--- /dev/null
+diff -urNp hspell-1.0.org/binarize-desc.pl hspell-1.0/binarize-desc.pl
+--- hspell-1.0.org/binarize-desc.pl 2005-01-11 17:45:00.000000000 +0200
++++ hspell-1.0/binarize-desc.pl 2006-10-27 00:13:06.000000000 +0200
+@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ while(<>){
+ $c++;
+ print STDERR "#" if !($c%1000);
+ }
+-print STDERR "\ncreate dmask.c...\n";
++print STDERR "\ncreate dmask.c.h...\n";
+-open(DESC_C,">dmask.c") or die "cannot create dmask.c\n";
++open(DESC_C,">dmask.c.h") or die "cannot create dmask.c.h\n";
+ print DESC_C "/* This file is automatically generated by binarize-desc.pl.\n".
+ print DESC_C "int dmasks[] = {\n";
+diff -urNp hspell-1.0.org/configure.in hspell-1.0/configure.in
+--- hspell-1.0.org/configure.in 2004-12-06 23:01:49.000000000 +0200
++++ hspell-1.0/configure.in 2006-10-27 01:53:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,16 +1,33 @@
+ dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce Hspell's configure script.
++AC_INIT(hspell, 1.0,
++ [http://www.ivrix.org.il/bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=Hspell])
+ dnl "wolig.dat" is any file in the source directory, used to check we're in
+ dnl the right directory.
+-dnl this alows us to use $(MAKE) in the makefile, even if our make program
+-dnl doesn't support this variable. This requires putting @SET_MAKE@ in the
+-dnl Makefile.in
++dnl Libtool versioning (CURRENT:REVISION:AGE)
++dnl 1. Start with version information of 0:0:0 for each libtool library.
++dnl 2. Update the version information only immediately before a public
++dnl release of your software. More frequent updates are unnecessary, and
++dnl only guarantee that the current interface number gets larger faster.
++dnl 3. If the library source code has changed at all since the last
++dnl update, then increment revision (c:r:a becomes c:r+1:a).
++dnl 4. If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the
++dnl last update, increment current, and set revision to 0.
++dnl 5. If any interfaces have been added since the last public release,
++dnl then increment age.
++dnl 6. If any interfaces have been removed since the last public release,
++dnl then set age to 0.
++dnl http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual.html#Updating-version-info
++LT_VERSION_INFO="-version-info 1:0:0"
+ dnl Hspell uses the "inline" keyword, always as "static inline". Some old C
+ dnl compilers (such as the one on Solaris 8!) still don't have inline, so we
+@@ -22,12 +39,15 @@ AC_C_CONST
+ dnl TODO: remove -g from CFLAGS and add -s to LDFLAGS
+ AC_PATH_PROG([PERL], [perl])
++AC_PATH_PROG([GZIP], [gzip])
++AC_PATH_PROG([AWK], [awk])
+ dnl Check for libraries.
+ AC_CHECK_LIB([z],[gzread],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([No Zlib header, defaulting to using pipes])])],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([No Zlib library, defaulting to using pipes])])
+ dnl Allow the builder to enable or disable certain features of Hspell,
+ dnl and/or build or not build certain things.
+@@ -37,11 +57,6 @@ dnl "make clean" is done!
+ AC_MSG_NOTICE([Checking features selected by user (see configure --help)...])
+-dnl Our TARGETS variable chooses what to compile. Some things are
+-dnl optionally compiled depending on --enable-* paramters to configure.
+-TARGETS="hebrew.wgz.sizes hspell"
+ dnl "fatverb" optional feature: (--enable-fatverb)
+ dnl Determines whether or not to build about 150,000 additional rare verb
+ dnl forms (known as objective kinuyim).
+@@ -63,25 +78,6 @@ else
+ fi
+-dnl "aspell" optional feature: (--enable-aspell)
+-dnl Builds data files - he_affix.dat and he.wl - needed by Aspell to do
+-dnl spell-checking of Hebrew.
