Getting Started With rss2email

We highly recommend that you subscribe to the rss2email project feed so you can keep up to date with the latest version, bugfixes and features:

Instructions for Windows Users


Before you install rss2email, you'll need to make sure that a few things are in place. First, is that a version of Python 3.2 or greater installed. Second, determine your outgoing email server's address. That should be all you need.


  1. Create a new directory.
  2. Download the latest rss2email .ZIP file and unzip to the new directory.


Edit the configuration file and fill in your outoing email server's details. If your server requires you to login, change smtp-auth = False to smtp-auth = True and enter your email username and password.


From the command line, change to the directory you created, and just run r2e from this directory. For basic usage guidelines, look here.

Automating rss2email

More than likely you will want rss2email to run automatically at a regular interval. Under Windows this is can be easily accomplished using the Windows Task Scheduler. This site has a nice tutorial on it. Just select r2e.bat as the program to run. Once you've created the task, double click on it in the task list and change the Run entry so that run comes after r2e.bat. For example, if you installed rss2email in the C:\rss2email directory, then you would change the Run entry from C:\rss2email\r2e.bat to C:\rss2email\r2e.bat run.

Now jump down to the section on customizing rss2email to your needs.

Upgrading to a new version

Simply replace all of the files in your install directory EXCEPT your config file with new versions from the .ZIP package.

Instructions for UNIX/Linux Users


Before you install rss2email, you'll need to make sure that a few things are in place: a version of Python ≥3.2 and sendmail (or a compatible replacement like postfix) installed. If sendmail isn't installed, determine your outgoing email server's address. That should be all you need.


A quick way to get rss2email going is using pre-made packages. Here are releases for Debian Linux, Ubuntu Linux, and NetBSD.

If you are unable to use these packages or you want the latest and greatest version, here's what you do:

$ tar xvf rss2email-*.tar.gz
$ mv rss2email-* /path/to/install/location/
$ cd /path/to/install/location
$ chmod +x r2e

You can run r2e from this directory or add the installation directory to your PATH. For basic usage guidelines, look here.

Upgrading to a new version

Simply replace all of the files in your install directory EXCEPT your config file with new versions from the .tar.gz package.

Using rss2email

Create a new feed database to send updates to your email address:

r2e new

Subscribe to some feeds:

r2e add

That's the feed to be notified when there's a new version of rss2email. Repeat this for each feed you want to subscribe to.

When you run rss2email, it emails you about every story it hasn't seen before. But the first time you run it, that will be every story. To avoid this, you can ask rss2email not to send you any stories the first time you run it:

r2e run --no-send

Then later, you can ask it to email you new stories:

r2e run

If you get an error message Sender domain must exist, add a line to your configuration file like this:


You can make the email address whatever you want, but your mail server requires that the part actually exists.

Customize rss2email

There are a number of options, described in full at the top of file, to customize the way rss2email behaves. If you want to change something, edit the the configuration file. You may have to create this file if it doesn't already exist.

For example, if you want to receive HTML mail, instead of having entries converted to plain text:

html-mail = True

To be notified every time a post changes, instead of just when it's first posted:

trust-guid = True

And to make the emails look as if they were sent when the item was posted:

date-header = True