Comedi and Comedi::Lib: A Perl API for comedi and comedilib Version 0.02 16-Nov-1999 This is a first pass at a Perl extension for using comedi and comedilib ( This is also my first attempt at a Perl extension, so be warned! I started with h2xs and hacked away at it from there. Please pass the clues if you're an XS wizard. There are some example scripts but no tests (yet). You can run the examples before actually installing the modules (make install) using the little script 'lperl', e.g., [jes@rtc Comedi]$ ./lperl example.perl The modules and examples were tested with comedi 0.7.{19,26} and comedilib 0.7.{3,5,6}, using an NI-MIO-16e. There should be no board-specific stuff here (except possibly the subdevice codes); please let me know if it (does|doesn't) work with other boards. There is very little object oriented code here, and what is here (a Trigger object) need not be used. Right now, I'm not anxious to add another layer over comedi, which is still alpha. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome, however. Joe Smith