--- /dev/null
+diff -urNp scponly-4.8-orig/configure scponly-4.8-dwok/configure
+--- scponly-4.8-orig/configure 2019-11-26 16:34:19.028544577 +0100
++++ scponly-4.8-dwok/configure 2019-11-26 16:33:24.571763528 +0100
+@@ -3244,7 +3244,7 @@ else
+ ;;
+ *)
+-as_dummy="`echo "$PATH:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/libexec:/usr/libexec/openssh:/usr/lib/ssh:/usr/lib64/ssh:/usr/local/libexec:/usr/lib/misc:/usr/lib/openssh" | sed -e 's/:/ /'`"
++as_dummy="`echo "$PATH:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib64/misc:/usr/libexec:/usr/libexec/openssh:/usr/lib/ssh:/usr/lib64/ssh:/usr/local/libexec:/usr/lib/misc:/usr/lib/openssh" | sed -e 's/:/ /'`"
+ for as_dir in $as_dummy
+ do
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+@@ -4240,7 +4240,7 @@ else
+ ;;
+ *)
+-as_dummy="`echo "$PATH:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/ssh:/usr/libexec/openssh:/usr/libexec:/usr/local/libexec" | sed -e 's/:/ /'`"
++as_dummy="`echo "$PATH:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib64/misc:/usr/lib/ssh:/usr/libexec/openssh:/usr/libexec:/usr/local/libexec" | sed -e 's/:/ /'`"
+ for as_dir in $as_dummy
+ do
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+diff -urNp scponly-4.8-orig/configure.in scponly-4.8-dwok/configure.in
+--- scponly-4.8-orig/configure.in 2019-11-26 16:34:19.028544577 +0100
++++ scponly-4.8-dwok/configure.in 2019-11-26 16:33:28.491819749 +0100
+@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([quota-compat],
+ if test "x$scponly_scp_compat" != "x"; then
+ AC_MSG_NOTICE([enabling core WinSCP and Vanilla SCP binaries...])
+- SCPONLY_PATH_PROG_DEFINE([PROG_SFTP_SERVER], [sftp-server],[/usr/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/libexec:/usr/libexec/openssh:/usr/lib/ssh:/usr/lib64/ssh:/usr/local/libexec:/usr/lib/misc:/usr/lib/openssh])
++ SCPONLY_PATH_PROG_DEFINE([PROG_SFTP_SERVER], [sftp-server],[/usr/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib64/misc:/usr/libexec:/usr/libexec/openssh:/usr/lib/ssh:/usr/lib64/ssh:/usr/local/libexec:/usr/lib/misc:/usr/lib/openssh])
+ SCPONLY_PATH_PROG_DEFINE([PROG_LS], [ls], [/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin])
+ SCPONLY_PATH_PROG_DEFINE([PROG_SCP], [scp], [/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin])
+ SCPONLY_PATH_PROG_DEFINE([PROG_RM], [rm], [/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin])
+@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ if test "x$scponly_sftp_compat" != "x";
+ if test "x$scponly_explicit_sftpserver_path" = "x"; then
+ dnl Informed guess:
+- [/usr/lib:/usr/lib/ssh:/usr/libexec/openssh:/usr/libexec:/usr/local/libexec])
++ [/usr/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib64/misc:/usr/lib/ssh:/usr/libexec/openssh:/usr/libexec:/usr/local/libexec])
+ dnl Debian uses /usr/lib
+ dnl Red Hat uses /usr/libexec/openssh
+ dnl Many a *BSD uses $PATH itself (which is implicit + checked 1st)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit multilib readme.gentoo-r1 toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="A tiny pseudoshell which only permits scp and sftp"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="chroot +sftp scp winscp gftp rsync unison subversion wildcards quota passwd logging"
+ || ( sftp scp winscp rsync unison subversion )
+ sys-apps/sed
+ net-misc/openssh
+ chroot? ( acct-user/scponly acct-group/scponly )
+ quota? ( sys-fs/quota )
+ rsync? ( net-misc/rsync )
+ subversion? ( dev-vcs/subversion )
+ unison? ( net-misc/unison:= )
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-rsync.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gcc4.4.0.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-sftp-server-path.patch"
