[[!meta title="Image click locations"]] The [[clickloc.tk]] micro-app just opens an image file and prints out the pixel coordinates of any mouse clicks upon it. I use it to get rough numbers from journal figures. You can use [[scale_click.sh]] to convert the output to units of your choice, if you use your first four clicks to mark out the coordinate system (xmin,anything), (xmax,anything), (anything,ymin), and (anything,ymax). $ pdfimages article.pdf fig $ clickloc.tk fig-000.ppm > fig-000.pixels $ scale_click.sh 0 10 5 20 fig-000.pixels > fig-000.data Take a look at [[plotpick]] for grabbing points from raw datafiles (which is more accurate and easier than reverse engineering images). [[!tag tags/bash]] [[!tag tags/code]] [[!tag tags/linux]] [[!tag tags/programming]] [[!tag tags/tcl-tk]] [[!tag tags/theory]]