
VisIt is a very powerful visualization tool package developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). It was selected by the Drexel BASIN group as the official plotting package.

The official VisIt web site contains full documentation on the package. In particular it describes how to "Get Data into VisIt". This can be done via the use of a variety of standard data formats that VisIt understands, by writing new specialized readers, or by instrumenting your simulation code to interact with VisIt.

The VisIt distribution kit comes with sample graphic data files. Go to /usr/local/visit/data/ and practice using the interactive visualization tool. The latter is evoked by /usr/local/visit/bin/visit.

VTK file format

One of the file format supported by VisIt is VTK. The VisIt distribution kit comes with "writer" codes that allow to write data in this format. These functions are distributed as a C code and header file labeled visit_writer.c and visit_writer.h respectively.

The tarball Mandelbrot_VTK.tar.gz expands in a directory containing modified examples from the VisIt web site and the display of the Mandelbrot set from a serial code. Compile and run these examples to create .vtk files that are readable by VisIt.