--- /dev/null
+# vi: set ts=4:
+sub grab_function;
+sub grab_def;
+sub check_cmdtest_func;
+sub echo_cmdtest_in;
+@ARGV = ('-') unless @ARGV;
+$ARGV=shift @ARGV;
+ warn "Can't open $ARGV: $!\n";
+ exit 1;
+while(<FILE>) {
+ if( m/s->do_cmdtest.*=/ ){
+ $func = $_;
+ $func =~ s/^.*do_cmdtest\s*=[\s\&]*(\w*);.*\n/\1/;
+ #chomp;
+ push @funcs, $func;
+ }
+ print "no cmdtest function\n";
+ exit 0;
+foreach $func (@funcs) {
+ print "function: $func\n";
+ check_cmdtest_func($func);
+sub grab_function
+ my $funcname = @_[0];
+ my $line="";
+ my $state=0;
+ my $ok=0;
+ seek FILE,0,SEEK_SET;
+ while(<FILE>) {
+ if( $state==0 && m/$funcname/ ){
+ $state=1;
+ $line="";
+ }
+ if( $state==1 && m/;/ ){ $state=0; }
+ if( $state==1 && m/\{/ ){
+ #print COUT "static int cmd_test(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s,comedi_cmd *cmd)\n";
+ print COUT "$line\n";
+ $state=2;
+ }
+ if( $state==1){ $line="$line $_"; }
+ if( $state==2 ){
+ print COUT;
+ if( m/^}/ ){ $state=0; }
+ $ok=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$ok){
+ print "E: couldn't grab function $funcname\n";
+ }
+ print COUT "\n";
+sub grab_def
+ my $def = @_[0];
+ my $ok=0;
+ seek FILE,0,SEEK_SET;
+ while(<FILE>) {
+ if( m/#define\s*$def/ ){
+ print COUT;
+ $ok=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$ok){
+ print "E: couldn't grab definition $def\n";
+ }
+ print COUT "\n";
+sub check_cmdtest_func
+ my $func = @_[0];
+ my $output;
+ open(COUT,"> cmdtest.c") || die("can't open cmdtest.c: $!");
+# open(CIN,"< cmdtest.in.c") || die("can't open cmdtest.in.c: $!");
+# while(<CIN>){print COUT;}
+# close CIN;
+ echo_cmdtest_in();
+ print COUT "#define $func cmd_test\n";
+ # Dependencies. It's easy to do it manually
+ $func eq "dt2814_ai_cmdtest" && grab_def("DT2814_MAX_SPEED");
+ $func eq "pci9118_ai_cmdtest" && grab_def("PCI9118_BIPOLAR_RANGES");
+ $func eq "cb_pcidas_ai_cmdtest" && grab_def("TIMER_BASE");
+ $func eq "das16m1_cmd_test" && grab_def("DAS16M1_XTAL");
+ $func eq "das1800_ai_do_cmdtest" && grab_def("UNIPOLAR");
+ $func eq "das1800_ai_do_cmdtest" && grab_def("TIMER_BASE");
+ $func eq "das800_ai_do_cmdtest" && grab_def("N_CHAN_AI");
+ $func eq "das800_ai_do_cmdtest" && grab_def("TIMER_BASE");
+ $func eq "a2150_ai_cmdtest" && grab_def("CLOCK_MASK");
+ $func eq "a2150_ai_cmdtest" && grab_def("CLOCK_SELECT_BITS");
+ $func eq "a2150_ai_cmdtest" && grab_def("CLOCK_DIVISOR_BITS");
+ $func eq "ni_ai_cmdtest" && grab_def("TIMER_BASE");
+ $func eq "ni_ao_cmdtest" && grab_def("TIMER_BASE");
+ $func eq "rtd_ai_cmdtest" && grab_def("RTD_MAX_SPEED");
+ $func eq "rtd_ai_cmdtest" && grab_def("RTD_MIN_SPEED");
+ $func eq "rtd_ai_cmdtest" && grab_def("RTD_CLOCK_BASE");
+ $func eq "pci9118_ai_cmdtest" && grab_function("check_channel_list");
+ $func eq "pci171x_ai_cmdtest" && grab_function("check_channel_list");
+ $func eq "cb_pcidda_ai_cmdtest" && grab_function("cb_pcidda_ns_to_timer");
+ $func eq "timer_cmdtest" && grab_function("cmdtest_helper");
+ $func eq "das1800_ai_do_cmdtest" && grab_function("burst_convert_arg");
+ $func eq "dt2814_ai_cmdtest" && grab_function("dt2814_ns_to_timer");
+ $func eq "dt282x_ai_cmdtest" && grab_function("dt282x_ns_to_timer");
+ $func eq "dt282x_ao_cmdtest" && grab_function("dt282x_ns_to_timer");
+ $func eq "a2150_ai_cmdtest" && grab_function("a2150_get_timing");
+ $func eq "ni_ai_cmdtest" && grab_function("ni_ns_to_timer");
+ $func eq "ni_ao_cmdtest" && grab_function("ni_ns_to_timer");
+ $func eq "rtd_ai_cmdtest" && grab_function("rtd_ns_to_timer");
+ $func eq "skel_ai_cmdtest" && grab_function("skel_ns_to_timer");
+ grab_function($func);
+ close COUT;
+ $output = `gcc -o cmdtest cmdtest.c -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -g 2>&1`;
+ if ( "$output" ){
+ print $output;
+ print "E: $func: compilation failed!\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $output = `./cmdtest`;
+ print "$output";
+ return 0;
+sub echo_cmdtest_in
+ print COUT <<'EOF';
+/* cmdtest.in.c */
+#include <comedi.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define CMDTEST
+#include "8253.h"
+typedef struct comedi_device_struct comedi_device;
+typedef struct comedi_subdevice_struct comedi_subdevice;
