DESIGN REMARKS -------------- - arch/ is perfect (strategy design pattern) - Catalyst idea: PRE: Valid configuration (correct command line options, configuration file,...) OK: Run target defined in configuration NOT OK: Show usage, version, display exception and stop program Suggestions: - create a catalyst configuration class (proxy design pattern), in its constructor it parses sys.argv, returns a new object with configuration set, throw an exception if an error occurred. Preferably in a new file. This allows to migrate for instance to XML configuration later on, still allowing for the older format. - global variables are not a good idea because they could be more easily overridden unintentionally by a module. - spec/examples/kconfig: Suggestions: - Kernel .configs in examples/livecd and kconfig should be removed, as this is the responsibility of genkernel? - Spec files in examples should be listed in spec/ - examples/livecd: Is there a reason this needs to be done in shell script rather than with a python class inheritance structure? I'm ok with reinventing inheritance using 'case' should something be required that cannot be realized using python. In any case, much needs to be improved: chroot ${blabla} /bin/bash << EOF body EOF is prone to errors because people tend to use variables from outside the chroot in the body. This also destroys indentation, and prevents reuse. A much better technique is the one used in the livecd script used by ppc (gentoo/users/pvdabeel/livecd): ${_VARS_} chroot ${blabla} /livecd/ ${_VARS_} chroot ${blabla} /livecd/ ${_VARS_} chroot ${blabla} /livecd/ ${_VARS_} chroot ${blabla} /livecd/ ${_VARS_} chroot ${blabla} /livecd/ This technique allows to define several tasks that need to be run inside the chroot. This is very usefull: a kde/gnome livecd could feature an extra task. Also, what happens with the mounts in the runscript on CTRL-C? Emerge genkernel fails for users needing a PROXY. the ${_VARS_} before the chroot allows one to solve that problem. (same for ccache, distcc, cflags...). No need to write an if then else for each of them. - files: Should be considered specs. - modules/ A target file for each target class, comments needed for each class. Generic_stage_target contains hardcoded data that should be provided in the specs (targetmap, machinemap) - modules/ <-> targets/ The remark about chroot applies. The technique is illustrated in the ppc livecd script. The targets/ definitely need a cleanup (is livecd/ used?). zapmost is never called. Have only looked at the livecd part. Stage part needs rework, e.g: stage1 still uses rather than a spec file? RUNTIME REMARKS --------------- Variables format in /etc/catalyst.conf differs from other gentoo config files. A common approach is needed. There is catalyst stuff in make.conf: GRP_STAGE23_USE, does a package know when it is rebuild whether is should use these USE flags rather than those set in usr/portage/profiles/.../make.defaults? This should become a spec. How to declare proxy settings to catalyst? Specs use different settings than config The availability of a snapshot is a pre-requirement for both stages/grp and livecd. PRE requirements should be checked before doing work such as unpacking the stage. (remember: user leaves computer and returns the day after and sees no snapshot was available.) Incremental building requirement for livecds. If building the kernel failed in the live environment, there is no need to unpack the stage3 again, install the kernel again. We only need to reconfigure it. PPC livecd scripts behave like this. This allows to CTRL-C the livecd building, chroot into the live environment, make a few changes and restart the script. (trick is to touch files on specific milestones). I still don't know what livecd-stage1, stage2 stage3 is supposed to do. Comments/instructions needed. Building custom livecds such as the kde/gnome cd might involve running an extra script inside the live environment (to modify motd, issue, ...). See design remarks about targets and ppc livecd script. Update 25022004: ---------------- It should be possible to describe what livecd init.d services should be added/removed, in the spec file. If one has build 700M of GRP packages, these can be reused for assembling the livecd. Rebuilding all packages again is a time and resource wasting process. Pieter Van den Abeele