cdef object[int] buf cdef class A: cdef object[int] buf def f(): cdef object[fakeoption=True] buf1 cdef object[int, -1] buf1b cdef object[ndim=-1] buf2 cdef object[int, 'a'] buf3 cdef object[int,2,3,4,5,6] buf4 cdef object[int, 2, 'foo'] buf5 cdef object[int, 2, well] buf6 _ERRORS = u""" 1:17: Buffer types only allowed as function local variables 3:21: Buffer types only allowed as function local variables 6:27: "fakeoption" is not a buffer option """ #TODO: #7:22: "ndim" must be non-negative #8:15: "dtype" missing #9:21: "ndim" must be an integer #10:15: Too many buffer options #11:24: Only allowed buffer modes are "full" or "strided" (as a compile-time string) #12:28: Only allowed buffer modes are "full" or "strided" (as a compile-time string) #"""