Print_Flags = Flagger()
Verbose = 0
Readable = 0
+Raw = 0
def default_mapper(entry, name):
val = name + ": " + val
return val
-def nodeinfo_string(name, entry, prefix=""):
+def nodeinfo_raw(name, ninfo, prefix=""):
+ # This does essentially what the pprint module does,
+ # except that it sorts the keys for deterministic output.
+ d = ninfo.__dict__
+ keys = d.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ l = []
+ for k in keys:
+ l.append('%s: %s' % (repr(k), repr(d[k])))
+ return name + ': {' + string.join(l, ', ') + '}'
+def nodeinfo_string(name, ninfo, prefix=""):
fieldlist = ["bsig", "csig", "timestamp", "size"]
- f = lambda x, e=entry, v=Verbose: field(x, e, v)
+ f = lambda x, ni=ninfo, v=Verbose: field(x, ni, v)
outlist = [name+":"] + filter(None, map(f, fieldlist))
if Verbose:
sep = "\n " + prefix
return string.join(outlist, sep)
def printfield(name, entry, prefix=""):
- print nodeinfo_string(name, entry.ninfo, prefix)
+ if Raw:
+ print nodeinfo_raw(name, entry.ninfo, prefix)
+ else:
+ print nodeinfo_string(name, entry.ninfo, prefix)
outlist = field("implicit", entry, 0)
if outlist:
-h, --help Print this message and exit.
-i, --implicit Print implicit dependency information.
-r, --readable Print timestamps in human-readable form.
+ --raw Print raw Python object representations.
-s, --size Print file sizes human-readable form.
-t, --timestamp Print timestamp information.
-v, --verbose Verbose, describe each field.
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "bcd:e:f:hirstv",
['bsig', 'csig', 'dir=', 'entry=',
'format=', 'help', 'implicit',
- 'readable', 'size', 'timestamp', 'verbose'])
+ 'raw', 'readable',
+ 'size', 'timestamp', 'verbose'])
for o, a in opts:
elif o in ('-i', '--implicit'):
Print_Flags['implicit'] = 1
+ elif o in ('--raw',):
+ Raw = 1
elif o in ('-r', '--readable'):
Readable = 1
elif o in ('-s', '--size'):
#define STRING2 "inc2.h"
""") = 'work1', arguments = '--debug=stacktrace --implicit-cache .') = 'work1', arguments = '--implicit-cache .')
test.run_sconsign(arguments = "work1/sub1/.sconsign",
stdout = """\
hello.c: \S+
+test.run_sconsign(arguments = "--raw work1/sub1/.sconsign",
+ stdout = """\
+hello.exe: {'bsig': '\S+', 'size': \d+, 'timestamp': \d+}
+ hello.obj: \S+
+hello.obj: {'bsig': '\S+', 'size': \d+, 'timestamp': \d+}
+ hello.c: \S+
test.run_sconsign(arguments = "-v work1/sub1/.sconsign",
stdout = """\
inc2.h: \S+
+test.run_sconsign(arguments = "--raw work2/.sconsign",
+ stdout = """\
+=== sub1:
+hello.exe: {'bsig': '\S+', 'size': \d+, 'timestamp': \d+}
+ hello.obj: \S+
+hello.obj: {'bsig': '\S+', 'size': \d+, 'timestamp': \d+}
+ hello.c: \S+
+=== sub2:
+hello.exe: {'bsig': '\S+', 'size': \d+, 'timestamp': \d+}
+ hello.obj: \S+
+hello.obj: {'bsig': '\S+', 'size': \d+, 'timestamp': \d+}
+ hello.c: \S+
+ inc1.h: \S+
+ inc2.h: \S+
test.run_sconsign(arguments = "-v work2/.sconsign",
stdout = """\
=== sub1: = 'work2', arguments = '. --max-drift=1')
-expect = """\
-=== sub1:
-hello.c: None \S+ \d+ \d+
test.run_sconsign(arguments = "-e hello.exe -e hello.obj -d sub1 -f dblite work2/my_sconsign",
stdout = """\
=== sub1: