the repository with a public http:// or svn:// URL in the\r
metadata so users of it will see the public URL.\r
<p>Since the noMetadata, rewriteRoot, useSvnsyncProps and useSvmProps\r
options all affect the metadata generated and used by git-svn; they\r
<strong>must</strong> be set in the configuration file before any history is imported\r
and these settings should never be changed once they are set.</p>\r
<p>Additionally, only one of these four options can be used per-svn-remote\r
section because they affect the <em>git-svn-id:</em> metadata line.</p>\r
<div class="sectionbody">\r
<div id="footer">\r
<div id="footer-text">\r
-Last updated 08-Jun-2008 01:34:17 UTC\r
+Last updated 20-Jun-2008 04:18:10 UTC\r
the repository with a public http:// or svn:// URL in the
metadata so users of it will see the public URL.
Since the noMetadata, rewriteRoot, useSvnsyncProps and useSvmProps
options all affect the metadata generated and used by git-svn; they
*must* be set in the configuration file before any history is imported
Additionally, only one of these four options can be used per-svn-remote
section because they affect the 'git-svn-id:' metadata line.