FIXME: should be moved, probably to
- outplot=self.subtract_curves(1)
- xret=outplot.vectors[1][0]
- ydiff=outplot.vectors[1][1]
- raw_plot=self.current.curve.default_plots()[0]
+ #raw_plot=self.current.curve.default_plots()[0]
+ raw_plot=self.plots[0]
- #taking care of the picoforce trigger bug: we exclude portions of the curve that have too much
- #standard deviation. yes, a lot of magic is here.
- monlength=len(xext)
- #take half of the thing
- endlength=int(len(xext)/2)
+ first_point=[xext[0], yext[0]]
+ last_point=[xext[-1], yext[-1]]
+ #regr=scipy.polyfit(first_point, last_point,1)[0:2]
+ diffx=abs(first_point[0]-last_point[0])
+ diffy=abs(first_point[1]-last_point[1])
- ok=False
- xchunk=xext[endlength:monlength]
- ychunk=yext[endlength:monlength]
- regr=scipy.polyfit(xchunk,ychunk,1)[0:2]
+ #using polyfit results in numerical errors. good old algebra.
+ a=diffy/diffx
+ b=first_point[1]-(a*first_point[0])
+ baseline=scipy.polyval((a,b), xext)
- '''
- while not ok:
- xchunk=yext[endlength:monlength]
- ychunk=yext[endlength:monlength]
- print len(xchunk)
- #regr=scipy.stats.linregress(xchunk,ychunk)[0:2]
- regr=scipy.polyfit(xchunk,ychunk,1)[0:2]
- #we stop if we found an almost-horizontal fit or if we're going too short...
- #FIXME: 0.1 and 6 here are "magic numbers" (although reasonable)
- if (abs(regr[1]) > 0.1) and ( endlength < len(xret)-int(len(xret)/6) ) :
- endlength+=10
- else:
- ok=True
- '''
- '''
- ymean=scipy.mean(ychunk) #baseline
- index=0
- point = ymean+1
- #find the first point below the calculated baseline
- while point > ymean:
- try:
- point=yret[index]
- index+=1
- except IndexError:
- #The algorithm didn't find anything below the baseline! It should NEVER happen
- index=0
- '''
- #fit the contact line
- n_contact=100
- x_contact_chunk=xret2[0:n_contact]
- y_contact_chunk=yret[0:n_contact]
+ ysub=[item-basitem for item,basitem in zip(yext,baseline)]
+ contact=ysub.index(min(ysub))
- regr_contact=scipy.polyfit(x_contact_chunk,y_contact_chunk,1)[0:2]
- x_intercept=(regr_contact[1]-regr[1])/(regr[0]-regr_contact[0])
- y_intercept=(regr_contact[0]*x_intercept + regr_contact[1])
+ return xext,ysub,contact
#now, exploit a ClickedPoint instance to calculate index...
return dummy.index
def x_do_contact(self,args):
DEBUG COMMAND to be activated in the future
+ xext,ysub,contact=self.find_contact_point2(debug=True)
+ contact_plot=self.plots[0]
+ contact_plot.add_set(xext,ysub)
+ contact_plot.add_set([xext[contact]],[self.plots[0].vectors[0][1][contact]])
+ #contact_plot.add_set([first_point[0]],[first_point[1]])
+ #contact_plot.add_set([last_point[0]],[last_point[1]])
+ contact_plot.styles=[None,None,None,'scatter']
+ self._send_plot([contact_plot])
+ return
print regr
print regr_contact