Minor tweaks to Hooke's [command stacks](http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/code/hg/hgwebdir.cgi/hooke/rev/8c0882dfbaf5). I can now execute the GUI alternative of ./bin/hk.py -c 'new_playlist' -c 'glob_curves_to_playlist *' -c 'start_command_capture' -c 'zero_surface_contact_point --block retract' -c 'stop_command_capture' -c 'apply_command_stack_to_playlist' -c 'curve_info' -p Issues resolved today: - GUI-generated commands clogging the command stack instead of being executed. Fixed with CommandMessage.explicit_user_call. - Playlist._loaded desyncronization from old 'apply command stack to playlist'. Fixed with Playlist.unload(). Update: After [fixing up a few more bugs](http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/code/hg/hgwebdir.cgi/hooke/rev/7ba2243a9b45), I successfully ran: ./bin/hk.py -c 'new_playlist' -c 'glob_curves_to_playlist *' -c 'start_command_capture' -c 'zero_surface_contact_point --block retract' -c 'flat_filter_peaks --block retract --min_points 1' -c 'zero_surface_contact_point --block retract --ignore_after_last_peak_info_name "flat filter peaks"' -c 'convert_distance_to_force --block retract --deflection_column "surface deflection (m)"' -c 'remove_cantilever_from_extension --block retract' -c 'flat_peaks_to_polymer_peaks --block retract' -c 'polymer_fit_peaks --block retract' -c 'stop_command_capture' -c 'apply_command_stack_to_playlist --enable-evaluate' -c 'save_playlist --output o.hkp' on 2400 curves with the command line UI. Tomorrow I'll run through those with the GUI. Update: I ran through with the above command with the GUI. Same results :D. It did, however turn up a couple of outstanding issues: - lots of useless `!!python/unicode 'retract'` tags. If the strings are all in ASCII, I don't really care if they are loaded as unicode or string objects. ([fixed](http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/code/hg/hgwebdir.cgi/hooke/rev/302413fafa96)) - `surface distance (m) (m)` column. Obviously someone is adding units twice. I need to figure out who it is ;). (could not reproduce. Maybe I screwed up the units myself. ;) [[!tag tags/hooke]] [[!tag tags/programming]]