[[!meta title="Command line PGP/MIME"]] [[!meta date="2009-02-04 11:39:37"]] I've been scripting up a few things recently and my inability to send nicely formatted PGP/MIME messages was starting to really bug me. I had been encrypting my logwatch output with gpg and just emailing the raw gpg out to myself, but it's annoying to have to ESC-P every time I want to decrypt a log. The tipping point came while I was writing up a script to automatically email grades out to my students (not that any of the student's care about PGP, but it's the principle of the thing ;), since there's no way I'm going to send them raw gpg output (they would die) and there's also no way I'm going to hold Mutt's hand while it signs the emails. I dunno why Mutt doesn't have some --batch mode options to support PGP, but there it is. So I wrote my own. Not very complicated really, just implementing the [RFC 3156](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3156.txt) specs. There's obviously room for improvement, but it works well enough to make me happy at the momemt. You're welcome to [take a look](/~wking/code/python/send_pgp_mime) and email me with [encrypted!] feedback. [[!tag tags/linux]] [[!tag tags/programming]]