Programming Strategies

Parallel Algorithms, Communications, & Load Balancing

An ideal program running on a parallel computer ought to be perfectly scalable, i.e., increasing the number of processors by a factor $N$ should decrease the time spent to perform the task by a factor $1/N$. However, in practice, very few programs achieve this level of scalability. There are three major causes for this:

This leads to the following rules in order to obtain high performance on a parallel computer:

Rule #1: Adapt the algorithm to the parallel platform

Adapting a sequential code to run on a parallel computer often requires some major changes in the algorithm in order to obtain good performance. A major guiding principle is to maximize the work done simultaneously on the different nodes. An important issue here is data dependency; for instance, if node 0 requires $x$ after node 1 has calculated $x$, then it will have to wait until node 1 releases $x$ before proceeding with $x$. This situation can lead to undesirable bottlenecks in the computation since synchronization among nodes then becomes necessary. This is never an issue for sequential codes.

Data dependency may lead to race conditions, and possibly wrong answers, in addition to slowing down the process. A race condition occurs when the answer of a series of operations depends on the order in which the operations are performed. As an example, if x=0 and x=1 should be executed on different nodes, you have to make sure the order of execution is in the right order to get the answer correctly; this implies synchronization.

A second major issue is granularity. Should you divide the problem in very many tiny parcels (fine graining), or should you divide the problem solution in big chunks (coarse graining). The physical problem often dictates the answer here.

Even the best algorithms will often harbor some sections which are intrinsically sequential. This fact is expressed in Amdhal's law, which says that a program can only be sped up by the use of a parallel computer in the sections of the algorithm which is parallelized. The solution is often here to re-think the algorithm to minimize the serial sections.

Rule #2: Minimize node to node communication

Node to node communication in a distributed memory parallel computer is orders of magnitude slower than direct fetching of variables from local memory. Much node to node communication will invariably result in node idle time and therefore performance degradation. Communication should be minimized, leading to an enhanced ratio computation/communication.

The ideal parallel application is one in which all nodes would compute totally independently from each other with no need for any communication. As examples of such applications, the analysis of the different events in a high-energy experiment are independent from each other; also the analysis of chaotic scattering falls in this category. These problems typically only have a small quantity of results to gather at the end of each task on the different nodes. These types of problems are often labeled trivially parallizable.

On the other hand, some problems intrinsically require much node to node communication. Solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) often falls in this category. We will be more explicit about this case when we address domain decomposition. Latency is a determining factor in communication. If many small messages are to be transmitted, it might be more efficient to group these into a large message.

Rule #3: Load balancing

Scalability in a parallel application can only be obtained if all the nodes are given tasks requiring the same amount of time to perform. This seemingly trivial statement is of great importance in guiding the writing of parallel applications. It says that you must organize the flow of operations in such a way that the nodes idle the least possible amount.

Interestingly enough, the problems that were characterized as trivial parallel applications from the point of view of communications are not so from the point of view of load balancing. A regular scattering trajectory is likely to take much less time to calculate than a chaotic one! This may lead to load unbalance if one is not careful. The solution of PDEs by domain decomposition on the other hand will often naturally yield load balancing.

Solutions to this load balancing problem can often be found in a careful rewrite of the algorithm so as to distribute the load more evenly among the nodes. There are two approaches:

Static Load Balancing

In static load balance the programmer assigns a pre-determined amount of work to each processor. This solution often only requires a re-ordering of the calculation as done in a sequential machine and so is often easier to implement than any other solution. This approach can be implemented on hostless computers, in which all the nodes are equivalent. This is often the approach used in the bulk of codes solving partial differential equations.

Dynamical Load Balancing

The dynamical load balancing approach requires the Master-Slave model. In this model, a node, the so-called master node, administers the work to be done by all other slave nodes. The distribution of tasks among the nodes is illustrated in the following flowchart.

