--- /dev/null
+import Melcor
+import time
+import data_logger
+log_dir = "/home/wking/rsrch/data/temperature"
+class error (Exception) :
+ "Errors with the temperature controller"
+ pass
+class errorMmelcor (error) :
+ pass
+class errorOutOfRange (error) :
+ pass
+def _check1(functionCall) :
+ (err, val) = functionCall
+ if err != 0 :
+ raise errorMelcor
+ return val
+def _check0(functionCall) :
+ err = functionCall
+ if err != 0 :
+ raise errorMelcor
+def melcor2double(value) :
+ (err, doub) = Melcor.melcor2double(value)
+ if err != 0 :
+ raise errorMelcor, "Error converting melcor to double"
+ return doub
+def double2melcor(doub) :
+ (err, val) = Melcor.double2melcor(doub)
+ if err != 0 :
+ raise errorMelcor, "Error converting double to melcor"
+ return val
+def check_range(raw_output, min, max) :
+ if raw_output < min :
+ raise errorOutOfRange, '%g < %g' % (raw_output, min)
+ if raw_output > max :
+ raise errorOutOfRange, '%g > %g' % (raw_output, max)
+class tempController :
+ "Pretty wrappers for controlling a Melcor MTCA Temperature Controller"
+ def __init__(self, controller=1, device='/dev/ttyS0', maxCurrent=0.2) :
+ """
+ (controller, device, maxCurrent) -> (tempController instance)
+ controller : MTCA controller Id
+ device : serial port you're using to connect to the controller
+ maxCurrent : initial maximum allowed current (in Amps)
+ Set maxCurrent = None if you don't want to adjust from it's prev. value.
+ 0.2 A is the default max current since it seems ok to use without fluid
+ cooled heatsink. If you are cooling the heatsink, use 1.0 A, which seems
+ safely below the peltier's 1.2 A limit.
+ """
+ self.verbose = False
+ self.setpoint = 20.0 # degrees C
+ self.Tmin = 5.0 # setup some protective bounds for sanity checks
+ self.Tmax = 50.0
+ self.specMaxCur = 4.0 # Amps, the rated max current from controller specs
+ self.T = Melcor.tempController(controller, device)
+ if maxCurrent != None : # if None, just leave maxCurrent at it's prev. val.
+ self.setMaxCurrent(maxCurrent) # Amps
+ def getTemp(self) :
+ "Returns the current process temperature in degrees Celsius"
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_HIGH_RESOLUTION)
+ temp = val/100.0
+ return temp
+ def getAmbientTemp(self) :
+ "Returns room temperature in degrees Celsius"
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE)
+ # convert (Fahrenheit*10) to Celsius
+ return (val/10.0 - 32)/1.8
+ def setSetpoint(self, setpoint) :
+ "Set the temperature setpoint in degrees Celsius"
+ val = double2melcor(setpoint)
+ self.write(Melcor.REG_SET_POINT_1, val)
+ def getSetpoint(self) :
+ "Get the temperature setpoint in degrees Celsius"
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_SET_POINT_1)
+ return melcor2double(val)
+ def setMaxCurrent(self, maxCur) :
+ """
+ Set the max current in Amps.
+ (Note to Melcor enthusiasts: set's both the 'above' and 'below' limits)
+ """
+ maxPercent = maxCur / self.specMaxCur * 100
+ val = double2melcor(maxPercent)
+ self.write(Melcor.REG_HIGH_POWER_LIMIT_ABOVE, val)
+ self.write(Melcor.REG_HIGH_POWER_LIMIT_BELOW, val)
+ self.maxCurrent = maxCur
+ def getMaxCurrent(self) :
+ """
+ () -> (currentLimitAbove (A), currentLimitBelow (A), currentLimitSetpoint (deg C))
+ """
+ per = self.read(Melcor.REG_HIGH_POWER_LIMIT_ABOVE)
+ curLimAbove = melcor2double(per)/100.0 * self.specMaxCur
+ per = self.read(Melcor.REG_HIGH_POWER_LIMIT_BELOW)
+ curLimBelow = melcor2double(per)/100.0 * self.specMaxCur
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_POWER_LIMIT_SETPOINT)
+ curLimSet = melcor2double(val)
+ return (curLimAbove, curLimBelow, curLimSet)
+ def getPercentCurrent(self) :
+ """
+ Returns the percent of rated max current being output.
+ See getCurrent()
+ """
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_PERCENT_OUTPUT)
+ return val
+ def getCurrent(self) :
+ """
+ The returned current is not the actual current,
+ but the current that the temperature controller
+ calculates it should generate.
+ If the voltage required to generate that current
+ exceeds the controllers max voltage (15V on mine),
+ then the physical current will be less than the
+ value returned here.
+ """
+ percentOutput = self.getPercentCurrent()
+ return self.specMaxCur * percentOutput / 100
+ def setCoolingGains(self, propband=0.1, integral=0, derivative=0) :
+ """
+ (propband, integral, derivative, dead_band) -> None
+ propband : propotional gain band in degrees C
+ integral : integral weight in minutes (0.00 to 99.99)
+ derivative : derivative weight in minutes (? to ?)
+ See 5.10 and the pages afterwards in the manual for Melcor's explaination.
+ Formula (from Cornell BioPhys El Producto Beamline notes)
+ P_cout = -1/T_prop * [ (T_samp - T_set)
+ + 1/t_int * int_-inf^t (T_samp(t')-T_set(t')) dt'
+ + t_deriv * dT_samp/dt
+ Where P_cout is the percent of the rated max current that the controller
+ would like to output if you weren't limiting it,
+ T_prop is the propband input to this function,
+ T_samp is the measured temperature of the sample in deg C,
+ T_set is the setpoint in deg C,
+ t_int is the integral input to this function,
+ the integral with respect to t' is actually only from the time that
+ T_samp has been with T_prop of T_set (not -inf), and
+ t_deriv is the derivative input to this function.
+ Cooling is output 1
+ """
+ check_range(propband, 0, 99.9)
+ check_range(integral, 0, 99.99)
+ check_range(derivative, 0, 99.99)
+ val = double2melcor(propband)
+ self.write(Melcor.REG_PROPBAND_1, val)
+ val = int(integral * 100)
+ self.write(Melcor.REG_INTEGRAL_1, val)
+ val = int(derivative * 100)
+ self.write(Melcor.REG_DERIVATIVE_1, val)
+ def getCoolingGains(self) :
+ "() -> (propband, integral, derivative)"
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_PROPBAND_1)
+ propband = melcor2double(val)
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_INTEGRAL_1)
+ integral = val/100.0
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_DERIVATIVE_1)
+ derivative = val/100.0
+ return (propband, integral, derivative)
+ def setHeatingGains(self, propband=0.1, integral=0, derivative=0) :
+ """
+ (propband, integral, derivative, dead_band) -> None
+ propband : propotional gain band in degrees C
+ integral : integral weight in minutes (0.00 to 99.99)
+ derivative : derivative weight in minutes (? to ?)
+ Don't use derivative, dead time.
+ Cycle time?
+ Histerysis?
+ Burst?
+ See 5.10 and the pages afterwards in the manual for Melcor's explaination.
+ Formula (from Cornell BioPhys El Producto Beamline notes)
+ P_cout = -1/T_prop * [ (T_samp - T_set)
+ + 1/t_int * int_-inf^t (T_samp(t')-T_set(t')) dt'
+ + t_deriv * dT_samp/dt
+ Where P_cout is the percent of the rated max current that the controller
+ would like to output if you weren't limiting it,
+ T_prop is the propband input to this function,
+ T_samp is the measured temperature of the sample in deg C,
+ T_set is the setpoint in deg C,
+ t_int is the integral input to this function,
+ the integral with respect to t' is actually only from the time that
+ T_samp has been with T_prop of T_set (not -inf), and
+ t_deriv is the derivative input to this function.
