Import required modules. >>> from pycomedi.device import Device >>> from import AnalogChannel >>> from pycomedi.constant import SUBDEVICE_TYPE, AREF, UNIT Open a device. >>> device = Device('/dev/comedi0') >>> Get your I/O subdevice (alternatively, use `device.subdevice()` to select the subdevice directly by index). >>> subdevice = device.find_subdevice_by_type( Generate a list of channels you wish to control. >>> channels = [, factory=AnalogChannel, aref=AREF.diff) ... for i in (0, 1, 2, 3)] Configure the channels. >>> for chan in channels: ... chan.range = chan.find_range(unit=UNIT.volt, min=0, max=5) Read/write sequentially. >>> value = [c.data_read_delayed(nano_sec=1e3) for c in channels] >>> value # doctest: +SKIP [65535L, 23424L, 0L, 0L] Use a converter to convert these to physical values >>> converters = [c.get_converter() for c in channels] >>> [c.to_physical(v) for c,v in zip(converters, value)] # doctest: +SKIP [5.0, 1.787136644541085, 0.0, 0.0] >>> [c.range.unit for c in channels] [<_NamedInt volt>, <_NamedInt volt>, <_NamedInt volt>, <_NamedInt volt>] Close the device when you're done. >>> device.close() As a more elaborate test, we can cable AO0 into AI0 and sweep the voltage. >>> from numpy import linspace >>> from scipy.stats import linregress >>> >>> ai_subdevice = device.find_subdevice_by_type( >>> ao_subdevice = device.find_subdevice_by_type( >>> ai_channel =, factory=AnalogChannel, aref=AREF.diff) >>> ao_channel =, factory=AnalogChannel, aref=AREF.diff) >>> ai_channel.range = ai_channel.find_range(unit=UNIT.volt, min=0, max=10) >>> ai_channel.range >>> ao_channel.range = ao_channel.find_range(unit=UNIT.volt, min=0, max=10) >>> ao_channel.range >>> ao_maxdata = ao_channel.get_maxdata() >>> ai_maxdata = ai_channel.get_maxdata() >>> ao_start = 0.3 * ao_maxdata >>> ao_stop = 0.7 * ao_maxdata >>> points = 10 >>> ao_data = linspace(ao_start, ao_stop, points) >>> ai_data = [] >>> for i in range(points): ... ao_channel.data_write(ao_data[i]) ... ai_data.append(ai_channel.data_read_delayed(nano_sec=10e3)) >>> ao_converter = ao_channel.get_converter() >>> ai_converter = ai_channel.get_converter() >>> ao_data = ao_converter.to_physical(ao_data) >>> ai_data = ao_converter.to_physical(ai_data) >>> ao_data array([ 2.9999237 , 3.44441901, 3.88876173, 4.33325704, 4.77775235, 5.22209506, 5.66659037, 6.11108568, 6.5554284 , 6.9999237 ]) >>> ai_data # doctest: +SKIP array([ 3.0156405 , 3.46089876, 3.90630961, 4.35156786, 4.79682612, 5.24238956, 5.687953 , 6.13351644, 6.57862211, 7.02433814]) >>> scaled_ao_data = [d/float(ao_maxdata) for d in ao_data] >>> scaled_ai_data = [d/float(ai_maxdata) for d in ai_data] >>> gradient,intercept,r_value,p_value,std_err = linregress( ... scaled_ao_data, scaled_ai_data) >>> abs(gradient - 1.0) < 0.01 True >>> abs(intercept) < 0.001 True >>> r_value > 0.999 True >>> p_value < 1e-14 True >>> std_err < 1e-4 True >>> device.close()