my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
my $links = $IkiWiki::links{$page};
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page has no links", "" => 1)
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page has no links", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
unless $links && @{$links};
my $bestlink = IkiWiki::bestlink($from, $link);
foreach my $p (@{$links}) {
if match_glob($p_rel, $link, %params);
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page does not link to $link", "" => 1);
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page does not link to $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1);
sub match_backlink ($$;@) {
* Add --set-yaml switch for setting more complex config file options.
* filecheck: Fix bugs that prevented the pagespecs from matching when
not called by attachment plugin.
+ * Fix incorrect influence info returned by a failing link() pagespec,
+ that could lead to bad dependency handling in certian situations.
-- Joey Hess <> Sat, 13 Mar 2010 14:48:10 -0500
Then re-add the done link, and the dependency calc code breaks down,
not noticing that bugs dependeded on the page and needs to be updated.
+Ok.. Turns out this was not a problem with the actual influences
+calculation or dependency calculation code. Whew! `match_link`
+just didn't set the influence correctly when failing. [[fixed|done]]
use warnings;
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 72;
+use Test::More tests => 75;
BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
$links{foo}=[qw{bar baz}];
ok(! pagespec_match("bar", " "), "blank pagespec should match nothing");
ok(pagespec_match("ook", "link(blog/tags/foo)"), "link internal absolute success");
ok(pagespec_match("ook", "link(/blog/tags/foo)"), "link explicit absolute success");
+ok(pagespec_match("meh", "!link(done)"), "negated failing match is a success");
$IkiWiki::pagectime{foo}=1154532692; # Wed Aug 2 11:26 EDT 2006
$IkiWiki::pagectime{bar}=1154532695; # after
is(join(",", sort keys %$i), 'bar,foo', "influences add up over OR");
$i=pagespec_match("foo", "!link(baz) and !created_after(bar)")->influences;
is(join(",", sort keys %$i), 'bar,foo', "influences unaffected by negation");
+$i=pagespec_match("foo", "!link(baz) and !created_after(bar)")->influences;
+is(join(",", sort keys %$i), 'bar,foo', "influences unaffected by negation");
+$i=pagespec_match("meh", "!link(done)")->influences;
+is(join(",", sort keys %$i), 'meh', "a negated, failing link test is successful, so the page is a link influence");