+-dnl NOTE: This configuration parameter is deprecated. There is no point
+-dnl in using it, instead of doing normal "configure" followed by "make aspell".
+- AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-aspell],[Build data files - he_affix.dat
+- and he.wl - suitable for use as Aspell 0.6 dictionary for Hebrew.]),
+- [ac_opt_aspell=$enable_aspell], [ac_opt_aspell=no])
+-if test x$ac_opt_aspell = xyes
+- AC_MSG_NOTICE([Feature aspell enabled (building he_affix.dat, he.wl).])
+- TARGETS="$TARGETS aspell"
+- AC_MSG_NOTICE([Feature aspell disabled (not building aspell files).])
+ dnl "linginfo" optional feature: (--enable-linginfo)
+ dnl Include a full morphological analyzer in "hspell -l". Note that this
+@@ -95,20 +91,14 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([linginfo],
+ 4 times larger, but doesn't slow Hspell if "-l" isn't used.]),
+ [ac_opt_linginfo=$enable_linginfo], [ac_opt_linginfo=no])
+ if test x$ac_opt_linginfo = xyes
+ then
+ AC_MSG_NOTICE([Feature linginfo enabled (morphological analyzer).])
+- EXTRAOBJECTS="linginfo.o"
+-# note that linginfo_data should be done first, because it currently builds
+-# some of the normal things (like hebrew.wgz) in a different way (using
+-# pack-desc, not pmerge). This is ugly, and should be fixed.
+- TARGETS="linginfo_data $TARGETS"
+ else
+ AC_MSG_NOTICE([Feature linginfo disabled (no morphological analyzer).])
+ fi
++AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_LINGINFO, test x$ac_opt_linginfo = xyes)
+ dnl "test" optional feature: (--enable-test)
+ dnl Compile a testing binary. Currently the only thing that this does is
+@@ -127,9 +117,10 @@ then
+ DICTBASE='./hebrew.wgz'
+ else
+- DICTBASE='$(SHARE)/hebrew.wgz'
++ DICTBASE='$(pkgdatadir)/hebrew.wgz'
+ fi
++AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile hspell.pc])
+diff -urNp hspell-1.0.org/hspell.pc.in hspell-1.0/hspell.pc.in
+--- hspell-1.0.org/hspell.pc.in 1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
++++ hspell-1.0/hspell.pc.in 2006-10-27 00:03:28.000000000 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
++Name: Hspell
++Description: Hebrew spell-checker library
++Cflags: -I${includedir}
++Libs: -L${libdir} -lhspell @ZLIB_LIBS@
+diff -urNp hspell-1.0.org/libhspell.c hspell-1.0/libhspell.c
+--- hspell-1.0.org/libhspell.c 2006-05-04 22:59:37.000000000 +0300
++++ hspell-1.0/libhspell.c 2006-10-27 00:21:06.000000000 +0200
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ load_data(struct dict_radix **dictp)
+ * genprefixes.pl program.
+ */
+-#include "prefixes.c"
++#include "prefixes.c.h"
+ struct prefix_node {
+ /* if a prefix has a certain 'mask', and lookup on a word returns
+diff -urNp hspell-1.0.org/linginfo.c hspell-1.0/linginfo.c
+--- hspell-1.0.org/linginfo.c 2004-09-08 10:11:19.000000000 +0300
++++ hspell-1.0/linginfo.c 2006-10-27 01:05:49.000000000 +0200
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include "linginfo.h"
+-#include "dmask.c"
++#include "dmask.c.h"
+ /* For an explanation of this bizarre set of definitions, see the comment
+diff -urNp hspell-1.0.org/ltmain.sh hspell-1.0/ltmain.sh
+diff -urNp hspell-1.0.org/Makefile.am hspell-1.0/Makefile.am
+--- hspell-1.0.org/Makefile.am 1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
++++ hspell-1.0/Makefile.am 2006-10-27 01:57:09.000000000 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
++# EXTRIMLY important
++# UTF will not work!!!
