in your ``/etc/portage/make.conf``.
+If you *don't* want to tweak your clients (perhaps there are many of
+them, or they are out of your direct control), you can add some
+firewall rules to your router to transparently proxy specific Gentoo
+mirrors. With an internal ``eth1`` and an internal proxy on
+, that looks something like::
+ # for SOURCE_IP in $(dig +short;
+ > do
+ > iptables --table nat --append PREROUTING --protocol tcp \
+ > --in-interface eth1 ! --source "${CACHE_IP}" \
+ > --destination "${SOURCE_IP}" \
+ > --match tcp --destination-port 80 \
+ > --jump DNAT --to-destination "${CACHE_IP}:4000" ;
+ > done
+To remove those entries later, repeat the command with ``--delete``
+instead of ``--append``. You may need to list the ``SOURCE_IP`` values
+explicitly if the DNS entries have changed. Run::
+ # iptables --table nat --list PREROUTING --numeric
+to list the entries. See ``iptables(8)`` and
+``iptables-extensions(8)`` for more details.
.. _Gentoo's distfiles:
.. _Cache-Control headers: