Package-Manager: portage-2.2.21
--- /dev/null
+DIST ros_comm-1.11.14.tar.gz 945041 SHA256 8e7beff35711b1918501c69cca4f29648d4d4207878edab069bcd59d515c78f3 SHA512 be768faa0a2f45c464e963934a95dc617cac6c3fcec2388602a27846774c25b882b5139099ce10d1d051a21d5938819942e079836d14618071bc7ad90ee78bab WHIRLPOOL e047ce984086655294c20dbf0715cc29f51ec358f075f02de80c5de0d4ef8059990dc8312d78d7a7fa91c4a974dc21cba15d6eacafe02fd3df527770e50f75a5
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm"
+inherit ros-catkin
+DESCRIPTION="ROS communications-related packages"
+# utilities subdir
+ dev-ros/roslz4
+ dev-ros/xmlrpcpp
+ dev-ros/roswtf
+ dev-ros/message_filters
+# tools subdir
+ dev-ros/rosbag
+ dev-ros/rosbag_storage
+ dev-ros/rosconsole
+ dev-ros/rosgraph
+ dev-ros/roslaunch
+ dev-ros/rosmaster
+ dev-ros/rosmsg
+ dev-ros/rosnode
+ dev-ros/rosout
+ dev-ros/rosparam
+ dev-ros/rosservice
+ dev-ros/rostest
+ dev-ros/rostopic
+ dev-ros/topic_tools
+# clients subdir
+ dev-ros/roscpp
+ dev-ros/rospy
+# test subdir
+ dev-ros/test_rosbag
+ dev-ros/test_rosbag_storage
+ dev-ros/test_roscpp
+ dev-ros/test_rosgraph
+ dev-ros/test_roslaunch
+ dev-ros/test_roslib_comm
+ dev-ros/test_rosmaster
+ dev-ros/test_rosparam
+ dev-ros/test_rospy
+ dev-ros/test_rosservice
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm"
+inherit ros-catkin
+DESCRIPTION="ROS communications-related packages"
+# utilities subdir
+ dev-ros/roslz4
+ dev-ros/xmlrpcpp
+ dev-ros/roswtf
+ dev-ros/message_filters
+# tools subdir
+ dev-ros/rosbag
+ dev-ros/rosbag_storage
+ dev-ros/rosconsole
+ dev-ros/rosgraph
+ dev-ros/roslaunch
+ dev-ros/rosmaster
+ dev-ros/rosmsg
+ dev-ros/rosnode
+ dev-ros/rosout
+ dev-ros/rosparam
+ dev-ros/rosservice
+ dev-ros/rostest
+ dev-ros/rostopic
+ dev-ros/topic_tools
+# clients subdir
+ dev-ros/roscpp
+ dev-ros/rospy
+# test subdir
+ dev-ros/test_rosbag
+ dev-ros/test_rosbag_storage
+ dev-ros/test_roscpp
+ dev-ros/test_rosgraph
+ dev-ros/test_roslaunch
+ dev-ros/test_roslib_comm
+ dev-ros/test_rosmaster
+ dev-ros/test_rosparam
+ dev-ros/test_rospy
+ dev-ros/test_rosservice