[[!meta title="Friend of a Friend"]] [FOAF][] is an [RDF][] language describing social networks and related information. FOAF tries to social networking available to the [Semantic Web][], making your identity and friendships machine readable. An interesting FOAF application, if you have enough tech-savy friends is [Foaf+SSL][]. For an intuitive explanation of how FOAF+SSL works, take a look at Henry Story's [paradigm shift][PS] post. For the curious, I've created [[my own FOAF file|foaf.rdf]]. You should also check out the [SIOC Project][SIOC]'s [Semantic Radar][SR] plugin, which notifies you of the existence of interesting RDF data as you browse the web (and inspired my [[rel-vcs]] plugin). [FOAF]: http://www.foaf-project.org/ [RDF]: http://www.w3.org/RDF/ [Semantic Web]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_Web [FOAF+SSL]: http://esw.w3.org/Foaf%2Bssl [PS]: http://blogs.sun.com/bblfish/entry/the_foaf_ssl_paradigm_shift [SIOC]: http://sioc-project.org/ [SR]: http://sioc-project.org/firefox [[!tag tags/blogging]] [[!tag tags/web]]