+src_configure() {
+ CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS}" econf \
+ --with-sftp-server="/usr/$(get_libdir)/misc/sftp-server" \
+ --disable-restrictive-names \
+ $(use_enable chroot chrooted-binary) \
+ $(use_enable chroot chrooted-checkdir) \
+ $(use_enable winscp winscp-compat) \
+ $(use_enable gftp gftp-compat) \
+ $(use_enable scp scp-compat) \
+ $(use_enable sftp sftp) \
+ $(use_enable quota quota-compat) \
+ $(use_enable passwd passwd-compat) \
+ $(use_enable rsync rsync-compat) \
+ $(use_enable unison unison-compat) \
+ $(use_enable subversion svn-compat) \
+ $(use_enable subversion svnserv-compat) \
+ $(use_enable logging sftp-logging-compat) \
+ $(use_enable wildcards wildcards)
+src_compile() {
+ emake CC=$(tc-getCC)
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ if use chroot ; then
+ local DOC_CONTENTS="You might want to run\n
+ emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}\n
+ \nto setup the chroot. Otherwise you will have to setup chroot
+ manually. Please read the docs in /usr/share/doc/${PF} for more
+ informations, also the SECURITY file."
+ ( docinto chroot; dodoc setup_chroot.sh config.h )
+ # don't compress setup-script, so it is usable if necessary
+ docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/chroot
+ readme.gentoo_create_doc
+ fi
+pkg_config() {
+ if ! use chroot ; then
+ einfo "USE=chroot not enabled, nothing to configure."
+ return
+ fi
+ myuser="scponly"
+ myhome="/var/chroot/${myuser}"
+ mysubdir="/pub"
+ # pkg_postinst is based on ${S}/setup_chroot.sh.
+ einfo "Collecting binaries and libraries..."
+ # Binaries launched in sftp compat mode
+ if has_version "=${CATEGORY}/${PF}[sftp]" ; then
+ BINARIES="/usr/$(get_libdir)/misc/sftp-server"
+ fi
+ # Binaries launched by vanilla- and WinSCP modes
+ if has_version "=${CATEGORY}/${PF}[scp]" || \
+ has_version "=${CATEGORY}/${PF}[winscp]" ; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/scp /bin/ls /bin/rm /bin/ln /bin/mv"
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /bin/chmod /bin/chown /bin/chgrp /bin/mkdir /bin/rmdir"
+ fi
+ # Binaries launched in WinSCP compatibility mode
+ if has_version "=${CATEGORY}/${PF}[winscp]" ; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /bin/pwd /bin/groups /usr/bin/id /bin/echo"
+ fi
+ # Rsync compatability mode
+ if has_version "=${CATEGORY}/${PF}[rsync]" ; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/rsync"
+ fi
+ # Unison compatability mode
+ if has_version "=${CATEGORY}/${PF}[unison]" ; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/unison"
+ fi
+ # subversion cli/svnserv compatibility
+ if has_version "=${CATEGORY}/${PF}[subversion]" ; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/svn /usr/bin/svnserve"
+ fi
+ # passwd compatibility
+ if has_version "=${CATEGORY}/${PF}[passwd]" ; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/passwd"
+ fi
+ # quota compatibility
+ if has_version "=${CATEGORY}/${PF}[quota]" ; then
+ BINARIES="${BINARIES} /usr/bin/quota"
+ fi
+ # build lib dependencies
+ LIB_LIST=$(ldd ${BINARIES} | sed -n 's:.* => \(/[^ ]\+\).*:\1:p' | sort -u)
+ # search and add ld*.so
+ for LIB in /$(get_libdir)/ld.so /libexec/ld-elf.so /libexec/ld-elf.so.1 \
+ /usr/libexec/ld.so /$(get_libdir)/ld-linux*.so.2 /usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1; do
+ [ -f "${LIB}" ] && LIB_LIST="${LIB_LIST} ${LIB}"
+ done
+ # search and add libnss_*.so
+ for LIB in /$(get_libdir)/libnss_{compat,files}*.so.*; do
+ [ -f "${LIB}" ] && LIB_LIST="${LIB_LIST} ${LIB}"
+ done
+ # create base dirs
+ if [ ! -d "${myhome}" ]; then
+ die "Home '${myhome}' should have been created by acct-user but does not exist."