As soon as a slave node finishes its work, it sends the results back to node 0; this triggers node 0 to send it more work to do. As long as the global task is parceled into sufficiently small segments, this should produce very small amount of idle time in the various slave nodes. Of course, the master node is not kept very busy in this model. This paradigm applies better to an inhomogeneous system, whereby the master node could be the front-end computer of a parallel machine, typically a slow computer itself.

We will illustrate the master-slave model using node 0 as the master node. To do so, we will use the Mandelbrot Set as an example. We will describe how one can go from a sequential code to a parallel code in so doing.

The Mandelbrot Set

Mandelbrot discovered the set bearing his name in 1980. It is considered today as one of the most complicated objects mathematics has ever considered. It produces incredibly beautiful and complicated pictures. You can find fascinating renditions of the set by exploring the Web; look in particular at the Wikipedia site.

The Model

The Mandelbrot Set ($M$) results from a very simple map in the complex plane:

\[ z_{i+1} = z_i^2 + c \]

by following the following rules:

Sequential Implementation

The code mandelbrot.c generates the Mandelbrot Set via a direct coding of the rules given above. This leads to a somewhat slow algorithm to generate the Mandelbrot Set; so be it! We only need to use this code as an example as how to implement a parallel version of the code.

Color Images

An excellent way to display a function of two variables, $f(x,y)$, is to form a color image whereby the color of each pixel corresponds to the value of $f(x,y)$ at that location. The tool to accomplish this must translate the function range to a color palette range. For our purpose, this tool must read in a 2-dimensional array containing the values of $f(x,y)$ on a 2-dimensional lattice and produce the color image. The Python script does precisely this. It is based on matplotlib (the tutorials, user's guide and examples found in the matplotlib site are easier to read with some previous knowledge of Python and Numerical Python).

Use gen_data.c, gen_data_sharp.c, and gen_data_rectangle.c to form simple images by feeding sample data in These codes produce images of size $N_x = 200 \times N_y = 200$ and $N_x = 300 \times N_y = 200$ for the third code respectively. Read the comments in to learn how to use it. Practice the different options.

On the way to a Parallel Code

We will parcel the task of computing the Mandelbrot Set by slicing the complex plane into vertical stripes,

and asking each of the slave nodes to find the points within each strip belonging to the Mandelbrot Set. In fact we will write the code for horizontal (parallel to $C_{img}$) stripes. The stripes in the middle of the Mandelbrot set take long time to compute, while those practically outside of the set are fast to compute. The master-slave model accommodates this fact by having the master code ready to supply a new stripe to compute as soon as a slave ends its task of computing a current slice.

The adaptation of a code to run in parallel most of the time requires new algorithms or at least a deep rewrite of the serial code. This is often the case that the flow of the calculation needs profound modification. The code for generation of the Mandelbrot Set is no exception. In this case we need to accomodate the slicing of the domain in $C$. Much of the rewrite can often be done in a new version of the the serial code.

As a first step, we rewrite the mandelbrot.c code to make it more modular. Since the parallelization of the code will imply a new main() code, one should simplify the main routine via function calls to make the overall logic as clear as possible; call this new version MS1.c. Write two new functions: set_grid() which sets the grid up and iterate_map() which iterates the Mandelbrot Map. These functions must have appropriate arguments. This code should produce the same results as the previous one.

This code is listed in MS1.c.

Next we must take into account the slicing of the complex plane. Modify the code into a new serial code called MS2.c. Introduce two new functions (careful with the arguments) called set_slices() and calculate_slice() with the obvious functionality based on their names. A loop

for ( slice=0 ; slice < N_slices ; slice++ )

in the main program will then do the trick. You might specify 64 slices in the code as an example. This code should produce the same results as the previous one.

This code is listed in MS2.c.

The parallel implementation is now relatively simple. You should write yet two new functions, master() and slave() (with appropriate arguments) that implement the logic illustrated in the flowcharts above.

The steps to follow are (you may want to save a version for each major steps below):

Each of the versions above can be run on the parallel machine. Some might hang the machine, yet allow the debugging to be done. CTRL-c kills an MPI run. The final parallel code, call it MS3.c, should produce the same image as the original serial code.

This code is listed in MS3.c