# 14 is the length of DESCRIPTION=""
-max_desc_len = 80 - 14
+max_desc_len = 100
allowed_filename_chars_set = {}
map(allowed_filename_chars_set.setdefault, map(chr, range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)))
"KEYWORDS.stupid":"Ebuilds that use KEYWORDS=-* instead of package.mask",
"LICENSE.missing":"Ebuilds that have a missing or empty LICENSE variable",
"DESCRIPTION.missing":"Ebuilds that have a missing or empty DESCRIPTION variable",
- "DESCRIPTION.toolong":"DESCRIPTION line is over 80 characters",
+ "DESCRIPTION.toolong":"DESCRIPTION is over 100 characters",
"EAPI.unsupported":"Ebuilds that have an unsupported EAPI version (you must upgrade portage)",
"SLOT.missing":"Ebuilds that have a missing or empty SLOT variable",
"HOMEPAGE.missing":"Ebuilds that have a missing or empty HOMEPAGE variable",