# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 W. Trevor King # # This file is part of pycomedi. # # pycomedi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # pycomedi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # pycomedi. If not, see . """Enums and flags are bundled into class instances for easier browsing >>> SUBDEVICE_TYPE # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<_NamedInt unused>, <_NamedInt ai>, <_NamedInt ao>, <_NamedInt di>, <_NamedInt do>, <_NamedInt dio>, <_NamedInt counter>, <_NamedInt timer>, <_NamedInt memory>, <_NamedInt calib>, <_NamedInt proc>, <_NamedInt serial>, <_NamedInt pwm>] >>> SUBDEVICE_TYPE.dio <_NamedInt dio> >>> SUBDEVICE_TYPE.dio.value == _comedi.COMEDI_SUBD_DIO True >>> SUBDEVICE_TYPE.dio.doc 'COMEDI_SUBD_DIO (digital input/output)' You can also search by name or value. >>> TRIG_SRC.index_by_name('timer') <_NamedInt timer> >>> TRIG_SRC.index_by_value(_comedi.TRIG_NOW) <_NamedInt now> Some flags have constants for setting or clearing all the flags at once. >>> TRIG_SRC # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<_NamedInt none>, <_NamedInt now>, <_NamedInt follow>, <_NamedInt time>, <_NamedInt timer>, <_NamedInt count>, <_NamedInt ext>, <_NamedInt int>, <_NamedInt other>] >>> TRIG_SRC._empty <_NamedInt invalid> >>> TRIG_SRC._all <_NamedInt any> Flag instances have a special wrapper that stores their value. >>> f = FlagValue(SDF, 17) >>> f.flag # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [<_NamedInt busy>, <_NamedInt busy_owner>, ...] >>> f.busy True >>> f.busy = False >>> f._value 16 You can treat named integers as Python integers with bitwise operations, >>> a = TRIG_SRC.now | TRIG_SRC.follow | TRIG_SRC.time | 64 >>> a >>> a.value 78 >>> TRIG_SRC.none & TRIG_SRC.now Because of the way Python operator overloading works [#ops]_, you can also start a bitwise chain with an integer. >>> 64 | TRIG_SRC.now Rich comparisons with other flags and integers are also supported. >>> 64 > TRIG_SRC.now True >>> TRIG_SRC.now > 64 False >>> TRIG_SRC.now >= 2 True >>> TRIG_SRC.now >= 3 False >>> import copy >>> TRIG_SRC.now == copy.deepcopy(TRIG_SRC.now) True >>> TRIG_SRC.now != TRIG_SRC.now False >>> TRIG_SRC.now <= 2 True >>> TRIG_SRC.now < 3 True >>> TRIG_SRC.now > None True The ``UNIT`` constant treats ``RF_EXTERNAL`` as a full-fledged unit: >>> UNIT.index_by_name('external') <_NamedInt external> >>> UNIT.index_by_value(_comedi.RF_EXTERNAL) <_NamedInt external> .. [#ops] See `emulating numeric types`_ and `NotImplementedError` in `the standard type hierarchy`_. .. _emulating numeric types: http://docs.python.org/reference/datamodel.html#emulating-numeric-types .. _the standard type hierarchy`_ http://docs.python.org/reference/datamodel.html#the-standard-type-hierarchy """ from math import log as _log import sys as _sys import numpy as _numpy import comedi as _comedi from pycomedi import LOG as _LOG def bitwise_value(object): """Convenience function for flexible value specification This funciton makes it easy for functions and methods to accept either integers or `BitwiseOperator` instances as integer parameters. """ if isinstance(object, BitwiseOperator): return object.value return object def _pso(s, o): """External definition of staticmethod until Cython supports the usual syntax. http://docs.cython.org/src/userguide/limitations.html#behaviour-of-class-scopes """ if isinstance(s, BitwiseOperator): s = s.value if isinstance(o, BitwiseOperator): o = o.value return (long(s), long(o)) cdef class BitwiseOperator (object): """General class for bitwise operations. This class allows chaining bitwise operations between `_NamedInt`\s and similar objects. Because flag values can be large, we cast all values to longs before performing any bitwise operations. This avoids issues like >>> int.