bzip2 -f9 environment
cp "${EBUILD}" "${PF}.ebuild"
+ [ -n "${PORTAGE_REPO_NAME}" ] && echo "${PORTAGE_REPO_NAME}" > repository
if hasq nostrip ${FEATURES} ${RESTRICT} || hasq strip ${RESTRICT}
mysettings["ROOT"] = myroot
mysettings["STARTDIR"] = getcwd()
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_REPO_NAME"] = ""
+ # bindbapi has no getRepositories() method
+ if mydbapi and hasattr(mydbapi, "getRepositories"):
+ # do we have a origin repository name for the current package
+ repopath = os.sep.join(pkg_dir.split(os.path.sep)[:-2])
+ for reponame in mydbapi.getRepositories():
+ if mydbapi.getRepositoryPath(reponame) == repopath:
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_REPO_NAME"] = reponame
+ break
mysettings["EBUILD"] = ebuild_path
mysettings["O"] = pkg_dir
mysettings.configdict["pkg"]["CATEGORY"] = cat
for x in listdir(inforoot):
- # do we have a origin repository name for the current package
- repopath = os.sep.join(self.settings["O"].split(os.sep)[:-2])
- # bindbapi has no getRepositories() method
- if mydbapi and hasattr(mydbapi, "getRepositories"):
- foundname = False
- for reponame in mydbapi.getRepositories():
- if mydbapi.getRepositoryPath(reponame) == repopath:
- fd = open(os.path.join(self.dbtmpdir, "repository"), "w")
- fd.write(reponame+"\n")
- fd.close()
- foundname = True
- break
- if not foundname:
- ewarn("Could not determine name of source repository at %s" % repopath, phase="preinst", key=self.mycpv)
# write local package counter for recording
lcfile = open(os.path.join(self.dbtmpdir, "COUNTER"),"w")