"""Defines :class:`CutPlugin` and :class:`CutCommand`.
-class cutCommands(object):
- def _plug_init(self):
- self.cut_basecurrent=None
- self.cut_basepoints=None
- def do_cut(self,args):
- '''
- (cut.py)
- Cut the selected signal between two points.
- With the first parameter you have to select the signal (for FS for example
- you can select with "0" the approacing curve and 1 for the retracting
- curve. This depend also on how many set of data you have on the graph).
- With the second parameter you select the output name file for the selection.
- The data is arranged in two simple column without a header, the first column
- is the "x" data and the second the "y".
- -----------------
- Syntax: distance "whatset" "namefile"
- '''
- if len(args)==0:
- print "This command need the number of the graph that you want save and a name for the output file."
- return
- a=args.split()
- whatset=int(a[0])
- outfile=a[1]
- plot=self._get_displayed_plot()
- print 'Select two points'
- points=self._measure_N_points(N=2, whatset=whatset)
- minbound=min(points[0].index, points[1].index)
- maxbound=max(points[0].index, points[1].index)
- boundpoints=[minbound, maxbound]
- yarr=plot.vectors[whatset][1][boundpoints[0]:boundpoints[1]]
- xarr=plot.vectors[whatset][0][boundpoints[0]:boundpoints[1]]
- f=open(outfile,'w+')
- for i in range(len(yarr)):
- f.write(str(xarr[i])+";"+str(yarr[i])+"\n")
+from . import Plugin, Command, Argument
+class CutPlugin (Plugin):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(CutPlugin, self).__init__(name='cut')
+ def commands(self):
+ return [CutCommand()]
+class CutCommand (Command):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(CutCommand, self).__init__(
+ name='cut',
+ arguments=[
+ Argument(name='curve', type='curve', optional=False, help="""
+:class:``hooke.Curve`` to cut from.
+ Argument(name='block', aliases=['set'], type='int', default=0,
+ help="""
+Data block to save. For an approach/retract force curve, `0` selects
+the approacing curve and `1` selects the retracting curve.
+ Argument(name='bounds', type='point', optional=False, count=2,
+ help="""
+Indicies of points bounding the selected data.
+ Argument(name='output', type='file', default='cut.dat',
+ help="""
+File name for the output data.
+ ],
+ help="""
+Cut the selected signal between two points and write it to a file.
+The data is saved in TAB-delimited ASCII text, where the first column
+is "x" and the second is "y". There is no header row.
+ def _run(inqueue, outqueue, params):
+ i_min = min([p.index for p in params['points']])
+ i_max = max([p.index for p in params['points']])
+ data = params['curve'][params['bound']]
+ cut_data = data[i_min:i_max+1,:] # slice rows from row-major data
+ # +1 to include data[i_max] row
+ f = open(params['output'], 'w')
+ cut_data.tofile(f, sep='\t')