Tests can be defined with prerequites so a student wishing to learn a
higher level task, but out of their depth with the task itself, can
-easily go back through the basics.
+easily go back through the basics. By default, only the leaf
+questions (i.e. questions that are not dependencies of other question)
+are asked. If the user gets one wrong, we push the question back on
+the stack (so they can try again later), and also push all of that
+questions direct dependencies onto the stack (so they can get the
+background they need to answer the question they got wrong).
+There are a number of example quizzes available in the ``quizzes``
+directory. The example quizzes mostly focus on teaching software
+development tasks (POSIX shell utilities, Git version control, …), but
+any material that can be presented in a textual prompt/response/check
+process should be fairly easy to develop. The quiz files are written
+in JSON, and the format should be fairly easy to understand after
+looking through the examples.
+The quiz framework and answer processing are independent of the user
+interface used to present the prompts and collect responses.
+Currently only a ``input()`` based command line interface exists, but
+other interfaces (e.g. a web server for browser-based interaction)
+should be fairly straightforward.
+Here's an example typescript for one of the sample quizzes::
+ $ ./pq.py quizzes/monty-python.json
+ What is your favourite color?
+ ? blue
+ correct
+ What is the capital of Assyria?
+ ? Hmm…
+ incorrect
+ What is your quest?
+ ? To seek the Holy Grail
+ correct
+ What is the capital of Assyria?
+ ? ?
+ What is the capital of Assyria?
+ Sir Robin didn't know it either
+ ? I don't know that
+ correct
+ results:
+ question: What is your quest?
+ answers: 1/1 (1.00)
+ you answered: To seek the Holy Grail
+ which was: correct
+ question: What is your favourite color?
+ answers: 1/1 (1.00)
+ you answered: blue
+ which was: correct
+ question: What is the capital of Assyria?
+ answers: 1/2 (0.50)
+ you answered: Hmm…
+ which was: incorrect
+ you answered: I don't know that
+ which was: correct
+ answered 3 of 4 questions
+ of the answered questions, 3 (1.00) were answered correctly
+The unanswered question (“What is your name?”) wasn't asked because
+the user successfully answered the question that depended on it (“What
+is your quest?”).
Quizzer requires Python ≥ 3.3.