Run all integration tests with:
nosetests --with-doctest --doctest-tests test/
--- /dev/null
+"""Hooke integration tests.
+Besides the unittests embedded in the Hooke code, we also want to
+check the whole system against popular use cases. This :mod:`test`
+module can be scanned by ``nosetests`` in the ususal manner to run any
+defined tests.
+Because of the ``nosetests`` scanning, the working directory for all
+tests is the Hooke source root directory. If you change directories
+during a test, be sure to change back to the original directory when
+you're done.
--- /dev/null
+>>> from hooke.hooke import Hooke
+>>> h = Hooke()
+>>> h.run_lines(['load_playlist test/data/test']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+[<hooke.curve.Curve object at 0x...>]