Current Releases

The current "stable" release is 0.96.1.

The current testing pre-release is 0.96.92.

Upcoming Releases

Take these with a huge grain of salt, this is very rough planning.
Release Est. Date (yeah, right) Goals
0.96.93 ??? Significant speed up of some specific configurations, plus accumulated patches. Fix for the one cosmetic bug found so far in 0.96.92.
0.96.94 ??? Testing pre-release of the "Big Signature Refactoring," a significant re-design of internal data structures to accomplish the following:
  • Interoperability between MD5 signatures and timestamps.
  • Ability to partition the dependency graph into separate SConstruct (not SConscript) files.
  • Improved performance (we hope)
0.97 ??? Wider release and more extensive field testing before declaring the "Big Signature Refactoring" ready to be blessed as the official 1.0 release. Additional features and bug fixes.
1.0 ??? First official, stable release. No 1.x release will (knowingly) break compatibility or cause a rebuild on upgrade.
2.0 ??? First release that will break backwards compatibility with Python 1.5.2.

Release Planning

Why has 1.0 still not been released?

As seems so common these days, SCons has had an extremely lengthy "beta" period. The primary goal has been to arrive at something by 1.0 that we feel is absolutely rock-solid-stable and which people can download and use without fear of broken builds or unnecessary rebuilds. To get some idea of how we do this, see our testing philosophy page.

Release numbering

Our release numbers are of the form major.minor.sub.

Our release numbers are of the form major.minor.sub.