# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2011-2012 W. Trevor King # Éric Piel # # This file is part of pycomedi. # # pycomedi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # pycomedi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # pycomedi. If not, see . "Wrap device-wide Comedi functions in a `Device` class" import os as _os cimport libc.stdlib as _stdlib from pycomedi import LOG as _LOG from pycomedi import PyComediError as _PyComediError cimport _comedi_h cimport _comedilib_h import _error from calibration import Calibration as _Calibration from device_holder cimport DeviceHolder as _DeviceHolder from device_holder import DeviceHolder as _DeviceHolder from instruction cimport Insn as _Insn from instruction import Insn as _Insn from subdevice import Subdevice as _Subdevice cdef class Device (_DeviceHolder): """A Comedi device >>> from . import constant >>> d = Device('/dev/comediX') >>> d.filename '/dev/comediX' > d.open() # TODO: re-enable when there is a way to clear comedi_errno Traceback (most recent call last): ... PyComediError: comedi_open (/dev/comediX): No such file or directory (None) >>> d.filename = '/dev/comedi0' >>> d.open() >>> d.fileno() 3 >>> d.get_n_subdevices() 14 >>> d.get_version() (0, 7, 76) >>> d.get_driver_name() 'ni_pcimio' >>> s = d.get_read_subdevice() >>> s.index 0 >>> s = d.get_write_subdevice() >>> s.index 1 >>> s = d.find_subdevice_by_type(constant.SUBDEVICE_TYPE.calib) >>> s.index 5 >>> s = d.find_subdevice_by_type(constant.SUBDEVICE_TYPE.pwm) Traceback (most recent call last): ... PyComediError: comedi_find_subdevice_by_type: Success (-1) As a test instruction, we'll get the time of day, which fills in the data field with `[seconds, microseconds]`. >>> insn = d.insn() >>> insn.insn = constant.INSN.gtod >>> insn.data = [0, 0] # space where the time value will be stored >>> print str(insn) insn: gtod data: [0 0] subdev: 0 chanspec: >>> d.do_insn(insn) 2 >>> print insn.data # doctest: +SKIP [1297377578 105790] >>> insn.data = [0, 0] >>> d.do_insnlist([insn]) 1 >>> print insn.data # doctest: +SKIP [1297377578 110559] >>> d.get_default_calibration_path() '/var/lib/comedi/calibrations/ni_pcimio_pci-6052e_comedi0' >>> list(d.subdevices()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [,...] >>> d.close() """ def __cinit__(self): self.file = None self.filename = None def __init__(self, filename): super(Device, self).__init__() self.filename = filename def open(self): "Open device" self.device = _comedilib_h.comedi_open(self.filename) if self.device == NULL: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_open', error_msg=self.filename) self.file = _os.fdopen(self.fileno(), 'r+') def close(self): "Close device" self.file.flush() self.file.close() ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_close(self.device) if ret < 0: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_close', ret=ret) self.device = NULL self.file = None def fileno(self): "File descriptor for this device" ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_fileno(self.device) if ret < 0: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_fileno', ret=ret) return ret def get_n_subdevices(self): "Number of subdevices" ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_get_n_subdevices(self.device) if ret < 0: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_get_n_subdevices', ret=ret) return ret def get_version_code(self): """Comedi version code as a single integer. This is a kernel-module level property, but a valid device is necessary to communicate with the kernel module. """ version = _comedilib_h.comedi_get_version_code(self.device) if version < 0: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_get_version_code', ret=version) return version def get_version(self): """Comedi version as a tuple of version numbers. Returns the result of `.get_version_code()`, but rephrased as a tuple of version numbers, e.g. `(0, 7, 61)`. """ version = self.get_version_code() ret = [] for i in range(3): ret.insert(0, version & 0xff) # grab lowest 8 bits version >>= 8 # shift over 8 bits return tuple(ret) def get_driver_name(self): "Comedi driver name" ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_get_driver_name(self.device) if ret == NULL: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_get_driver_name', ret=ret) return ret def get_board_name(self): "Comedi board name" ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_get_board_name(self.device) if ret == NULL: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_get_driver_name', ret=ret) return ret def _get_read_subdevice(self): "Find streaming input subdevice index" ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_get_read_subdevice(self.device) if ret < 0: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_get_read_subdevice', ret=ret) return ret def get_read_subdevice(self, **kwargs): "Find streaming input subdevice" return self.subdevice(self._get_read_subdevice(), **kwargs) def _get_write_subdevice(self): "Find streaming output subdevice index" ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_get_write_subdevice(self.device) if ret < 0: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_get_write_subdevice', ret=ret) return ret def get_write_subdevice(self, **kwargs): "Find streaming output subdevice" return self.subdevice(self._get_write_subdevice(), **kwargs) def _find_subdevice_by_type(self, subdevice_type): "Search for a subdevice index for type `subdevice_type`)." ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_find_subdevice_by_type( self.device, subdevice_type.value, 0) # 0 is starting subdevice if ret < 0: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_find_subdevice_by_type', ret=ret) return ret def find_subdevice_by_type(self, subdevice_type, **kwargs): """Search for a subdevice by type `subdevice_type`)." `subdevice_type` should be an item from `constant.SUBDEVICE_TYPE`. """ return self.subdevice( self._find_subdevice_by_type(subdevice_type), **kwargs) cpdef do_insnlist(self, insnlist): """Perform multiple instructions Returns the number of successfully completed instructions. """ cdef _comedi_h.comedi_insnlist il cdef _Insn i il.n_insns = len(insnlist) if il.n_insns == 0: return il.insns = <_comedi_h.comedi_insn *>_stdlib.malloc( il.n_insns*sizeof(_comedi_h.comedi_insn)) if il.insns is NULL: raise _PyComediError('out of memory?') try: for j,insn in enumerate(insnlist): i = insn # By copying the pointer to data, changes to this # copied instruction will also affect the original # instruction's data. il.insns[j] = i.get_comedi_insn() ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_do_insnlist(self.device, &il) finally: _stdlib.free(il.insns) if ret < len(insnlist): _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_do_insnlist', ret=ret) return ret cpdef do_insn(self, _Insn insn): """Preform a single instruction. Returns an instruction-specific integer. """ cdef _comedi_h.comedi_insn i # By copying the pointer to data, changes to this # copied instruction will also affect the original # instruction's data. i = insn.get_comedi_insn() ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_do_insn( self.device, &i) if ret < 0: _error.raise_error(function_name='comedi_do_insn', ret=ret) return ret def get_default_calibration_path(self): "The default calibration path for this device" assert self.device != NULL, ( 'must call get_default_calibration_path on an open device.') ret = _comedilib_h.comedi_get_default_calibration_path(self.device) if ret == NULL: _error.raise_error( function_name='comedi_get_default_calibration_path') return ret def parse_calibration(self, path=None): """The soft calibration from a file for this device. If path is None, the default calibration file is used. """ if path is None: path = self.get_default_calibration_path() c = _Calibration(device=self) c.from_file(path) return c # extensions to make a more idomatic Python interface def insn(self): return _Insn() def subdevices(self, **kwargs): "Iterate through all available subdevices." ret = [] for i in range(self.get_n_subdevices()): #yield self.subdevice(i, **kwargs) # Generators are not supported in Cython 0.14.1 ret.append(self.subdevice(i, **kwargs)) return ret def subdevice(self, index, factory=_Subdevice, **kwargs): return factory(device=self, index=index, **kwargs)