++linginfo_sources = linginfo.c
++linginfo_deps = dmask.c.h
++linginfo_data = hebrew.wgz.stems hebrew.wgz.desc
++linginfo_sources =
++linginfo_deps =
++linginfo_data =
++BUILT_SOURCES = prefixes.c.h $(linginfo_deps)
++lib_LTLIBRARIES = libhspell.la
++nodist_libhspell_la_SOURCES = prefixes.c.h $(linginfo_deps)
++libhspell_la_SOURCES = dict_radix.c gimatria.c corlist.c libhspell.c $(linginfo_sources)
++libhspell_la_LDFLAGS = $(LT_VERSION_INFO) -no-undefined
++dist_bin_SCRIPTS = multispell
++dist_man_MANS = hspell.1 hspell.3
++bin_PROGRAMS = hspell
++hspell_SOURCES = hspell.c tclHash.c
++hspell_LDADD = libhspell.la
++include_HEADERS = hspell.h linginfo.h
++pkgdata_DATA = hebrew.wgz hebrew.wgz.hints hebrew.wgz.prefixes hebrew.wgz.sizes $(linginfo_data)
++pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
++pkgconfig_DATA = hspell.pc
++noinst_PROGRAMS = find_sizes specfilter mk_he_affix wunzip
++find_sizes_SOURCES = find_sizes.c dict_radix.c
++find_sizes_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
++specfilter_SOURCES = specfilter.c
++specfilter_DEPENDENCIES = prefixes.c.h
++mk_he_affix_SOURCES = mk_he_affix.c
++mk_he_affix_DEPENDENCIES = prefixes.c.h
++wunzip_SOURCES = wunzip.c
++noinst_HEADERS = dict_radix.h gzbuffered.h hash.h tclHash.h
++ -$(LN_S) hspell$(EXEEXT) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/hspell-i
++CLEANFILES = out.nouns out.verbs out.nouns-shemp hspell.pl_full \
++ hspell.pl_wzip wunzip wordlist.wgz shemp.dat \
++ hebrew.wgz hebrew.wgz.sizes hebrew.wgz.prefixes \
++ dout.nouns.shemp.gz shemp.dat dout.nouns.wolig.gz dout.verbs.gz \
++ prefixes.c.h hebrew.wgz.desc hebrew.wgz.stems he_affix.dat \
++ he.wl mk_he_affix hebrew.wgz.lingsizes.tmp dmask.c.h install.js \
++ spell-he.xpi he.dic he.aff README-he.txt \
++ README_he_IL.txt he_IL.dic he_IL.aff he_IL.zip \
++ hebeng/install.js hebeng/heb-eng.aff hebeng/heb-eng.dic \
++ hebeng/README-he.txt hebeng/README-en-US.txt \
++ hebeng/spell-heb-eng.xpi
++ stats wzip wolig.pl wolig.dat biza-nouns milot extrawords \
++ woo woo.dat biza-verbs likelyerrors spellinghints \
++ pmerge PrefixBits.pl genprefixes.pl binarize-desc.pl pack-desc.pl \
++ install.js.pre hspell.pc.in
++############################### special rules ###############################
++prefixes.c.h: genprefixes.pl
++ $(PERL) -I. -w $< > $@
++hebrew.wgz.hints: spellinghints
++ $(GZIP) -9 < $< > $@
++GZDICTS=dout.nouns.wolig.gz dout.verbs.gz dout.nouns.shemp.gz
++DICTS=milot extrawords biza-verbs biza-nouns
++# hebrew.wgz contains all the words without any prefix hints like B,L,+ we
++# previously had.
++# hebrew.wgz.prefixes is the prefix hints (one byte per word, compressed).
++# hebrew.wgz.sizes contains the memory sizes that reading hebrew.wgz will
++# require (this makes it easier for hspell to preallocate the needed sizes).
