--- /dev/null
+from __future__ import division
+import datetime as _datetime
+from .time import LogTimeProcessor as _LogTimeProcessor
+class BandwidthProcessor (_LogTimeProcessor):
+ r"""Track the total bandwith for the processed log files.
+ >>> import StringIO
+ >>> from apachelog.parser import Parser, FORMATS
+ >>> from apachelog.processor import process
+ >>> stream = StringIO.StringIO('\n'.join([
+ ... ' - - [18/Feb/2012:10:25:43 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 560 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (...)"',
+ ... ' - - [18/Feb/2012:10:25:58 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 560 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (...)"',
+ ... ]))
+ >>> parser = Parser(FORMATS['extended'])
+ >>> bwp = BandwidthProcessor()
+ >>> process(stream, parser, [bwp])
+ >>> bwp.bandwidth(scale='MB/month')
+ 193.536
+ """
+ _scales = {
+ 'B/s': 1,
+ 'kB/s': 1e-3,
+ 'MB/s': 1e-6,
+ 'MB/month': 1e-6*_datetime.timedelta(days=30).total_seconds(),
+ }
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super(BandwidthProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.bytes = 0
+ self.last_bytes = None
+ def process(self, data):
+ super(BandwidthProcessor, self).process(data)
+ self.last_bytes = None # for use by subclasses
+ try:
+ self.last_bytes = int(data['%b']) # excludes HTTP headers
+ except ValueError:
+ return
+ self.bytes += self.last_bytes
+ def bandwidth(self, scale='kB/s', _bytes=None):
+ """
+ The `_bytes` argument is for use by subclasses.
+ """
+ sec = self.total_seconds()
+ if sec == 0:
+ return 0
+ if _bytes is None:
+ _bytes = self.bytes
+ s = self._scales[scale]
+ return s * _bytes / sec
+class IPBandwidthProcessor (BandwidthProcessor):
+ r"""Track the bandwith per-IP for the processed log files.
+ >>> import StringIO
+ >>> from apachelog.parser import Parser, FORMATS
+ >>> from apachelog.processor import process
+ >>> stream = StringIO.StringIO('\n'.join([
+ ... ' - - [18/Feb/2012:10:25:43 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 560 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (...)"',
+ ... ' - - [18/Feb/2012:10:25:43 -0500] "GET /style.css HTTP/1.1" 200 8240 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (...)"',
+ ... ' - - [18/Feb/2012:10:25:58 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 560 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (...)"',
+ ... ]))
+ >>> parser = Parser(FORMATS['extended'])
+ >>> bwp = IPBandwidthProcessor()
+ >>> process(stream, parser, [bwp])
+ >>> for ip,bw in bwp.ip_bandwidth(
+ ... scale='MB/month', sort_by_bandwidth=True):
+ ... print('\t'.join([ip, str(bw)])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ 96.768
+ 1520.64
+ Sometimes you want to consolidate IPs using the smart-resolution
+ of the ``Resolver`` class.
+ >>> from apachelog.resolve import Resolver
+ >>> r = Resolver(smart=True)
+ We're going to fake the resolver values for this test.
+ >>> r.IP[''] = ('testbot', [], ['', ''])
+ >>> r.IP[''] = r.IP['']
+ Resolve the top IPs until we explain 50% of the total data.
+ >>> bwp.resolve(r, minimum_total=0.5)
+ >>> for ip,bw in bwp.ip_bandwidth(
+ ... scale='MB/month', sort_by_bandwidth=True):
+ ... print('\t'.join([ip, str(bw)])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ 96.768
+ testbot 1520.64
+ Resolve the top 10 clients. Note that if smart resolution merges
+ hosts (i.e. multiple Googlebot IPs), there may be more than 10
+ calls to the resolver.
+ >>> bwp.resolve(r, top=10)
+ >>> for ip,bw in bwp.ip_bandwidth(
+ ... scale='MB/month', sort_by_bandwidth=True):
+ ... print('\t'.join([ip, str(bw)])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ testbot 1617.408
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super(IPBandwidthProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.ip_bytes = {}
+ def process(self, data):
+ super(IPBandwidthProcessor, self).process(data)
+ if self.last_bytes:
+ ip = data['%h']
+ self.ip_bytes[ip] = self.last_bytes + self.ip_bytes.get(ip, 0)
+ def resolve(self, resolver, top=None, minimum_total=None):
+ resolved = set()
+ remaining = self.bytes
+ if minimum_total is not None:
+ target_rem = minimum_total*self.bytes
+ ip_bw = self.ip_bandwidth(sort_by_bandwidth=True)
+ for ip,bw in reversed(ip_bw):
+ if top is not None and len(resolved) > top:
+ break
+ if minimum_total is not None and remaining < target_rem:
+ break
+ remaining -= self.ip_bytes[ip]
+ rip = resolver.resolve(ip)
+ resolved.add(rip)
+ if rip != ip:
+ b = self.ip_bytes.pop(ip)
+ self.ip_bytes[rip] = b + self.ip_bytes.get(rip, 0)
+ def ip_bandwidth(self, sort_by_bandwidth=False, **kwargs):
+ """Return a ``name`` -> ``bandwidth`` dictionary.
+ If ``sort_by_bandwidth`` is ``True``, return a list of
+ ``(name, bandwidth)`` tuples (instead of the dictionary). The
+ list will be sorted in order of increasing bandwidth.
+ If you want to consolidate entries by several IPs representing
+ the same entity (e.g. Googlebot), you'll want to run the
+ ``resolve`` method before calling this one.
+ """
+ if sort_by_bandwidth:
+ ip_bw = self.ip_bandwidth(**kwargs)
+ bw_ip = sorted((bw,ip) for ip,bw in ip_bw.items())
+ return [(k,b) for b,k in bw_ip]
+ return dict((k,self.bandwidth(_bytes=b, **kwargs))
+ for k,b in self.ip_bytes.items())