Welcome to Gentoo Linux! We hope to provide you with the best experience possible, so if you have any questions regarding the installation process, Gentoo in general, or simply want to become an active part of the Gentoo community, please feel free to utilize the following resources: IRC: irc.freenode.net, #gentoo Mailing Lists: Please see our quick Mailing List HOWTO at: Gentoo user forums: Gentoo Bug Database On this LiveCD, we've provided a minimal IRC client called "irssi" and a simple text web browser called "links." Both can be accessed via the command line by typing either 'irssi' or 'links $url'. Don't forget to check out the Gentoo Installation Handbook, available both on the LiveCD and the Web. On this LiveCD, the Handbook can be found at '/mnt/cdrom/docs/handbook', and the latest version of the Handbook is viewable at the following URL: . Thank you again for choosing Gentoo!