(\cref{sec:polymer-synthesis}). With the groundwork out of the way,
we will look at sample preparation (\cref{sec:sample-preparation}) and
the velocity clamp force spectroscopy procedure
-(\cref{sec:procedure}). Finally, we will give an executive summary of
-cantilever calibration (\cref{sec:cantilever-calib:intro}) which is
-discussed in more detail in \cref{sec:cantilever-calib}.
+(\cref{sec:procedure}). Finally, we will give a summary of cantilever
- calibration (\cref{sec:cantilever-calib:intro}).
++calibration (\cref{sec:cantilever-calib:intro}) which is discussed in
++more detail in \cref{sec:cantilever-calib}.
Everything discussed in this chapter, with the possible exception of
cantilever calibration, is fairly standard practice in the field of