Convert PGPPacket 'packet-tag' key to 'type'
And convert the integer to a string using the table from RFC 4880 [1]:
The packet tag denotes what type of packet the body holds. Note
that old format headers can only have tags less than 16, whereas new
format headers can have tags as great as 63. The defined tags (in
decimal) are as follows:
0 -- Reserved - a packet tag MUST NOT have this value
1 -- Public-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet
2 -- Signature Packet
3 -- Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet
4 -- One-Pass Signature Packet
5 -- Secret-Key Packet
6 -- Public-Key Packet
7 -- Secret-Subkey Packet
8 -- Compressed Data Packet
9 -- Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet
10 -- Marker Packet
11 -- Literal Data Packet
12 -- Trust Packet
13 -- User ID Packet
14 -- Public-Subkey Packet
17 -- User Attribute Packet
18 -- Sym. Encrypted and Integrity Protected Data Packet
19 -- Modification Detection Code Packet
60 to 63 -- Private or Experimental Values