++hebrew.wgz hebrew.wgz.prefixes: $(DICTS) $(GZDICTS)
++ ($(GZIP) -dc $(GZDICTS); cat $(DICTS)) | $(PERL) -I. -- pmerge -p hebrew.wgz.tmp | $(AWK) -f wzip | $(GZIP) -9 > hebrew.wgz
++ $(GZIP) -9 < hebrew.wgz.tmp >hebrew.wgz.prefixes
++ -rm -f hebrew.wgz.tmp
++hebrew.wgz.sizes: hebrew.wgz find_sizes$(EXEEXT)
++ $(GZIP) -dc hebrew.wgz | ./find_sizes >hebrew.wgz.sizes
++###################################### optional linginfo stuff ##############
++# hebrew.wgz contains all the words without any prefix hints like B,L,+ we
++# previously had.
++# hebrew.wgz.prefixes is the prefix hints (one byte per word, compressed).
++# hebrew.wgz.sizes contains the memory sizes that reading hebrew.wgz will
++# require (this makes it easier for hspell to preallocate the needed sizes).
++# dmask.c contains an array of all possible values of the description bitmask.
++# It is generated by pack-desc.pl. This array is not too long (no more than
++# 300 for the default dictionary).
++# In the following long rule, the complete list of all words with linguistic
++# details is concatanated and sent to binarize-desc.pl, which converts the
++# detail information of each word into bitmap (called dmask), produces a
++# spesifier that tell which prefixes are accepted with the word, and writes its
++# stem. Then the words list is sorted, packed (a-la uniq), and the output files
++# are written.
++# TODO: make pack-desc.pl/binarize-desc.pl and pmerge into just one script
++# (with options on whether to generate stems, etc.), and then we won't have
++# this ugliness of two different rules generating hebrew.wgz in two ways
++# (this is not only ugly, it's unsafe. If we use linginfo (--enable-linginfo
++# and change, say, "extrawords", and run "make hebrew.wgz" we will get the
++# wrong program run. "make" will work properly because we stick an extra
++# target in front of the default targets.
++hebrew.wgz.desc hebrew.wgz.stems hebrew.wgz.lingsizes.tmp dmask.c.h: $(DICTS) $(GZDICTS) find_sizes$(EXEEXT)
++ ($(GZIP) -dc $(GZDICTS); cat $(DICTS)) | \
++ $(PERL) "-I." binarize-desc.pl | \
++ sort -u | \
++ $(PERL) "-I." pack-desc.pl -p hebrew.wgz.prefixes.tmp \
++ -d hebrew.wgz.desc.tmp -s hebrew.wgz.stems.tmp \
++ -l hebrew.wgz.lingsizes.tmp | \
++ $(AWK) -f wzip | \
++ $(GZIP) -9 > hebrew.wgz
++ $(GZIP) -dc hebrew.wgz | ./find_sizes >hebrew.wgz.sizes
++ cat hebrew.wgz.lingsizes.tmp >> hebrew.wgz.sizes
++ -rm -f hebrew.wgz.prefixes
++ -rm -f hebrew.wgz.lingsizes.tmp
++ $(GZIP) -9 < hebrew.wgz.prefixes.tmp >hebrew.wgz.prefixes
++ -rm -f hebrew.wgz.prefixes.tmp
++ -rm -f hebrew.wgz.desc
++ $(GZIP) -9 < hebrew.wgz.desc.tmp >hebrew.wgz.desc
++ -rm -f hebrew.wgz.desc.tmp
++ -rm -f hebrew.wgz.stems
++ $(GZIP) -9 < hebrew.wgz.stems.tmp >hebrew.wgz.stems
++ -rm -f hebrew.wgz.stems.tmp
++# dout.* are the outputs from the various word-list generators with the
++# -d option (i.e., with an explanation on how each word was derived)
++# The dout files are quite large, as much as 10MB. To lower the amount
++# of temporary space needed during compilation (is this necessary nowadays?)
++# we compress them.
++dout.nouns.%: %.dat
++ $(PERL) -I. -w wolig.pl -d $< > $@
++dout.nouns.%.gz: %.dat
++ $(PERL) -I. -w wolig.pl -d $< | $(GZIP) -4 > $@
++dout.nouns.shemp.gz: shemp.dat
++ $(PERL) -I. -w wolig.pl -d shemp.dat | $(GZIP) -4 > $@
++# We need two rules here, and not just two targets for one rule, to make
++# parallel make work correctly. See bug 78 in the bugzilla for more info.
++ $(PERL) -I. -w woo -d woo.dat | sed "$(SEDCMD)" | $(GZIP) -4 > $@
++shemp.dat: dout.verbs.gz
++# The following targets build packages of Hspell's word list in formats
++# required for other spell-checkers like Aspell and Myspell. They are not
++# necessary for building Hspell.
++# The "aspell" target generates the "he_affix.dat" and "he.wl" files needed
++# for using aspell 0.6 with Hspell's Hebrew word list.
++aspell: he_affix.dat he.wl
++mk_he_affix.o: prefixes.c.h
++he_affix.dat he.wl: mk_he_affix$(EXEEXT) wunzip$(EXEEXT) hebrew.wgz hebrew.wgz.prefixes specfilter$(EXEEXT)
++ ./mk_he_affix > he.wl
++# The "myspell" target generates the "he.dic" and "he.aff" files needed
++# for using Hspell's Hebrew word list in myspell. Myspell is the spell-
++# checking library used in both Mozilla and OpenOffice, and its format is
++# very similar to the uncompressed aspell dictionary format.
++myspell: he.dic he.aff
++he.dic he.aff: he_affix.dat he.wl
++ cat he.wl | wc -l > he.dic
++ cat he.wl >> he.dic
++ echo SET ISO8859-8 > he.aff
++ echo TRY éåäàòçë÷\'\"ùñæãâáøðîèöúôíóêõïì >> he.aff
++ cat he_affix.dat >> he.aff
++# The "mozilla" target generates a ".xpi" file, which is basically a zip
++# file containing the dictionaries in Myspell format (similar to the
++# uncompressed aspell dictionary format).
++mozilla: spell-he.xpi
++spell-he.xpi: he.dic he.aff install.js README
++ rm -f README-he.txt spell-he.xpi
++ cp README README-he.txt
++ zip spell-he.xpi install.js README-he.txt he.aff he.dic
++ sed "s/%VERSION%/$(VERSION)/g; s/%DISPLAY_NAME%/Hebrew (IL) dictionary/g; s/%APP_NAME%/spell-he/g" < install.js.pre > install.js
++# The "heb-eng-xpi" target generates, like the "mozilla" target, an xpi
++# file. But instead of taking only the Hebrew word list, it merges our
++# Hebrew word list with another English word list. This is useful in software
++# (like Mozilla) which doesn't support multiple dictionaries at the same time,
++# but a typical user still wants to check mixed-language documents.
