preserve_libs = old_libs.difference(mylibs)
# ignore any libs that are only internally used by the package
- for lib in preserve_libs.copy():
- old_contents_without_libs = [x for x in old_contents if os.path.basename(x) not in preserve_libs]
- if len(set(libmap[lib]).intersection(old_contents_without_libs)) == len(libmap[lib]):
- preserve_libs.remove(lib)
+ def has_external_consumers(lib, contents, otherlibs):
+ consumers = set(libmap[lib])
+ contents_without_libs = [x for x in contents if not os.path.basename(x) in otherlibs]
+ # just used by objects that will be autocleaned
+ if len(consumers.difference(contents_without_libs)) == 0:
+ return False
+ # used by objects that are referenced as well, need to check those
+ # recursively to break any reference cycles
+ elif len(consumers.difference(contents)) == 0:
+ otherlibs = set(otherlibs)
+ for ol in otherlibs.intersection(consumers):
+ if has_external_consumers(ol, contents, otherlibs.copy().remove(lib)):
+ return True
+ return False
+ # used by external objects directly
+ else:
+ return True
+ for lib in list(preserve_libs):
+ if not has_external_consumers(lib, old_contents, preserve_libs):
+ preserve_libs.remove(lib)
# get the real paths for the libs
preserve_paths = [x for x in old_contents if os.path.basename(x) in preserve_libs]
+ del old_contents, old_libs, mylibs, preserve_libs
# inject files that should be preserved into our image dir
import shutil
for x in preserve_paths:
shutil.copy2(x, os.path.join(srcroot, x.lstrip(os.sep)))
+ del preserve_paths
# check for package collisions
if "collision-protect" in self.settings.features: