+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Playlist class for Hooke.
-Copyright 2010 by Dr. Rolf Schmidt (Concordia University, Canada)
-This program is released under the GNU General Public License version 2.
-import os.path
-import xml.dom.minidom
-import lib.libhooke
-import lib.file
-class Playlist(object):
- def __init__(self, filename=None):
- self._saved = False
- self.count = 0
- self.figure = None
- self.files = []
- self.generics_dict = {}
- self.hidden_attributes = ['curve', 'data', 'driver', 'fits', 'name', 'plot', 'plots']
- self.index = -1
- self.name = None
- self.path = None
- self.plot_panel = None
- self.plot_tab = None
- if filename is None:
- self.filename = None
- else:
- self.load(filename)
- def add_file(self, filename):
- if os.path.isfile(filename):
- file_to_add = lib.file.File(filename)
- self.files.append(file_to_add)
- self._saved = False
- self.count = len(self.files)
- def delete_file(self, name):
- for index, item in enumerate(self.files):
- if item.name == name:
- del self.files[index]
- self.index = index
- self.count = len(self.files)
- if self.index > self.count - 1:
- self.index = 0
- def filter_curves(self, curves_to_keep=[]):
- playlist = Playlist()
- for curve_index in curves_to_keep:
- playlist.files.append(self.files[curve_index])
- playlist.count = len(playlist.files)
- playlist.index = 0
- return playlist
- def get_active_file(self):
- return self.files[self.index]
- #def get_active_plot(self):
- ##TODO: is this the only active (or default?) plot?
- #return self.files[self.index].plots[0]
- def load(self, filename):
- '''
- Loads a playlist file
- '''
- self.filename = filename
- self.path, self.name = os.path.split(filename)
- playlist_file = lib.libhooke.delete_empty_lines_from_xmlfile(filename)
- self.xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(playlist_file)
- #TODO: rename 'element' to 'curve' or something in hkp file
- #TODO: rename 'path' to 'filename'
- #TODO: switch from attributes to nodes, it's cleaner XML in my eyes
- element_list = self.xml.getElementsByTagName('element')
- #populate playlist with files
- for index, element in enumerate(element_list):
- #rebuild a data structure from the xml attributes
- #the next two lines are here for backwards compatibility, newer playlist files use 'filename' instead of 'path'
- if element.hasAttribute('path'):
- #path, name = os.path.split(element.getAttribute('path'))
- #path = path.split(os.sep)
- #filename = lib.libhooke.get_file_path(name, path)
- filename = element.getAttribute('path')
- if element.hasAttribute('filename'):
- #path, name = os.path.split(element.getAttribute('filename'))
- #path = path.split(os.sep)
- #filename = lib.libhooke.get_file_path(name, path)
- filename = element.getAttribute('filename')
- if os.path.isfile(filename):
- data_file = lib.file.File(filename)
- if element.hasAttribute('note'):
- data_file.note = element.getAttribute('note')
- self.files.append(data_file)
- self.count = len(self.files)
- if self.count > 0:
- #populate generics
- genericsDict = {}
- generics_list = self.xml.getElementsByTagName('generics')
- if generics_list:
- for attribute in generics_list[0].attributes.keys():
- genericsDict[attribute] = generics_list[0].getAttribute(attribute)
- if genericsDict.has_key('pointer'):
- index = int(genericsDict['pointer'])
- if index >= 0 and index < self.count:
- self.index = index
- else:
- index = 0
- self._saved = True
- def next(self):
- self.index += 1
- if self.index > self.count - 1:
- self.index = 0
- def previous(self):
- self.index -= 1
- if self.index < 0:
- self.index = self.count - 1
- def reset(self):
- if self.count > 0:
- self.index = 0
- else:
- self.index = -1
- def save(self, filename):
- '''
- Saves a playlist from a list of files.
- A playlist is an XML document with the following syntax:
- <playlist>
- <element path="/my/file/path/"/ attribute="attribute">
- <element path="...">
- </playlist>
- '''
- try:
- output_file = file(filename, 'w')
- except IOError:
- self.AppendToOutput('Cannot save playlist. Wrong path or filename')
- return
- #create the output playlist, a simple XML document
- implementation = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation()
- #create the document DOM object and the root element
- self.xml = implementation.createDocument(None, 'playlist', None)
- root = self.xml.documentElement
- #save generics variables
- playlist_generics = self.xml.createElement('generics')
- root.appendChild(playlist_generics)
- self.generics_dict['pointer'] = self.index
- for key in self.generics_dict.keys():
- #for key in generics.keys():
- self.xml.createAttribute(key)
- playlist_generics.setAttribute(key, str(self.generics_dict[key]))
- #save files and their attributes
- for item in self.files:
- #playlist_element=newdoc.createElement("file")
- playlist_element = self.xml.createElement('element')
- root.appendChild(playlist_element)
- for key in item.__dict__:
- if not (key in self.hidden_attributes):
- self.xml.createAttribute(key)
- playlist_element.setAttribute(key, str(item.__dict__[key]))
- self._saved = False
- self.xml.writexml(output_file, indent='\n')
- output_file.close()
- self._saved = True