return 0
def mergeme(self,srcroot,destroot,outfile,secondhand,stufftomerge,cfgfiledict,thismtime):
- srcroot=os.path.normpath("///"+srcroot)+"/"
- destroot=os.path.normpath("///"+destroot)+"/"
+ from os.path import sep, normpath, join
+ srcroot = normpath(3*sep + srcroot).rstrip(sep) + sep
+ destroot = normpath(3*sep + destroot).rstrip(sep) + sep
# this is supposed to merge a list of files. There will be 2 forms of argument passing.
if type(stufftomerge)==types.StringType:
#A directory is specified. Figure out protection paths, listdir() it and process it.
- mergelist=listdir(srcroot+stufftomerge)
+ mergelist = listdir(join(srcroot, stufftomerge))
# We need mydest defined up here to calc. protection paths. This is now done once per
# directory rather than once per file merge. This should really help merge performance.
# Trailing / ensures that protects/masks with trailing /'s match.
- mytruncpath = os.path.sep + \
- os.path.join(
- destroot.strip(os.path.sep), offset.strip(os.path.sep)) + \
- os.path.sep
+ mytruncpath = join(destroot, offset).rstrip(sep) + sep
for x in mergelist:
- mysrc=os.path.normpath("///"+srcroot+offset+x)
- mydest=os.path.normpath("///"+destroot+offset+x)
+ mysrc = join(srcroot, offset, x)
+ mydest = join(destroot, offset, x)
# myrealdest is mydest without the $ROOT prefix (makes a difference if ROOT!="/")
- myrealdest="/"+offset+x
+ myrealdest = join(sep, offset, x)
# stat file once, test using S_* macros many times (faster that way)
writemsg_stdout(">>> %s/\n" % mydest)
outfile.write("dir "+myrealdest+"\n")
# recurse and merge this directory
- if self.mergeme(srcroot,destroot,outfile,secondhand,offset+x+"/",cfgfiledict,thismtime):
+ if self.mergeme(srcroot, destroot, outfile, secondhand,
+ join(offset, x), cfgfiledict, thismtime):
return 1
elif stat.S_ISREG(mymode):
# we are merging a regular file