__or__(1073741824, 2147483648L) NotImplemented """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.value) _prepare_self_other = staticmethod(_pso) def __and__(self, other): "Bitwise and acts on `BitwiseOperator.value`." s,o = BitwiseOperator._prepare_self_other(self, other) return BitwiseOperator(int(long.__and__(s, o))) def __or__(self, other): "Bitwise or acts on `BitwiseOperator.value`." s,o = BitwiseOperator._prepare_self_other(self, other) return BitwiseOperator(int(long.__or__(s, o))) def __richcmp__(self, other, op): if other is None: other = self.value - 1 s,o = BitwiseOperator._prepare_self_other(self, other) if op == 0: return s < o elif op == 1: return s <= o elif op == 2: return s == o elif op == 3: return s != o elif op == 4: return s > o elif op == 5: return s >= o else: raise ValueError(op) def __reduce__(self): return (BitwiseOperator, (self.value,)) class _NamedInt (BitwiseOperator): "A flag or enum item." def __init__(self, name, value, doc=None): super(_NamedInt, self).__init__(value) self.name = name self.doc = doc def __str__(self): return self.name def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name) def __reduce__(self): return (_NamedInt, (self.name, self.value, self.doc)) class _Enum (list): "An enumerated list" def __init__(self, name, prefix='', blacklist=None, whitelist=None, translation=None): super(_Enum, self).__init__() self.name = name if blacklist == None: blacklist = [] if translation == None: translation = {} self._name_keys = {} self._value_keys = {} for attr in dir(_comedi): if attr.startswith(prefix): item_name = self._item_name(attr, prefix, translation) if self._is_ignored(item_name, blacklist, whitelist): continue self._add_item(attr, item_name) self.sort(key=lambda item: item.value) def _item_name(self, attr, prefix, translation): item_name = attr[len(prefix):] if item_name in translation: return translation[item_name] else: return item_name.lower() def _is_ignored(self, item_name, blacklist, whitelist): return (item_name in blacklist or whitelist != None and item_name not in whitelist) def _add_item(self, attr, item_name): item_value = getattr(_comedi, attr) if item_value < 0: _LOG.debug('big value for {0:s}: {1:d} ({1:b}) converted to {2:d} ({2:b})'.format( attr, item_value, (1<<32) + item_value)) item_value = (1<<32) + item_value # flags are unsigned 32 bit integers, but SWIG signs them item = _NamedInt(item_name, item_value, doc=attr) self.append(item) def append(self, item): super(_Enum, self).append(item) self._name_keys[item.name] = item if item.value in self._value_keys and item.name: raise ValueError('value collision in %s: %s = %s = %#x' % (self.name, item.name, self._value_keys[item.value], item.value)) self._value_keys[item.value] = item setattr(self, item.name, item) def index_by_name(self, name): return self._name_keys[name] def index_by_value(self, value): return self._value_keys[value] class _Flag (_Enum): "A flag" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(_Flag, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._empty = None self._all = None for flag in self: if flag.value == 0: self._empty = flag elif flag.value < 0 or abs(_log(flag.value, 2)) % 1 > 1e-13: # deal with rounding errors if self._all: raise ValueError( 'mutliple multi-bit flags in %s: %s = %#x and %s = %#x' % (self.name, self._all.name, self._all.value, flag.name, flag.value)) self._all = flag if self._empty: self.remove(self._empty) if self._all: self.remove(self._all) def get(self, value, name): flag = getattr(self, name) assert flag.value != 0, '%s: %s' % (self.name, flag) return value & flag.value == flag.value def set(self, value, name, status): flag = getattr(self, name) if status == True: return value | flag.value return (value | flag.value) - flag.value class FlagValue (object): """A flag instance (flag + value) Examples -------- >>> f = FlagValue(flag=TRIG_SRC, value=0, default='empty') >>> f.any False >>> print f empty >>> f.now = True >>> f.timer = True >>> f.int = True >>> print f now|timer|int """ def __init__(self, flag, value, default='-'): self.flag = flag self._value = value self._default = default def __str__(self): flags = [f for f in self.flag if getattr(self, f.name)] if len(flags) == 0: return self._default return '|'.join([f.name for f in flags]) def __getattr__(self, name): return self.flag.get(self._value, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name != 'flag' and not name.startswith('_'): value = self.flag.set(self._value, name, value) name = '_value' super(FlagValue, self).__setattr__(name, value) # blacklist deprecated values (and those belonging to other _Enums or _Flags) CR = _Flag('ChanSpec flags', 'CR_', blacklist=['dither', 'deglitch']) CR.alt_filter.doc += ' (can also mean "dither" or "deglitch")' AREF = _Enum('analog_reference', 'AREF_') AREF.diff.doc += ' (differential)' AREF.other.doc += ' (other / undefined)' #GPCT = _Flag('general_purpose_counter_timer', 'GPCT_') # Two competing flag sets? Need some documentation. INSN_MASK = _Flag('instruction_mask', 'INSN_MASK_') CONFIGURATION_IDS = _Enum('configuration_ids', 'INSN_CONFIG_', blacklist=[ '8254_set_mode']) INSN = _Enum('instruction', 'INSN_', blacklist=['mask_%s' % i.name for i in INSN_MASK] + [ 'config_%s' % i.name for i in CONFIGURATION_IDS]) TRIG = _Flag('trigger_flags', 'TRIG_', whitelist=[ 'bogus', 'dither', 'deglitch', 'config', 'wake_eos']) TRIG.bogus.doc += ' (do the motions)' TRIG.config.doc += ' (perform configuration, not triggering)' TRIG.wake_eos.doc += ' (wake up on end-of-scan events)' CMDF = _Flag('command_flags', 'CMDF_') CMDF.priority.doc += ( ' (try to use a real-time interrupt while performing command)') EV = _Flag('??', 'COMEDI_EV_') TRIG_ROUND = _Enum('trigger_round', 'TRIG_ROUND_', blacklist=['mask']) TRIG_ROUND.mask = _comedi.TRIG_ROUND_MASK TRIG_SRC = _Flag('trigger_source_flags', 'TRIG_', blacklist=[i.name for i in TRIG] + [ 'round_%s' % i.name for i in TRIG_ROUND] + [ 'round_mask', 'rt', 'write']) TRIG_SRC.none.doc += ' (never trigger)' TRIG_SRC.now.doc += ' (trigger now + N ns)' TRIG_SRC.follow.doc += ' (trigger on next lower level trig)' TRIG_SRC.time.doc += ' (trigger at time N ns)' TRIG_SRC.timer.doc += ' (trigger at rate N ns)' TRIG_SRC.count.doc += ' (trigger when count reaches N)' TRIG_SRC.ext.doc += ' (trigger on external signal N)' TRIG_SRC.int.doc += ' (trigger on comedi-internal signal N)' TRIG_SRC.other.doc += ' (driver defined)' SDF_PWM = _Flag('pulse_width_modulation_subdevice_flags', 'SDF_PWM_') SDF_PWM.counter.doc += ' (PWM can automatically switch off)' SDF_PWM.hbridge.doc += ' (PWM is signed (H-bridge))' SDF = _Flag('subdevice_flags', 'SDF_', blacklist=[ 'pwm_%s' % i.name for i in SDF_PWM] + [ 'cmd', 'writeable', 'rt']) SDF.busy.doc += ' (device is busy)' SDF.busy_owner.doc += ' (device is busy with your job)' SDF.locked.doc += ' (subdevice is locked)' SDF.lock_owner.doc += ' (you own lock)' SDF.maxdata.doc += ' (maxdata depends on channel)' SDF.flags.doc += ' (flags depend on channel (BROKEN))' SDF.rangetype.doc += ' (range type depends on channel)' SDF.soft_calibrated.doc += ' (subdevice uses software calibration)' SDF.cmd_write.doc += ' (can do output commands)' SDF.cmd_read.doc += ' (can to input commands)' SDF.readable.doc += ' (subdevice can be read, e.g. analog input)' SDF.writable.doc += ' (subdevice can be written, e.g. analog output)' SDF.internal.doc += ' (subdevice does not have externally visible lines)' SDF.ground.doc += ' (can do aref=ground)' SDF.common.doc += ' (can do aref=common)' SDF.diff.doc += ' (can do aref=diff)' SDF.other.doc += ' (can do aref=other)' SDF.dither.doc += ' (can do dithering)' SDF.deglitch.doc += ' (can do deglitching)' SDF.mmap.doc += ' (can do mmap())' SDF.running.doc += ' (subdevice is acquiring data)' SDF.lsampl.doc += ' (subdevice uses 32-bit samples)' SDF.packed.doc += ' (subdevice can do packed DIO)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE = _Enum('subdevice_type', 'COMEDI_SUBD_') SUBDEVICE_TYPE.unused.doc += ' (unused by driver)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE.ai.doc += ' (analog input)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE.ao.doc += ' (analog output)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE.di.doc += ' (digital input)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE.do.doc += ' (digital output)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE.dio.doc += ' (digital input/output)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE.memory.doc += ' (memory, EEPROM, DPRAM)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE.calib.doc += ' (calibration DACs)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE.proc.doc += ' (processor, DSP)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE.serial.doc += ' (serial IO)' SUBDEVICE_TYPE.pwm.doc += ' (pulse-with modulation)' IO_DIRECTION = _Enum('io_direction', 'COMEDI_', whitelist=[ 'input', 'output', 'opendrain']) SUPPORT_LEVEL = _Enum('support_level', 'COMEDI_', whitelist=[ 'unknown_support', 'supported', 'unsupported']) UNIT = _Enum('unit', 'UNIT_', translation={'mA':'mA'}) # The mA translation avoids lowercasing to 'ma'. UNIT.append(_NamedInt( name='external', value=_comedi.RF_EXTERNAL, doc=('RF_EXTERNAL (value unit is defined by an external reference ' 'channel)'))) CALLBACK = _Enum('callback_flags', 'COMEDI_CB_', blacklist=['block', 'eobuf']) CALLBACK.eos.doc += ' (end of scan)' CALLBACK.eoa.doc += ' (end of acquisition)' CALLBACK.error.doc += ' (card error during acquisition)' CALLBACK.overflow.doc += ' (buffer overflow/underflow)' CONVERSION_DIRECTION = _Enum('conversion_direction', 'COMEDI_', whitelist=[ 'to_physical', 'from_physical']) # The following constants aren't declared in comedi.h or comedilib.h, # but they should be. LOGLEVEL = _Enum('log level', '', whitelist=['']) LOGLEVEL.append(_NamedInt('silent', 0, doc='Comedilib prints nothing.')) LOGLEVEL.append(_NamedInt('bug', 1, doc=( 'Comedilib prints error messages when there is a self-consistency ' 'error (i.e., an internal bug (default).'))) LOGLEVEL.append(_NamedInt('invalid', 2, doc=( 'Comedilib prints an error message when an invalid parameter is ' 'passed.'))) LOGLEVEL.append(_NamedInt('error', 3, doc=( 'Comedilib prints an error message whenever an error is generated ' 'in the Comedilib library or in the C library, when called by ' 'Comedilib.'))) LOGLEVEL.append(_NamedInt('debug', 4, doc='Comedilib prints a lot of junk.'))