] # 04:42:34 PM Tue Sep 11 2007
+ ret['time'] = time.strptime(t, '%I:%M:%S %p %a %b %d %Y')
+ type_re = re.compile('S \[(\w*)\] "([\w\s]*)"')
+ match = type_re.match(z_piezo_info['@4:Image Data'])
+ assert match.group(1).lower() == match.group(2).replace(' ','').lower(), \
+ 'Name missmatch: "%s", "%s"' % (match.group(1), match.group(2))
+ ret['columns'] = [match.group(2)]
+ match = type_re.match(deflection_info['@4:Image Data'])
+ assert match.group(1).lower() == match.group(2).replace(' ','').lower(), \
+ 'Name missmatch: "%s", "%s"' % (match.group(1), match.group(2))
+ ret['columns'].append(match.group(2))
+ assert ret['columns'] == ['Z sensor', 'Deflection'], \
+ 'Unexpected columns: %s' % ret['columns']
+ ret['columns'] = ['z piezo (m)', 'deflection (m)']
+ volt_re = re.compile(
+ 'V \[Sens. (\w*)\] \(([.0-9]*) V/LSB\) ([.0-9]*) V')
+ match = volt_re.match(z_piezo_info['@4:Z scale'])
+ assert match.group(1) == 'ZSensorSens', z_piezo_info['@4:Z scale']
+ ret['z piezo sensitivity (V/bit)'] = float(match.group(2))
+ ret['z piezo range (V)'] = float(match.group(3))
+ ret['z piezo offset (V)'] = 0.0
+ # offset assumed if raw data is signed...
+ match = volt_re.match(deflection_info['@4:Z scale'])
+ assert match.group(1) == 'DeflSens', z_piezo_info['@4:Z scale']
+ ret['deflection sensitivity (V/bit)'] = float(match.group(2))
+ ret['deflection range (V)'] = float(match.group(3))
+ ret['deflection offset (V)'] = 0.0
+ # offset assumed if raw data is signed...
+ nm_sens_re = re.compile('V ([.0-9]*) nm/V')
+ match = nm_sens_re.match(info['Scanner list']['@Sens. Zsens'])
+ ret['z piezo sensitivity (m/V)'] = float(match.group(1))*1e-9
+ match = nm_sens_re.match(info['Ciao scan list']['@Sens. DeflSens'])
+ ret['deflection sensitivity (m/V)'] = float(match.group(1))*1e-9
+ match = volt_re.match(info['Ciao force list']['@Z scan start'])
+ ret['z piezo scan (V/bit)'] = float(match.group(2))
+ ret['z piezo scan start (V)'] = float(match.group(3))
+ match = volt_re.match(info['Ciao force list']['@Z scan size'])
+ ret['z piezo scan size (V)'] = float(match.group(3))
+ const_re = re.compile('C \[([:\w\s]*)\] ([.0-9]*)')
+ match = const_re.match(z_piezo_info['@Z magnify'])
+ assert match.group(1) == '4:Z scale', match.group(1)
+ ret['z piezo magnification'] = match.group(2)
+ match = volt_re.match(z_piezo_info['@4:Z scale'])
+ assert match.group(1) == 'ZSensorSens', match.group(1)
+ ret['z piezo scale (V/bit)'] = float(match.group(2))
+ ret['z piezo scale (V)'] = float(match.group(3))
+ match = volt_re.match(z_piezo_info['@4:Ramp size'])
+ assert match.group(1) == 'Zsens', match.group(1)
+ ret['z piezo ramp size (V/bit)'] = float(match.group(2))
+ ret['z piezo ramp size (V)'] = float(match.group(3))
+ match = volt_re.match(z_piezo_info['@4:Ramp offset'])
+ assert match.group(1) == 'Zsens', match.group(1)
+ ret['z piezo ramp offset (V/bit)'] = float(match.group(2))
+ ret['z piezo ramp offset (V)'] = float(match.group(3))
+ # Unaccounted for:
+ # Samps*
+ return ret
+ def _scale_block(self, data):
+ """Convert the block from its native format to a `numpy.float`
+ array in SI units.
+ """
+ ret = curve.Data(
+ shape=data.shape,
+ dtype=numpy.float,
+ )
+ info = data.info
+ ret.info = info
+ ret.info['raw-data'] = data # store the raw data
+ data.info = {} # break circular reference info <-> data
+ z_col = info['columns'].index('z piezo (m)')
+ d_col = info['columns'].index('deflection (m)')
+ # Leading '-' because Veeco's z increases towards the surface
+ # (positive indentation), but it makes more sense to me to
+ # have it inzrease away from the surface (positive
+ # separation).
+ ret[:,z_col] = -(
+ (data[:,z_col].astype(ret.dtype)
+ * info['z piezo sensitivity (V/bit)']
+ - info['z piezo offset (V)'])
+ * info['z piezo sensitivity (m/V)']
+ )
+ ret[:,d_col] = (
+ (data[:,d_col]
+ * info['deflection sensitivity (V/bit)']
+ - info['deflection offset (V)'])
+ * info['deflection sensitivity (m/V)']
+ )
+ return ret
- return cutindex
- '''
- return 0
- def is_me(self):
- '''
- self-identification of file type magic
- '''
- curve_file=file(self.filepath)
- header=curve_file.read(30)
- curve_file.close()
- if header[2:17] == 'Force file list': #header of a picoforce file
- self.data_chunks=[self._get_data_chunk(num) for num in [0,1,2]]
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def close_all(self):
- '''
- Explicitly closes all files
- '''
- self.textfile.close()
- self.binfile.close()
- def default_plots(self):
- '''
- creates the default PlotObject
- '''
- force=self.LSB_to_force()
- zdomain=self.Z_domains()
- samples=self._get_samples_line()
- #cutindex=0
- #cutindex=self.detriggerize(force.ext())
- main_plot=lhc.PlotObject()
- main_plot.vectors = [[zdomain.ext()[0:samples], force.ext()[0:samples]],[zdomain.ret()[0:samples], force.ret()[0:samples]]]
- main_plot.normalize_vectors()
- main_plot.units = ['meters','newton']
- main_plot.destination = 0
- main_plit.filename = self.filepath
- main_plot.title = self.filepath
- main_plot.colors = ['red', 'blue']
- main_plit.styles = ['plot', 'plot']
- return [main_plot]