+ Heating is output 2
+ """
+ check_range(propband, 0, 99.9)
+ check_range(integral, 0, 99.99)
+ check_range(derivative, 0, 99.99)
+ val = double2melcor(propband)
+ self.write(Melcor.REG_PROPBAND_2, val)
+ val = int(integral * 100)
+ self.write(Melcor.REG_INTEGRAL_2, val)
+ val = int(derivative * 100)
+ self.write(Melcor.REG_DERIVATIVE_2, val)
+ def getHeatingGains(self) :
+ "() -> (propband, integral, derivative)"
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_PROPBAND_2)
+ propband = melcor2double(val)
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_INTEGRAL_2)
+ integral = val/100.0
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_DERIVATIVE_2)
+ derivative = val/100.0
+ return (propband, integral, derivative)
+ def getFeedbackTerms(self) :
+ """
+ Experimental
+ """
+ pid = self.read(Melcor.REG_PID_POWER_1)
+ prop = self.read(Melcor.REG_PROP_TERM_1)
+ ntgrl = self.read(Melcor.REG_INTEGRAL_TERM_1)
+ deriv = self.read(Melcor.REG_DERIVATIVE_TERM_1)
+ pout = self.getPercentCurrent()
+ temp = self.getTemp()
+ tset = self.getSetpoint()
+ print "pid %g =? sum %g =? cur %g" % (pid, prop+ntgrl+deriv, pout)
+ print "meas: prop %d, integral %d, deriv %d" % (prop, ntgrl, deriv)
+ print "my calcs: prop %d" % (temp-tset)
+ def setTemp(self, setpoint, tolerance=0.3, time=10.0) :
+ """
+ Changes setpoint to SETPOINT and waits for stability
+ """
+ self.setSetpoint(setpoint)
+ while self.isStable(setpoint, tolerance, time) != True :
+ pass
+ def setTemp_funkygain(self, setpoint, dead_time, heat_rate, cool_rate,
+ peltier_efficiency_fn, outside_equilib_rate,
+ tolerance=0.3, time=10.0) :
+ """
+ Highly experimental, see diffusion.py
+ """
+ mode = ""
+ T = self.getTemp()
+ # full steam ahead
+ print "full steam ahead"
+ self.setSetpoint(setpoint)
+ self.setHeatingGains(0.1, 0, 0)
+ self.setCoolingGains(0.1, 0, 0)
+ if T < setpoint :
+ mode = "Heating"
+ self._heat_until_close(setpoint, dead_time, heat_rate)
+ elif T > setpoint :
+ mode = "Cooling"
+ self._cool_until_close(setpoint, dead_time, cool_rate)
+ # coast
+ print "coast while temperature equilibrates"
+ self.setHeatingGains(100, 0, 0)
+ self.setCoolingGains(100, 0, 0)
+ time.sleep(dead_time*2)
+ cool_prop, heat_prop = self.calcPropBands()
+ print "calculated prop bands: c %g, h %g deg C" % (cool_prop, heat_prop)
+ print "reset integral gain, and bump to predicted props"
+ # pop down to reset integral gain, could also jump setpoint...
+ self.setHeatingGains(0.1, 0, 0)
+ self.setHeatingGains(heat_prop, 0, 0)
+ self.setCoolingGains(0.1, 0, 0)
+ self.setCoolingGains(cool_prop, 0, 0)
+ time.sleep(dead_time*4)
+ # now add in some integral to reduce droop
+ print "set integral gains to %g" % (dead_time*4)
+ self.setHeatingGains(heat_prop, dead_time*4, 0)
+ self.setCoolingGains(cool_prop, dead_time*4, 0)
+ time.sleep(dead_time*8)
+ print "wait to enter tolerance band"
+ while (self.getTemp()-setpoint) :
+ time.sleep(dead_time)
+ print "should be stable now"
+ if not self.isStable(setpoint, tolerance, time) :
+ raise error, "Algorithm broken ;)"
+ def _heat_until_close(self, setpoint, dead_time, heat_rate) :
+ while self.getTemp() < setpoint - 0.5*rate*dead_time :
+ time.sleep(dead_time/10.0)
+ def calcPropBands(setpoint, peltier_efficiency_fn, outside_equilib_rate) :
+ heat_loss = outside_equilib_rate * (setpoint - self.getAmbientTemp())
+ required_current = heat_loss / peltier_efficiency_fn(setpoint)
+ if required_current > self.maxCurrent :
+ raise errorOutOfRange, "Can't source %g Amps", required_current
+ fraction_current = required_current / self.maxCurrent
+ droop = 0.5 # expected droop in deg C on only proporitional gain
+ # droop / T_prop = fraction current
+ T_prop = droop / fraction_current
+ if setpoint > self.getAmbientTemp()+5 : # heating
+ return (T_prop*10, T_prop)
+ elif setpoint < self.getAmbientTemp()+5 : # cooling
+ return (T_prop, T_prop*10)
+ else : # right about room temperature
+ return (T_prop, T_prop)
+ def isStable(self, setpoint, tolerance=0.3, maxTime=10.0) :
+ """
+ Counts how long the temperature stays within
+ Returns when temp goes bad, or MAXTIME elapses.
+ """
+ stable = False
+ startTime = time.time()
+ stopTime = startTime
+ while abs(self.getTemp() - setpoint) < tolerance :
+ stopTime = time.time()
+ if (stopTime-startTime) > maxTime :
+ print "Stable for long enough"
+ break
+ if stopTime-startTime > maxTime :
+ return True
+ else :
+ return False
+ def setFilterTime(self, seconds) :
+ """
+ Positive values to affect only monitored values.
+ Negative values affect both monitored and control values.
+ """
+ decSeconds = int(seconds*10)
+ if decSeconds < 0 : # convert (unsigned int) -> (2's compliment signed)
+ decSeconds += 2**16
+ self.write(Melcor.REG_INPUT_SOFTWARE_FILTER_1, decSeconds)
+ def getFilterTime(self) :
+ """
+ Positive values to affect only monitored values.
+ Negative values affect both monitored and control values.
+ """
+ val = self.read(Melcor.REG_INPUT_SOFTWARE_FILTER_1)
+ if val >= 2**15 : # convert (2's complement signed) -> (unsigned int)
+ val -= 2**16
+ return val/10.0
+ def sanityCheck(self) :
+ "Check that some key registers have the values we expect"
+ _sanityCheck(Melcor.REG_UNITS_TYPE, 2) # SI
+ _sanityCheck(Melcor.REG_C_OR_F, 1) # C
+ _sanityCheck(Melcor.REG_FAILURE_MODE, 2) # off
+ _sanityCheck(Melcor.REG_RAMPING_MODE, 0) # off
+ _sanityCheck(Melcor.REG_OUTPUT_1, 1) # cool
+ _sanityCheck(Melcor.REG_OUTPUT_2, 1) # heat
+ def _sanityCheck(self, register, expected_value) :
+ val = self.read(register)
+ if val != expected_value :
+ print "Register %d, expected %d, was %d" % (register,
+ expected_value,
+ val)
+ raise error, "Controller settings error"
+ def read(self, register) :
+ """
+ (register) -> (value)
+ Returns the value of the specified memory register on the controller.
+ Registers are defined in the Melcor module.
+ See melcor_registers.h for a pointers on meanings and manual page nums.
+ """
+ (err, val) = self.T.read(register)
+ if err != 0 :
+ raise errorMelcor
+ return val
+ def write(self, register, value) :
+ """
+ (register, value) -> None
+ Sets the value of the specified memory register on the controller.
+ Registers are defined in the Melcor module.
+ See melcor_registers.h for a pointers on meanings and manual page nums.