++ mkdir hebeng
++en-US.dic en-US.aff README-en-US.txt:
++ echo \*\*\* Please link to the english dictionary files $@
++ false
++hebeng/install.js: hebeng install.js.pre
++ sed "s/%VERSION%/$(VERSION)/g; s/%DISPLAY_NAME%/Hebrew-English combined dictionary/g; s/%APP_NAME%/spell-heb-eng/g; s/he\.dic/heb-eng.dic/; s/he\.aff/heb-eng.aff/; /var myspell_folder/s/$$/addFile(APP_NAME, \"README-en-US.txt\", myspell_folder, \"\")\;/" < install.js.pre > hebeng/install.js
++hebeng/heb-eng.aff: he.aff en-US.aff
++ echo SET ISO8859-8 >hebeng/heb-eng.aff
++ echo TRY esianrtolcdugmphbyfvkwzESIANRTOLCDUGMPHBYFVKWZéåäàòçë÷\'\"ùñæãâáøðîèöúôíóêõïì >> hebeng/heb-eng.aff
++ tail +3 en-US.aff >> hebeng/heb-eng.aff
++ tail +3 he.aff >> hebeng/heb-eng.aff
++hebeng/heb-eng.dic: he.dic en-US.dic
++ cat he.dic en-US.dic | wc -l > hebeng/heb-eng.dic
++ tail +2 en-US.dic >> hebeng/heb-eng.dic
++ tail +2 he.dic >> hebeng/heb-eng.dic
++heb-eng-xpi: hebeng hebeng/heb-eng.dic hebeng/heb-eng.aff hebeng/install.js README README-en-US.txt
++ (cd hebeng;\
++ rm -f README-he.txt spell-heb-eng.xpi ;\
++ cp README README-he.txt;\
++ cp ../README-en-US.txt . ;\
++ zip spell-heb-eng.xpi install.js README-he.txt README-en-US.txt heb-eng.aff heb-eng.dic)
++# The openoffice target generates a .zip file, which contains the files
++# that need to be installed in OpenOffice's dictionary directory (e.g.,
++# /usr/lib/ooo-1.1/share/dict/ooo/). Additionally, you'll need to add the
++# line "DICT he IL he_IL" to the dictionary.lst file in that directory
++# (for performance, you may want to remove from that list dictionaries in
++# irrelevant languages). The zip itself can be used by DicOOo, OpenOffice's
++# automatic dictionary-fetching macro. But you don't need to compile Hspell
++# yourself if you plan to do that.
++openoffice: he_IL.zip
++he_IL.zip: he_IL.dic he_IL.aff README_he_IL.txt
++ rm -f he_IL.zip
++ zip he_IL.zip he_IL.dic he_IL.aff README_he_IL.txt
++# note: zip dereferences symbolic links, so those are enough.
++he_IL.dic: he.dic
++ $(LN_S) he.dic he_IL.dic
++he_IL.aff: he.aff
++ $(LN_S) he.aff he_IL.aff
++ echo "This Hebrew dictionary in Myspell format was generated automatically from" >README_he_IL.txt
++ echo "data prepared by the Hspell project:" >>README_he_IL.txt
++ echo >>README_he_IL.txt
++ echo "http://ivrix.org.il/projects/spell-checker" >>README_he_IL.txt
++ echo "Hspell version $(VERSION) was used." >>README_he_IL.txt
++ echo >>README_he_IL.txt
++ echo "This dictionary is Copyright (C) 2000-2006, Nadav Har'El and Dan Kenigsberg." >>README_he_IL.txt
++ echo "It is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)." >>README_he_IL.txt
+diff -urNp hspell-1.0.org/mk_he_affix.c hspell-1.0/mk_he_affix.c
+--- hspell-1.0.org/mk_he_affix.c 2006-05-08 22:33:28.000000000 +0300
++++ hspell-1.0/mk_he_affix.c 2006-10-27 01:16:48.000000000 +0200
+@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+-#include "prefixes.c"
++#include "prefixes.c.h"
+ #include "hspell.h"
+ /* #define PREFIXFILE_COMMAND "gzip -dc hebrew.wgz.prefixes" */
+-#define PREFIXFILE_COMMAND "gzip -dc hebrew.wgz.prefixes | specfilter"
++#define PREFIXFILE_COMMAND "gzip -dc hebrew.wgz.prefixes | ./specfilter"
+ /* Convert a number in the range 0..52 (currently) to a readable character
+ that can be used as the rule (prefix set) name. To facilitate merging our
+diff -urNp hspell-1.0.org/specfilter.c hspell-1.0/specfilter.c
+--- hspell-1.0.org/specfilter.c 2006-05-04 22:58:11.000000000 +0300
++++ hspell-1.0/specfilter.c 2006-10-27 01:16:02.000000000 +0200
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
+ * matters is just the bag of different masks in the masks[] array))
+ */
+-#include "prefixes.c"
++#include "prefixes.c.h"
+ #include <stdlib.h>