--- /dev/null
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="http://joey.kitenet.net/"
+ nickname="joey"
+ subject="branches"
+ date="2010-08-15T16:06:43Z"
+ content="""
+This is where the git backend (or bzr if you prefer) shines. Make a site, and then branch it to a second site, and put your personal type stuff on the branch. cherry-pick or merge changes from one branch to another.
+The possibility to do this kind of thing is why our recently launched Ikiwiki hosting service is called
+[Branchable.com](http://branchable.com). It makes it easy to create branches of a Ikiwiki site hosted
+there: <http://www.branchable.com/tips/branching_an_existing_site/>
+(Merging between branches need manual git, for now.)
+BTW, for links between the branched wikis you can just use the [[plugins/shortcut]] plugin.