# Unset some variables that break things.
-# We need this next line for "die" and "assert". It expands
-# It _must_ preceed all the calls to die and assert.
-shopt -s expand_aliases
-alias die='diefunc "$FUNCNAME" "$LINENO" "$?"'
-alias assert='_pipestatus="${PIPESTATUS[*]}"; [[ "${_pipestatus// /}" -eq 0 ]] || diefunc "$FUNCNAME" "$LINENO" "$_pipestatus"'
-alias save_IFS='[ "${IFS:-unset}" != "unset" ] && old_IFS="${IFS}"'
-alias restore_IFS='if [ "${old_IFS:-unset}" != "unset" ]; then IFS="${old_IFS}"; unset old_IFS; else unset IFS; fi'
export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH}:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:${ROOTPATH}"
[ ! -z "$PREROOTPATH" ] && export PATH="${PREROOTPATH%%:}:$PATH"
source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH}/isolated-functions.sh" &>/dev/null
[[ $PORTAGE_QUIET != "" ]] && export PORTAGE_QUIET
# the sandbox is disabled by default except when overridden in the relevant stages
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header$
+# $Id$
+# We need this next line for "die" and "assert". It expands
+# It _must_ preceed all the calls to die and assert.
+shopt -s expand_aliases
+alias die='diefunc "$FUNCNAME" "$LINENO" "$?"'
+alias assert='_pipestatus="${PIPESTATUS[*]}"; [[ "${_pipestatus// /}" -eq 0 ]] || diefunc "$FUNCNAME" "$LINENO" "$_pipestatus"'
+alias save_IFS='[ "${IFS:-unset}" != "unset" ] && old_IFS="${IFS}"'
+alias restore_IFS='if [ "${old_IFS:-unset}" != "unset" ]; then IFS="${old_IFS}"; unset old_IFS; else unset IFS; fi'
+diefunc() {
+ local funcname="$1" lineno="$2" exitcode="$3"
+ shift 3
+ echo >&2
+ echo "!!! ERROR: $CATEGORY/$PF failed." >&2
+ dump_trace 2 1>&2
+ echo " $(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}"), line ${BASH_LINENO[0]}: Called die" 1>&2
+ echo >&2
+ echo "!!! ${*:-(no error message)}" >&2
+ echo "!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant." >&2
+ echo "!!! A complete build log is located at '${PORTAGE_LOG_FILE}'." >&2
+ echo >&2
+ if [ -n "${EBUILD_OVERLAY_ECLASSES}" ] ; then
+ echo "This ebuild used the following eclasses from overlays:" >&2
+ echo >&2
+ for x in ${EBUILD_OVERLAY_ECLASSES} ; do
+ echo " ${x}" >&2
+ done
+ echo >&2
+ fi
+ if [ "${EBUILD_PHASE/depend}" == "${EBUILD_PHASE}" ]; then
+ local x
+ for x in $EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS; do
+ ${x} "$@" >&2 1>&2
+ done
+ fi
+ # subshell die support
+ exit 1
quiet_mode() {
[[ ${PORTAGE_QUIET} -eq 1 ]]