+typedef struct comedi_async_struct comedi_async;
+typedef struct comedi_driver_struct comedi_driver;
+typedef struct comedi_lrange_struct comedi_lrange;
+struct comedi_subdevice_struct{
+ int type;
+ int n_chan;
+ int subdev_flags;
+ int len_chanlist; /* length of channel/gain list, if available */
+ void *private;
+ comedi_async *async;
+ void *lock;
+ void *busy;
+ unsigned int runflags;
+ int io_bits;
+ lsampl_t maxdata; /* if maxdata==0, use list */
+ lsampl_t *maxdata_list; /* list is channel specific */
+ unsigned int flags;
+ unsigned int *flaglist;
+ comedi_lrange *range_table;
+ comedi_lrange **range_table_list;
+ unsigned int *chanlist; /* driver-owned chanlist (not used) */
+ comedi_trig cur_trig; /* current trig structure */
+ int (*trig[5])(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *,comedi_trig *);
+ int (*insn_read)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *,comedi_insn *,lsampl_t *);
+ int (*insn_write)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *,comedi_insn *,lsampl_t *);
+ int (*insn_bits)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *,comedi_insn *,lsampl_t *);
+ int (*insn_config)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *,comedi_insn *,lsampl_t *);
+ int (*do_cmd)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *);
+ int (*do_cmdtest)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *,comedi_cmd *);
+ int (*poll)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *);
+ int (*cancel)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *);
+ int (*do_lock)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *);
+ int (*do_unlock)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *);
+ int (*buf_change)(comedi_device *,comedi_subdevice *s);
+ unsigned int state;
+struct comedi_device_struct{
+ int use_count;
+ comedi_driver *driver;
+ void *private;
+ //kdev_t minor;
+ char *board_name;
+ //int board;
+ void *board_ptr;
+ int attached;
+ int rt;
+ //spinlock_t spinlock;
+ int in_request_module;
+ int n_subdevices;
+ comedi_subdevice *subdevices;
+ /* dumb */
+ int iobase;
+ int irq;
+ comedi_subdevice *read_subdev;
+ //wait_queue_head_t read_wait;
+ comedi_subdevice *write_subdev;
+ //wait_queue_head_t write_wait;
+ //struct fasync_struct *async_queue;
+struct priv_struct{
+ int divisor1;
+ int divisor2;
+ unsigned int config_bits;
+ unsigned int clockbase;
+ unsigned int i8254_osc_base;
+ int usemux;
+struct priv_struct priv;
+#define devpriv (&priv)
+struct board_struct{
+ unsigned int ai_ns_min;
+ unsigned int n_aichanlist;
+ unsigned int ai_speed;
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int clock[4];
+ unsigned int num_clocks;
+ unsigned int n_aichan;
+ unsigned int n_aichand;
+struct board_struct __this_board;
+#define this_board (&__this_board)
+#define thisboard (&__this_board)
+#define boardtype (__this_board)
+#define printk printf
+#define rt_printk printf
+#define comedi_error(a,b) printf(b)
+static int cmd_test(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s, comedi_cmd *cmd);
+comedi_device device,*dev;
+comedi_subdevice subdevice,*s;
+void check_null(void);
+void check_mask(void);
+void check_mask_2(void);
+comedi_cmd cmd_mask;
+int main(int argc,char *argv[])
+ dev=&device;
+ s=&subdevice;
+ check_null();
+ check_mask();
+ check_mask_2();
+ return 0;
+void check_null(void)
+ comedi_cmd cmd;
+ int ret;
+ memset(&cmd,0,sizeof(cmd));
+ ret = cmd_test(dev,s,&cmd);
+ if(ret!=1)printf("E: null returned %d\n",ret);
+void check_mask(void)
+ comedi_cmd cmd;
+ int ret;
+ memset(&cmd,0,sizeof(cmd));
+ cmd.start_src=TRIG_ANY;
+ cmd.scan_begin_src=TRIG_ANY;
+ cmd.convert_src=TRIG_ANY;
+ cmd.scan_end_src=TRIG_ANY;
+ cmd.stop_src=TRIG_ANY;
+ ret = cmd_test(dev,s,&cmd);
+ if(ret!=1)printf("E: mask returned %d\n",ret);
+ printf("start_src: %08x\n",cmd.start_src );
+ printf("scan_begin_src: %08x\n",cmd.scan_begin_src );
+ printf("convert_src: %08x\n",cmd.convert_src );
+ printf("scan_end_src: %08x\n",cmd.scan_end_src );
+ printf("stop_src: %08x\n",cmd.stop_src );
+ cmd_mask=cmd;
+void check_mask_2(void)
+ int ret;
+ comedi_cmd cmd=cmd_mask;
+ ret = cmd_test(dev,s,&cmd);
+ if(ret<2)printf("E: mask_2 returned %d\n",ret);
+/* begin autogenerated */