Open source
single molecule
force spectroscopy

Protein unfolding in varying salt concentrations

Trevor King

Proteins: What are they?

Proteins: Where are they?

Takamori, Holt, Stenius, et al., 2006

Proteins: Titin

Adapted from Wikipedia

Proteins: Titin's I27

U. Illinois Biophysics Group

Proteins: I27

PDB structure 1TIT

Proteins: What's the problem?



Pirchi, Ziv, Riven, et al., 2011

Atomic force microscopy

AFM: Cantilever geometry

Olympus TR800PSA , images from Asylum Research
We use the thinner TR400PSA

AFM: Laser deflection

Charles Roduit

AFM: Piezo positioning

The piezoelectric effect


AFM: Tubular piezos

Single molecule force spectroscopy

SMFS: Sawtooth curve

SMFS: What's going on?

Carrion-Vazquez, et al., 2000; adapted from Baljon and Robbins, 1996

SMFS: Unfolding one domain

Lu and Schulten, 2000

Experiment control

Control: Quick-and-dirty

Control: Modular stack

Open source: Existing layers

Linux GNU Gentoo Python SciPy
Comedi matplotlib pymodbus Cython NumPy

Open source: Teamwork

Mlot, Tovey, and Hu, 2011

Control: Example code

class Unfolder (object):
    def run(self):
        """Approach-bind-unfold-save[-plot] cycle.
        ret = {}
        ret['timestamp'] = _email_utils.formatdate(localtime=True)
        ret['temperature'] = self.afm.get_temperature()
        ret['approach'] = self._approach()
        ret['unfold'] = self._unfold()
        if _package_config['matplotlib']:
        return ret

Archival: HDF5 and h5config

   GROUP "approach"
   GROUP "config"
      GROUP "afm"
      GROUP "approach"
      DATASET "bind time"
      GROUP "unfold"
         DATASET "velocity"
   GROUP "environment"
      DATASET "temperature"
      DATASET "timestamp"
   GROUP "unfold"
      DATASET "deflection"
      DATASET "frequency"
      DATASET "z"

Archival: Version control

commit 32bfbf98d79c73eba50b77d0917df100e0e33bcf
Author: W. Trevor King <>
Date:   Fri Jan 18 22:54:49 2013 -0500

    afm: Optionally return stepper_approach data with `record_data`

    Sometimes these approach curves are pretty funky, so I'll start
    recording them by default in

diff --git a/pyafm/ b/pyafm/
index 60741c6..e76b118 100644
--- a/pyafm/
+++ b/pyafm/
@@ -460,10 +460,11 @@ class AFM (object):
         raise e

-    def stepper_approach(self, target_deflection):
+    def stepper_approach(self, target_deflection, record_data=None):

Cantilever calibration

Calibration: Geometry

Olympus TR800PSA , images from Asylum Research
We use the thinner TR400PSA

Calibration: Equipartition

For a damped harmonic oscillator

\[ -\kappa x_c - \gamma \frac{\mathrm{d}\! x_c}{\mathrm{d}\! t} + F_\text{ext}(t) = m\frac{\mathrm{d}^2\! x}{\mathrm{d}\! t^2} \;, \]

the energy in each degree of freedom is $\frac{1}{2}k_B T$.

\[ \frac{1}{2} \kappa \left\langle x_c^2 \right\rangle = \frac{1}{2}k_B T \;, \]

where $k_B$ is Boltzmann's constant and $T$ is the temperature.

Calibration: Vibration

Calibration: Photodiode calibration

Calibration: Results

\[ \begin{aligned} T &= 298.15 \pm 0.03 \; \text{K} & \sigma_p &= 35.7 \pm 0.9 \; \text{mV/nm} \\ \left\langle V_p^2 \right\rangle &= 97 \pm 1 \; \text{mV}^2 & \sqrt{\left\langle x_c^2 \right\rangle} &= \sqrt{\frac{\left\langle V_p^2 \right\rangle}{\sigma_p^2}} = 0.28 \; \text{nm} \\ \kappa &= \frac{k_B T \sigma_p^2}{\left\langle V_p^2 \right\rangle} = 54 \pm 3 \; \text{pN/nm} \end{aligned} \]

Calibration: Stability

Quant. Units   Day 1   Day 2
$T$ K 296.30 ±0.02 294.27 ±0.02
$\sigma_p$ mV/nm  46.2 ±0.8  41.3 ±0.2
$\left\langle V_p^2 \right\rangle$ mV$^2$ 108 ±1 105 ±2
$\kappa$ pN/nm  67 ±2  66 ±2

Calibration: Inconsistency

Florin, Rief, Lehmann, et al., 1995

Monte Carlo unfolding simulations

Sawsim: State model

Sawsim: Simulation loop

  1. Calculate piezo-induced gap $x_t(t)=v t$
  2. Find tension model parameters for each state
  3. Distribute per-state stretching ($x_c$, $x_u$, …) to balance the tension
  4. Calculate the transition rates between states
  5. Roll the dice to determine if transitions take place as you step forward in time

Sawsim: Monte Carlo

Sawsim: Unfolding models

Sawsim: Kramers' model

\[ \frac{1}{k_u} = \frac{1}{D} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mathrm{d}\! x \; e^{\frac{U_F(x)}{k_B T}} \int_{-\infty}^{x} \mathrm{d}\! x' \; e^{\frac{-U_F(x')}{k_B T}} \]

Sawsim: Tension models

Sawsim: Fitting models

Sawsim: Salt

Lu and Schulten, 2000

Sawsim: Glutamic acid


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