+ else
+ einfo "Setting owner for ${myhome}"
+ chown 0:0 "${myhome}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${myhome}/etc" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}/etc"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}/etc"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${myhome}/$(get_libdir)" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}/$(get_libdir)"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}/$(get_libdir)"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "${myhome}/lib" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}/lib"
+ ln -snf $(get_libdir) "${myhome}/lib"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${myhome}/usr/$(get_libdir)" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "${myhome}/usr/lib" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}/usr/lib"
+ ln -snf $(get_libdir) "${myhome}/usr/lib"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${myhome}${mysubdir}" ]; then
+ einfo "Creating ${myhome}${mysubdir} directory for uploading files"
+ install -o${myuser} -g${myuser} -m0755 -d "${myhome}${mysubdir}"
+ fi
+ # create /dev/null (Bug 135505)
+ if [ ! -e "${myhome}/dev/null" ]; then
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}/dev"
+ mknod -m0777 "${myhome}/dev/null" c 1 3
+ fi
+ # install binaries
+ for BIN in ${BINARIES}; do
+ einfo "Install ${BIN}"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}$(dirname ${BIN})"
+ if [ "${BIN}" = "/usr/bin/passwd" ]; then # needs suid
+ install -p -o0 -g0 -m04711 "${BIN}" "${myhome}/${BIN}"
+ else
+ install -p -o0 -g0 -m0755 "${BIN}" "${myhome}/${BIN}"
+ fi
+ done
+ # install libs
+ for LIB in ${LIB_LIST}; do
+ einfo "Install ${LIB}"
+ install -o0 -g0 -m0755 -d "${myhome}$(dirname ${LIB})"
+ install -p -o0 -g0 -m0755 "${LIB}" "${myhome}/${LIB}"
+ done
+ # create ld.so.conf
+ einfo "Creating /etc/ld.so.conf"
+ for LIB in ${LIB_LIST}; do
+ dirname ${LIB}
+ done | sort -u | while read DIR; do
+ if ! grep 2>/dev/null -q "^${DIR}$" "${myhome}/etc/ld.so.conf"; then
+ echo "${DIR}" >> "${myhome}/etc/ld.so.conf"
+ fi
+ done
+ ldconfig -r "${myhome}"
+ # update shells
+ einfo "Updating /etc/shells"
+ grep 2>/dev/null -q "^/usr/bin/scponly$" /etc/shells \
+ || echo "/usr/bin/scponly" >> /etc/shells
+ grep 2>/dev/null -q "^/usr/sbin/scponlyc$" /etc/shells \
+ || echo "/usr/sbin/scponlyc" >> /etc/shells
+ # create /etc/passwd
+ if [ ! -e "${myhome}/etc/passwd" ]; then
+ (
+ echo "root:x:0:0:root:/:/bin/sh"
+ sed -n "s|^\(${myuser}:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:\).*|\1${mysubdir}:/bin/sh|p" /etc/passwd
+ ) > "${myhome}/etc/passwd"
+ fi
+ # create /etc/group
+ if [ ! -e "${myhome}/etc/group" ]; then
+ (
+ echo "root:x:0:"
+ sed -n "s|^\(${myuser}:[^:]*:[^:]*:\).*|\1|p" /etc/group
+ ) > "${myhome}/etc/group"
+ fi