+ """
+ err = self.T.write(register, value)
+ if err != 0 :
+ raise errorMelcor
+ def getDeadtimeData(self, num_oscillations=10, curHysteresis=0.8, log=True) :
+ orig_heat_gains = self.getHeatingGains()
+ orig_cool_gains = self.getCoolingGains()
+ if self.verbose :
+ print "Measuring dead time"
+ print " go to bang-bang"
+ self.setHeatingGains(0.1, 0, 0)
+ self.setCoolingGains(0.1, 0, 0)
+ def isHeating(cur) :
+ if cur > curHysteresis :
+ return True
+ elif cur < -curHysteresis :
+ return False
+ else :
+ return None
+ i=0
+ timeArr = [0.0]
+ temp = self.getTemp()
+ cur = self.getCurrent()
+ heat_first = isHeating(cur)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ tm = 0
+ if verbose :
+ print " Wait to exit hysteresis region"
+ while heat_first == None and tm < 30:
+ temp = t.getTemp()
+ cur = t.getCurrent()
+ heat_first = isHeating(temp, cur)
+ tm = time.time()-start_time
+ if tm > 30 :
+ raise error, "after 30 seconds, still inside hysteresis region"
+ if self.verbose :
+ print " Read oscillations"
+ heating = heat_first
+ start_time = time.time()
+ tempArr = [temp]
+ curArr = [cur]
+ if verbose :
+ print "Temp %g\t(%g),\tCur %g,\tTime %d" % (temp, temp-Tset, cur, 0)
+ while i < numOscillations*2 :
+ temp = t.getTemp()
+ tm = time.time()-start_time
+ cur = t.getCurrent()
+ tempArr.append(temp)
+ timeArr.append(tm)
+ curArr.append(cur)
+ check_signs(temp,cur)
+ if heating == True and isHeating(temp, cur) == False :
+ print "Transition to cooling (i=%d)" % i
+ heating = False
+ i += 1
+ elif heating == False and isHeating(temp, cur) == True :
+ print "Transition to heating (i=%d)" % i
+ heating = True
+ i += 1
+ if verbose :
+ print " Restoring gains"
+ self.setHeatingGains(*orig_heat_gains)
+ self.setCoolingGains(*orig_cool_gains)
+ if log == True :
+ log = 1# MARK
+def _test_tempController() :
+ t = tempController(controller=1, maxCurrent=0.1)
+ print "Temp = %g" % t.getTemp()
+ print "Current = %g" % t.getCurrent()
+ print "Setpoint = %g" % t.getSetpoint()
+ print "Setting setpoint to 5.0 deg C"
+ t.setSetpoint(5.0)
+ sp = t.getSetpoint()
+ print "Setpoint = %g" % sp
+ if sp != 5.0 :
+ raise Exception, "Setpoint in %g != setpoint out %g" % (sp, 5.0)
+ time.sleep(10) # give the controller some time to overcome any integral gain
+ c = t.getCurrent()
+ print "Current = %g" % c
+ mca, mcb, mct = t.getMaxCurrent()
+ if t.getTemp() < mct : # we're below the high power limit setpoint, use mcb
+ if c != mcb :
+ raise Exception, "Current not at max %g, and we're shooting for a big temp" % mcb
+ else :
+ if c != mca :
+ raise Exception, "Current not at max %g, and we're shooting for a big temp" % mca
+ print "Setting setpoint to 50.0 deg C"
+ t.setSetpoint(50.0)
+ sp = t.getSetpoint()
+ print "Setpoint = %g" % sp
+ if sp != 5.0 :
+ raise Exception, "Setpoint in %g != setpoint out %g" % (sp, 5.0)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ c = t.getCurrent()
+ print "Current = %g" % c
+ print "Success"
+ mca, mcb, mct = t.getMaxCurrent()
+ if t.getTemp() < mct : # we're below the high power limit setpoint, use mcb
+ if -c != mcb :
+ raise Exception, "Current not at min %g, and we're shooting for a big temp" % (-mcb)
+ else :
+ if -c != mca :
+ raise Exception, "Current not at min %g, and we're shooting for a big temp" % (-mca)
+def test() :
+ _test_tempController()
+if __name__ == "__main__" :
+ test()