+def eapi_is_supported(eapi):
+ return str(eapi) == str(portage_const.EAPI)
def doebuild(myebuild,mydo,myroot,mysettings,debug=0,listonly=0,fetchonly=0,cleanup=0,dbkey=None,use_cache=1,fetchall=0,tree="porttree"):
global db, actionmap_deps
- try:
- eapi = int(db[root][tree].dbapi.aux_get(mycpv, ["EAPI"])[0])
- if portage_const.EAPI != eapi:
- # can't do anything with this.
- raise Exception("Unable to do any operations on '%s', due to the fact it's EAPI is higher then this portage versions. Please upgrade to a portage version that supports EAPI %i" % (mycpv, eapi))
- except SystemExit, e:
- raise
- except Exception, e:
- raise Exception("Unable to pull EAPI from cpv %s, tree %s; can't confirm that it's supported by this portage, thus unable to merge it: Exception was '%s'" % (mycpv, tree, e))
+ eapi = db[root][tree].dbapi.aux_get(mycpv, ["EAPI"])[0]
+ if not eapi_is_supported(eapi):
+ # can't do anything with this.
+ raise portage_exception.UnsupportedAPIException(mycpv, eapi)
if mysplit[2] == "r0":
# keywords checking
mygroups, eapi = portdb.aux_get(mycpv, ["KEYWORDS", "EAPI"])
- try:
- eapi = abs(eapi)
- except TypeError:
- eapi = 1
- if eapi != portage_const.EAPI:
+ if not eapi_is_supported(eapi):
return ["required EAPI %s, supported EAPI %s" % (eapi, portage_const.EAPI)]
mygroups = mygroups.split()
if "EAPI" in wants:
idx = wants.index("EAPI")
- if mylist[idx] in ("", "0", None):
- mylist[idx] = 0
- elif mylist[idx] == 0:
- pass
- else:
- mylist[idx] = 1
+ if not mylist[idx]:
+ mylist[idx] = "0"
return mylist
if "EAPI" in wants:
idx = wants.index("EAPI")
- if results[idx] in ("", "0", None):
- results[idx] = 0
- elif results[idx] == 0:
- pass
- else:
- results[idx] = 1
+ if not results[idx]:
+ results[idx] = "0"
return results
# we use cache files, which is usually on /usr/portage/metadata/cache/.
if doregen and mylocation==self.mysettings["PORTDIR"] and metacachedir and self.metadb[cat].has_key(pkg):
- try:
- if metadata["EAPI"] in ('', '0'):
- metadata["EAPI"] = 0
- except KeyError:
- metadata["EAPI"] = 0
- if metadata["EAPI"] != portage_const.EAPI:
+ metadata["EAPI"] = metadata.get("EAPI", "0")).strip()
+ if not eapi_is_supported(metadata["EAPI"]):
# intentionally wipe keys.
+ eapi = metadata["EAPI"]
+ metadata = {}
map(lambda x: metadata.setdefault(x, ''), auxdbkeys)
- metadata["EAPI"] == -1
+ metadata["EAPI"] == "-"+eapi
# eclass updates only if we haven't nuked the entry.
self.lock_held = 0
#depend returned non-zero exit code...
writemsg(str(red("\naux_get():")+" (0) Error in "+mycpv+" ebuild. ("+str(myret)+")\n"
- " Check for syntax error or corruption in the ebuild. (--debug)\n\n"))
+ " Check for syntax error or corruption in the ebuild. (--debug)\n\n"))
raise KeyError
mylines[x] = mylines[x][:-1]
mydata[auxdbkeys[x]] = mylines[x]
- try:
- eapi = int(mydata["EAPI"])
- except ValueError:
- eapi = 1
- if eapi > portage_const.EAPI:
- # if newer version, wipe everything and negate eapi
- mydata = {}
- map(lambda x:mydata.setdefault(x, ""), auxdbkeys)
- mydata["EAPI"] = -eapi
+ mydata["EAPI"] = mydata.get("EAPI", "0").strip()
+ if not eapi_is_supported(mydata["EAPI"]):
+ # if newer version, wipe everything and negate eapi
+ eapi = mydata["EAPI"]
+ mydata = {}
+ map(lambda x:mydata.setdefault(x, ""), auxdbkeys)
+ mydata["EAPI"] = "-"+eapi
mydata["_mtime_"] = emtime
if "EAPI" in mylist:
idx = mylist.index("EAPI")
- if returnme[idx] in ("", "0"):
- returnme[idx] = 0
- elif returnme[idx] == 0:
- pass
- else:
- try: returnme[idx] = int(returnme[idx])
- except ValueError: returnme[idx] = 1
+ if not returnme[idx]:
+ returnme[idx] = "0"
return returnme
hasstable = True
if not match and ((hastesting and "~*" in pgroups) or (hasstable and "*" in pgroups)):
- if match:
- if eapi == portage_const.EAPI:
- newlist.append(mycpv)
+ if match and eapi_is_supported(eapi):
+ newlist.append(mycpv)
return newlist
class binarytree(packagetree):